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Open Letter To The Public

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posted on May, 28 2008 @ 01:43 AM
So you complained when oil reached $2 a gallon.
You got upset and complained louder when it passed $3/gallon.

You decided to sacrifice other things in your life. Perhaps you have given up eating out. Perhaps you've given up Cable TV. Still have a house? Afterall, FOX News says everything is just fine. (They're right, the system is finally working as intended)

Now you are paying $4 per gallon that you put into your vehicle that you've ignorantly decided gives you "freedom".

What more can you sacrifice in your life to further inflate the bank accounts of the greedy? How much of your blood and sweat are you going to hand over, in the name of "freedom" ?

Do you really feel your CAR gives you freedom? Do you really think that it's yours? Not simply a borrowed tool, that the greedy let you hold onto, so that you can keep making massive payments to them??

I know, you continue to support all that is wrong in this world, because you are concerned about the poor oil man's family, and them not yet having enough millions to buy some more yachts or private islands.

Your car is your tool to "freedom"?? YOU are the TOOL. You obediently keep going to work so you can pay these taxes that fund wars and greed. You loyally keep filling your gas tank to make sure some oil corporation CEO can laugh all the way to the bank.

Do you think they care about you? Why dedicate your whole life, most waking hours, to making sure that the greedy will thrive, and wars can continue to be declared, in your name?

I hope that you can sleep at night, with your savings drying up, your family soon going hungry, and world war 3 a very real possibility.

Have you thought about what you can give up next, as the gas prices go higher?

Take as long as you need to think of it. Wait too long, and the choice may already be made for you..........

EDIT: Typo

[edit on 28-5-2008 by LostNemesis]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 01:46 AM
Look at all us fat lazy people we are always in a hurry and never able to walk or plan like our forefathers did. Our pain is their profit our impatience is there power

[edit on 28-5-2008 by acewilliams]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 01:51 AM
I hear you. Unfortunately, I am not willing to compromise my child's future by bucking the system just yet. As much as I really would want to say screw it all and start a commune somewhere, I just can't gamble with her future yet.

Currently, it is still more profitable for me to continue working despite the rise in fuel costs. When that balance changes, I will make different choices.

The system owns me and I can't make the break yet.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 01:56 AM
My daughter is going to grow up to understand what it means to work hard and make good choices. one choice is to take public transportation so i dont lose her college fund on gas and car insurance.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 01:59 AM
I know how you feel Karl... I too am concerned about future generations.

But please, unless something changes, is this what they have to look forward to?? Or worse??

I am sincerely worried

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:08 AM
understanding the problem and doing something about it are very diffrent. When will we boycott the gas stations and walk or bike or even use the bus. They say that buisness is built on suply and demand, so why dont we lower the demand?

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:13 AM
It is necessary to make prudent choices under harsh conditions. Buy a moped. Convert to electric power. Buy a smart car. God help you if you get plowed by a hummer though. Difficult times require difficult decisions.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by acewilliams

Demand is lower. This is a crisis of greed, not a crisis of supply. I have a thread going (not much traffic on it though) about how last month showed the steepest decline in US driving in recorded history. Yet prices still climb. As others have pointed out, if it were a supply issue, people would be having problems getting gas but all of the gas stations are full. This is an artificial bubble and a few people are profiting off of the suffering of the entire world. When I say suffering, I am including the people who are starving because they can't afford food since fuel has driven up that as well.

(Side note: It is funny to me that the 3 of us posting on this are all from Oregon. Maybe things here are worse than everywhere else?
EDIT: Then JPM had to go and mess it up)

[edit on 28-5-2008 by Karlhungis]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:19 AM
Hey Karl! You know I'm a walkin' talkin' messer upper by now. You Seattle boys think you are all that huh! LOL
4.60/gallon here. Nope not out of loop.

[edit on 5/28/2008 by jpm1602]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

LOL!!!! I laughed about us all being from Oregon as well. I guess we on the West coast are the most sleep deprived?(looking at the time) !!
You are right, this is NOT a supply issue, as they will apparently pump out at a moment's notice, as much as we are willing to pay for...

You can feel free to post a link to your thread here. I will take a look.

