posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:42 PM
Ok, only one continuing story from me.
At my local park where I would spend many a late night as a teen. I would sit on the swings, with one of two mates. On numerous occasions we would see
these lights in the sky. Simple placement with me living near london would make these so obviously planes, but I can tell you these weren't planes.
Planes dont fly back and forth in one spot, with lights that get brighter and darker. Planes can only fly in one direction and their lights blink and
only get to a certain level of darkness.
Now helicopter, Well I can see no reason why there would be so many helicopters flying back and forth from this one spot on numerous occasions, they
have spotlights that might account for the lights but i doubt they would shine them were they would have to be shined to create the brightness and
light i saw. But the big reason it wasn't either of these was because it flew back forth at varying speeds. sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes
not at all, and when i mean fast i mean really fast, too fast.
When these things went, they weren't always there, but often there. They'd either just disappear (from sight), or they would get very bright, them
flash off, occasionally but very rarely, i saw them fly across the sky at high speeds, but typically they were there then not. THis would go on for
hours when they were there and I haven't checked if they still are. I live in England so if i hang around a park at night I'm likely to get beaten