posted on May, 27 2008 @ 11:20 PM
I have said this in more detail in other threads regarding the Avian Flu.
But here it is in a nutshell. The govt could kill off most of the population with a simple quarrantine, even if there is no actual flue.
Massachusetts schools sent a pamphlet home with the kids. The plan is to have a 6 week quarrantine. Most familys only keep about a week's worth of
The Canadian military comes down and blockades the roads, New Orleans style. All traffic stops. Within days the water and electricity stop.
After 14 days with no food the body cannot restart the digestive system. By 21 days you are dead. No water kills in days. Most familys never come out
of the quarrantine.
For the survivors, it will be "Count your blessings, there would have been no one left if it were not for the quick action of the quarrantine."
yadda yadda.