I am not sure yet how to feel for those who are having a hard time feeding their family because they cannot give up the $4/gallon gas... I am starting to feel more cynical about it, honestly. We have a way of life that is obviously hard to break. No matter the consequence, as we are seeing now..

jpm1602 - I agree with you completely... Choices need to be made... Or I feel they will be made for us. People are proving a willingness to keep supporting this system of greed, no matter the cost. A moped is a good way to go.
I for one, never even bothered to get my license. Sure, I felt a bit jealous when all my friends in high school could get around in a shiny car their parents paid for, but now I am thankful to know the bus system and how to walk, and live without a vehicle and all the costs that go with it.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:33 AM
No the supply has never been the problem, and they wont get the message till there are droves of people walking to work, school and why not go for a hike like in the old days. there may be thousands of people changing their ways but millions still need to hear the message and take a walk. when noone buys than we will see a repeat of the gas wars here in the northwest.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by LostNemesis

Not to be the bearer of bad news....

Your bus company still uses the same system. You're still a tool.

SO my question is.. What are you doing? You make a very bold statement. I'd like to see what else you are doing to stay away from feeding the veins of the corrupt...

We all do it. We must wait til the system collapses and hopefully some of us are prepared. Until then, I would like my friends and family to live their ignorant lives until I am given the chance to help them.

It is what it is people. There is no "talking" to a set of people with more money than they know what to do with. They will buy EVERYTHING. There will be no alternative.. And guess what? People will STILL pay $12 a gallon when it comes to it.

We're all tools, and unless you prepare now, you may always be.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by jpm1602

Maybe we can make you an honorary Oregonian for the sake of the thread

Lost, here is my thread about the driving reduction.

I have considered buying one of these.


posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:43 AM
Looks futuristically madmax. I like it. Honorary Oregonian, I like it. Can you give me a masters? I'd like that very much

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by jpm1602

I don't know about a masters, you better bone up on your Oregon Ducks football before I consider bestowing a Masters on you.

I like the look of the ruckus. Roughly $2000.00 brand new and at +$4.00/gal, it wouldn't take long to recoup your money.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:54 AM
With all of the different ways that these fat cats have to grab our money I am not saying we stop all consumption since the busses are there and trains wont stop for us eather. I am saying that we force a diet on those greedy pieces of (expletive) see if there wallets hurt when the syphon goes dry.

And try looking at the TOMOS i saw one. it dosent need to be licensed, and gets a stable 100 mpg

[edit on 28-5-2008 by acewilliams]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by SantaClaus
reply to post by LostNemesis

Not to be the bearer of bad news....

Your bus company still uses the same system. You're still a tool.

SO my question is.. What are you doing? You make a very bold statement. I'd like to see what else you are doing to stay away from feeding the veins of the corrupt...

Honestly, I cannot go too much into detail about how I avoid the system. But at the same time, my 'livelyhood' depends on another country. Being at home 24/7, and simply walking to the store. Bussing it, only in extreme circumstance, for a "specialist" appointment that's a ways away, etc.

When it comes to things like food for the family, I am guilty of buying instead of growing.

My situation is not the one at hand. I want people to see what is going on around them. I want them to be angry, if that's what it takes.
I don't want to have to wait and see what happens, until everything we know comes crashing down. Think it can't happen?? I would have to disagree.
I already see people with families, who are talking about not being able to afford to get to work. I want to know what happens next?

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 03:00 AM
That's chump change. I'm all over that bad boy. Tomorrow.
Will look funny in leathers and bell helmet though. My hand/eye isn't what it used to be on my kaw 24 yrs ago.

[edit on 5/28/2008 by jpm1602]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 03:05 AM
I just saw where the truckers in Britain are striking for a short time, gas is over 9.00 a gal. there.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by LostNemesis

Honestly, I cannot go too much into detail about how I avoid the system. But at the same time, my 'livelyhood' depends on another country. Being at home 24/7, and simply walking to the store. Bussing it, only in extreme circumstance, for a "specialist" appointment that's a ways away, etc.

When it comes to things like food for the family, I am guilty of buying instead of growing.

My situation is not the one at hand. I want people to see what is going on around them. I want them to be angry, if that's what it takes.
I don't want to have to wait and see what happens, until everything we know comes crashing down. Think it can't happen?? I would have to disagree.
I already see people with families, who are talking about not being able to afford to get to work. I want to know what happens next?

I think it CAN and IS happening.

Thanks for the response. But I also offer you this.. Isn't outsourcing (can't really get specific as you haven't named your outside company or country) another issue with folks like you and I not getting the money we expected?

What happens next? Anarchy...

Bus companies rising out of nothing more than a small time business and getting shut down (even in small towns) because of "red tape." Moped and motorcycle riding given more restrictions. Taxi companies becoming extinct from their inability to adjust. Car pooling becoming a thing of the past because of smaller cars and more restrictions (again even in small towns).

In my opinion, eventually we will all get flushed down that grate that washes our rights away. It isn't about changing what's in motion, its about being one of the few who are ahead of the game and being able to watch your fellow man suffer.

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