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Is telepathy undiagnosed schizophrenia?

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posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by poet1b

I also started experiencing dealing with psychic attacks since a young age. There are many elements out there, good and bad. It seems to me that over the last few years, the efforts to wield psychic power have been stepped up, and there seems to be some sort of concerted effort going on to exert psychic influence over people. Anyone else been experiencing this type of ongoing conflict?

I believe we are being sent information from sources who are looking out for our best interest - some are a long ways away , but are aware of us and what is going on around us. I also believe that there is another group that is attempting to block or confuse that information - just the fact that we realize its happening is a threat to their interest in itself - hence the attacks. Perhaps we could expand on this in another thread.

[edit on 29-5-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by telepath

No problem.

Bye the way.......not once have I mentioned 2012 or anything political.
I merely posted links to a talk that was mainly about the pineal gland......the fact he also mentions 2012 stuff was coincidental to me, and was never part of the discussion.
Maybe I should have mentioned it....for that I`m sorry.

Here in the UK there`s a saying..
"don`t throw the baby out with the bathwater"
I did a little research into the pineal gland a wile back, and found most of what he say`s about it to be well documented.

Anyway.....I`ll not mention it again.

Ha, I must admit I was quite confused.

Just goes to show that most arguments are nothing more that a misunderstanding.

Thank you for your words.......

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Dillons


Yes, absolutely! A brief introduction would've helped tremendously. Just tell us where to look for the information you're trying to get across, if it's a specific point. For example:

"At 4:45 in the 7th video you will see what I consider proof positive that the pineal gland is the part of the brain responsible for telepathy."

You know, something like that. Otherwise, I assume you want me to believe everything proffered in the video.

Anyway, thanks for your understanding.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

"Birds of a feather flock together".

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Dillons

I read the Book The Spirit Molecule by Dr. Rick Strassman which is about the substance created by the Pineal Gland. Though it is created by our Pineal Gland I won't mention here in order to comply with the rules. The book is about a study of volunteers being given doses to see its effects on our brains - the results were quite startling and included what volunteers described as Alien contact.

I didn't comment about your post about the Pineal earlier, because the context in which it was presented in the videos you posted was not my cup of tea, but I do think the Pineal is very important in this subject and could very well be what allows us to communicate telepathically to other realms, worlds or ourselves.

[edit on 29-5-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 10:40 PM
shouldn't you be asking
is schizophrenia misdiagnosed telepathy
most of the time people ask the wrong question

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 11:25 PM

True, not much information in my post. That's not to say that I didn't have more I could have posted.

There have been enough people who have experienced what they feel is telepathy, including myself. I have had some very interesting experiences.

This is how I think about telepathy. I believe that telepathy "is" communication. It is communication without the physical universe. Telepathy is "spirit to spirit" communication.

Honestly sometimes it's hard to come up with proof of spiritual phenomena simply because it is "not" the "physical" universe. I can't necessarily give you pictures, sounds, or videos of the event, but it is nonetheless very real to those who experience it.

Perhaps the time you were thinking about a friend and the phone suddenly rings with that friend on the other end, perhaps you just had telepathic communication or a telepathic connection.....


posted on May, 30 2008 @ 01:21 AM
The question should be :"Is Schizophrenia undiagnosed variants of natural human abilities?"

Truly, the Mental Health Industry seeks to make itself more work, more importance, more money, influence and control by finding more reasons to make a natural thing into a mental illness. While studying for a Psychology major many years ago we were told that 3 in 4 people have some degree of Schizophrenia. Does this not make it Natural and Normal?

My mentor has a long term friend who works for our government, he is sent to extremely sensitive cases around the world, and they communicate very well via Telepathy and have been doing so for many years. The Remote Viewing establishment should give your friend all the proof she might need, if she chose to do the research.

Last year I heard on the news that being uncomfortable in large cities is now classed as a mental disorder. What The? So much for anyone who prefers the rural life and it's lower energetic stress that in the city is compounded by the sheer numbers of people.

I was born a sensitive/psychic/shaman, you choose the word that sits most comfortably with you, and have had to prove myself time and time again because so many people see this state of awareness as a mental illness. Isn't that a sad thing to say about our culture? It's forgotten what is important in the bigger scheme of things.

