There is a reason society is taking over in this fear police state NWO way. It represents a reflection of our collective psyche. All is well. It is
a tool for us to see our reflexion and grow from it.
Giving us the oppurtunity to make a choice. Since as a colective we create our future, it is up to us to individually make a choice and that is
essentially our vote.
Right now your thinking makes you "One of Them." So you are partly responsible for the # world that is on its way. There is no wasted vote...we
should choose from the heart whether or not our choice WINS. Its not about winning. If Im the only one making the right choice in this world, then
everyone else has given in to the illusion and its not my problem. I passed, so to speak.
There is no death so im not afraid. I know my choices are much more then the immediate effects. So im trying to choose in a way to graduate from
earth and explore the universe. Get real, are you gonna live like a slave for a few short years and have to come back in more #ty worlds until you
get it right? Quit thinking short term like a corporation.
since you are in the dark, let me let you in on the secret. Awareness and higher consciousness is very subtle and quiet. the fear mongers are the
loud obvious ones who always seem so powerful. There are 100's of millions of us silent ones changing the energy and pouring in energy to the earth.
THats why theres so muc chaos, because all the bull# has to come to the surface for rapid purification. To be fooled.
The sleepy ones have no idea how many awakened ones there are. We dont need 51% or something. The truth of nature is interconnected. As our numbers
increase, it is spreading like wild fire more and more. The illuminati know this. THey see that they are starting to lose. THey are about to
through tantrums. The internet is kicking their ass. Watch out for this control tool.
Taking away the freedom on the net will not come easy.
Dont fear these guys or hate them. Love them for showing us the dark sections of our psyche. And transmute all that nonsense.
So i would like to invite you to join our side.......if not, beware of the long term consequences. As for us, we cant lose. Worst case scenario is
we get killed and get freed from our bondage and go explore the universe. The control nazis wont get that freedom when their own men stab them in the
back for their death.
good luck and stop fear mongering. I sense you dont belive what u arre saying. Yer just having fun and doing some kind of experiment for reaction?