posted on May, 31 2008 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by woodwytch
Spot on woodwytch. I started thinking after I read your post, and you know what, you are right. It's different for everybody. I've noticed a lot
of changes in people around me where I work, even her on ATS, and how they wake up isn't really important, but they are waking up their own way.
Some quickly, and others a little at a time. The OP might be on a fast track.
I believe that waking up to who we really are, and what is going on around us is actually a shift in our reality. I felt it one day as I rode to work
with a younger co-worker. As I sat quite, and watched her go on and on about stuff, I realized I don't identify with that reality anymore. She was
just so lost in thoughts of worry, family, identifying with her past, and trying to create an image that I felt for her. And, she told me she
constantly walks around with a song playing in her head. Wow! I'm so glad I woke up to another way of living on this planet. ATS was a big help
I am very interested in whats coming, but I'm not worried, or afraid anymore, and it's great. How anybody gets to that point doesn't matter, but
I hope more, and more people do.
I commute to work in one of the most beautiful areas in the country. Now I try and stay quite in my mind as I drive, and just take in the country
side. Friday about two thirds of the way to work, I could swear I could feel my body reaching out in a higher vibrational way. It was incredible.
That could have never happened if my mind was running in crazy circles.
Personally, I believe that to many people have last thoughts in life that wake them up: "I wish I lived more in the moment than I did." "I spent
my whole life waiting for something better." They actually had to die to get woken up.
Glad to hear you are feeling better OP!
[edit on 31-5-2008 by seawolf197]