Lastly, we moved away from our natural heritage as aware spiritual beings by pursuing the growth of Materialism. Thus we have forgotten as much about ourselves and abilities as we gained from the pursuit. Today of course, the masses pursue this Materialism with an ever increasing ferocity and hunger.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 07:16 AM
Are we talking about hearing voices? I think it's people from the future with, in Joan of Ark's case, a very dark sense of humour and a cerebral broadcasting device based on tachyon technology.

[edit on 30/5/08 by hidatsa]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 09:40 AM

shouldn't you be asking
is schizophrenia misdiagnosed telepathy
most of the time people ask the wrong question

Several people have said this... but the question HAS been asked (even if it was phrased differently) in this thread.

However, I'd like to point out that having "schizophrenia" (for my thoughts on the term see my previous posts in this thread) by no means equals having telepathic abilities. In fact, none of the "schizophrenics" I have seen personally have ever claimed to be experiencing anything remotely similar to telepathy. The one or two that mentioned "voices" did not imply that they were "in communication" with someone who is physically out of reach (which is what telepathy means).
From among other "symptoms", several had very bad short-term memory; and quite a few (not all) were prone to periodical outbursts of physical violence.

I am listing this simply to avoid the misconception that "schizophrenia", while a term of highly dubious accuracy, equals having "paranormal" abilities. Some "schizophrenics" do have them (and are probably not "ill" at all); but many don't.

[edit on 30-5-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 10:04 AM
It is so awesome that we can come to this site, Above Top Secret, and discuss Schizophrenia Vs. Telepathy! A few years ago, you wouldn't be able to discuss this, because someone would say "You're Crazy!" I have had visions of the future, since I was a little girl. I would tell my parents and my teachers things about the future, and they would just freak! They would say "Stop doing that!" I just learned at a very young age to keep my mouth shut, etc. For example, I had a friend that would talk on and on about who she should marry. I already knew who she would marry, and when she would get divorced, etc. I think that most of us have had telepathic experiences! Sometimes, I feel like I'm a walking "receiver" of information. I never understood why I see things that others can't see, and why I could never make them understand the things I see!

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by Blueangel7


I've been gone for a few days but I'm back. Thanks for your post. I believe the communicating via the Internet is the next best thing to the ether. I've had a couple visions of the future in my life that stand out to me... 100% accurate each time. I experienced being stuck in a seat belt six months before it happened; I remember standing atop an inflatable raft in the middle of a city three months before Katrina happened--viewing the scene in my dream through the eyes of a black man I saw on television after it happened. I used to think my "weight of the world" feelings were the result of unresolved teen angst. From here in my 30's I can tell you with confidence that they are not.

Transmute that badness into love--breath it into the world. Don't second guess what you have.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by verylowfrequency

I agree, I also sense the same sort of thing, where outside influences seem to encourage me in different directions, the temptation of good and evil if you will. It is difficult to distinguish between what seem like psychic influences that aim to lead you in different directions, personal desires that tend you lead you in different directions, and external influences that aim to lead you into different directions, and of course there are instincts that I believe we possess, the are subconscious motives. I found the video on left mind right mind differences to be very interesting, how much of these hidden influences come from the right mind that parallel processes and sees ourselves as part of the vast whole trying to communicate with the conscious left brain.

Then there are what seem like psychic attacks, and they are more than instincts or psychic influences or communications, but some sort of invisible influence that pushes against your thoughts, aims to throw you off balance mentally. It seems to me you can trace these sources and give em back what they are trying to give to you, and this seems to work. To consider this is crazy, but being that it works, at least for me, its what gets me through the day sometimes. I am a firm believer that there is evil in this world.

posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by Dragonfly79

I think that is a good assessment. Part of the problem is that religion has suppressed these types of awareness, at least in the Western world, as well as the Middle East. Eastern religions also seem to have their hang ups, Buddhism seems to obsessed with perfection and becoming God, and Hinduism with chanting and faith in specific deities creating a strong effort once again towards a religious conformity.

That's just at a superficial glance though. Buddhism has difficult goals which may take some lifetime's and it may appear it's about becoming God but it's more 'god-like', certainly not in a Creator kind of way. I found buddhism to be very empowering because of how it views things like spirits and the afterlife. Chanting may seem useless but I believe it has certain positive effects on my mind. Buddhist medition and philosophy certainly helped during my worst moments. Ofcourse each religion has it hangups.

In contrast I know of schizophrenics who are the opposite of empowered; very dependent on medication and their doctor's opinion and lost most of their mental power to that and then to the voices. It's very easy to compare Christianity and it's dogma which forbids anything vaguely looking like magic and the modern atheist psychiatrist stating the voices aren't real (and "magic thinking" is considered a sign of schizophrenia by some).

I have to wonder if a far greater number of people today are becoming more psychically aware. Are we evolving towards this direction?

I think having to deal with massmedia alters our brain and our awareness, maybe not making it bigger or maybe more compact but different wiring, how we handle all that information altogether.

Things like controlling computers with a thought are already here (though not very advanced yet), it's not hard to imagine we'll be walking with implants within a century that's something like an MP3 player, video phone and internet browser. Maybe in time nature might decide the human brain needs a bit extra and the brains might get bigger in a few generations and we'd get an extra sense or something. Since we got more information than ever before and our brains have to be used differently, this has to have some effect on the human psyche that will become visible sooner or later either good or bad. Good would be we'd develop an even more advanced brain or use functions the majority of people normally wouldn't (sort of reserved for hardworking monks, mystics etc.) or in a bad way that we simply go over our brains capacity to handle information and the technology that comes with it resulting in even more mental illnesses.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 01:28 AM
I had an experience tonight I thought would be good to relate here. I was leaving to catch the train, and on my usual schedule of leaving in the nick of time. Often I arrive as the train is pulling up to the station. I wanted to grab a magazine to read on the train, but knew if I did, that I would arrive late, but something told me not to worry, that the train would be late. So, I take the time to get the magazine out of the car, and jump on my bike. Sure enough, I get to the train station late, and the train was twenty minutes late, JUST AS I KNEW IT WOULD BE.

These things used to drive me buggy, but now I accept it.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by Dragonfly79

Yes, both Buddhism and Hinduism have some brilliant philosophies, as do the Middle Eastern religions. It is too bad that we don't have more knowledge about the Wican religion of Europe that was ruthlessly wiped out by the Catholic church. Western Europeans once had an extremely spiritual based religion where the most adept were supposed to be able to perform magic.

The funny thing about spiritualism and Christianity, is that Jesus Christ went around performing miracles, and even taught his disciples how to perform miracles. Catholic saints must have performed witnessed miracles in order to qualify as saints, yet the Catholic Church ruthlessly persecuted anything performed by others, outside of the order of the church, that appeared to be miraculous by labeling it as magic, and the work of the devil. What a strange paradox.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by telepath

We need to perform experiments using people who believe they have had telepathic experiences (and control groups). That's the only way to know for sure. Until that happens, all we can do in this thread is flap gums.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 08:06 AM
I was talking to a guy named tristan today. i have bumped into a few times around town. He is living on the streets but has found an abandoned caravan that was formaly used by a road working crew under a by-pass on the fringe of the CBD. Anyway our conversation made me think of your thread TELEPATH and i have been thinking about it ever since i left Tristan.
I was asking him how he was coping and what he was up to and he told me that he had just been diagnosed with Alcohol-induced Shizophrenia. His youngerst sister was accidentally killed by her boyfriend who had injected her with heroin. She had an OD. Ever since she passed on he has been hearing her call to him. He will be in the street, or where ever and just here her scream his name, or call him, "where are you tristan, or simply tristan". He gets no commands or suggestions in these audio's, just the calling. He is not an alcoholic, although he hit the bottle pretty hard at the time of here death. He admitted that he had the odd shot of heroin now and then, mostly on a friday after he gets paid from the casual labouring job he has. He is now on meds. I am really sad for him, as grief can often break people in many ways, add alochol and other drugs and you could have a drug induced episode.....but i just could'nt stop thinking.....but what if it is something else. Something more along the lines of this Thread. Something the drugs they have him on are killing, rather than saving him from.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 11:34 PM
When you hear a voice, when no one is there to speak, especially when it is a voice you recognize, and even more brain rattling when it is a voice from someone you know is dead, it is a very scary, hair raising, rushes up and down the back of your head, moment.

When someone comes to you in your dreams, and essentially says goodbye, and you find out about their death, it becomes a part of you. You can not divorce yourself from such experiences.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by Levita

Hello, just like to inform you that I am a diagnosed schizophrenic and have regular telepathic conversations with a woman who lives in my city. Why is it harder for you to believe in telepathy (in the age of mobile phones) than that a person's brain would somehow split in two and conduct conversations with itself?

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