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The End Is Nigh! -- or is it?

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posted on May, 27 2008 @ 03:57 AM
For those who don't know, there is a show called "Bullsh*t!" (note to mods, I'm not trying to get around the filters, that IS the name of the show) which addresses the myths and misconceptions around just about anything - from politics to the paranormal and back.

I saw they did one on the "End of the World":

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

While TV is certainly not the best source of quality information, I think they do a good job at briefly addressing several of the end of the world perspectives showing it to be questionable. They take on end of the world survivalism, the Christian apocalypse, Nostradamus, general doom and gloom, etc.

I think most of the hysteria around the end of the wold as we know it (TM) has been conjured up for profit and part of a conspiracy campaign to stop us from concentrating on our real problems. There is a huge apocalypse industry that people are buying into - and the people who write the books and sell the wares on it are becoming rich.

I think the more sinister conspiracy is the impact all this focus on "the end" has on people. It stops us from caring or examining our current problems. After all, who cares about curing cancer when we will all be dead soon thanks to the apocalypse?

I realize that some people particularly enjoy believing in doom and gloom on ATS, so I suspect I'll be flamed for this by those people. Have fun!

[edit on 27-5-2008 by ALightinDarkness]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by ALightinDarkness

I think most of the hysteria around the end of the wold as we know it (TM) has been conjured up for profit and part of a conspiracy campaign to stop us from concentrating on our real problems. There is a huge apocalypse industry that people are buying into - and the people who write the books and sell the wares on are becoming rich from it.

I think the more sinister conspiracy is the impact all this focus on "the end" has on people. It stops us from caring or examining our current problems. After all, who cares about curing cancer when we will all be dead soon thanks to the apocalypse?

I couldn't agree with you more on the above statement. I used to feel that exact way about the subject until I realized exactly what you stated. So I can identify with that.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by ALightinDarkness

I tend to agree with your theory, although I've long suspected that the tabloid media and 'cult of celebrity' holds a fair bit of accountability for the same reasons.

The tabloids and all of its Hiltons and Lohans has got to be the most pointless information ever concocted, yet millions and millions of people are obsessed with it to the point where they're clearly not paying attention to any 'real' global issues.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by ALightinDarkness

I think most of the hysteria around the end of the wold as we know it (TM) has been conjured up for profit and part of a conspiracy campaign to stop us from concentrating on our real problems. There is a huge apocalypse industry that people are buying into - and the people who write the books and sell the wares on it are becoming rich.

I think the more sinister conspiracy is the impact all this focus on "the end" has on people. It stops us from caring or examining our current problems. After all, who cares about curing cancer when we will all be dead soon thanks to the apocalypse?

I realize that some people particularly enjoy believing in doom and gloom on ATS, so I suspect I'll be flamed for this by those people. Have fun!

You may be right, but are you willing to bet your life and that of your loved ones on it? It's pretty obvious to anyone who is paying attention that the country is going down the proverbial tubes. Maybe it won't be a meteorite strike that knocks the Earth off it's axis or a nuclear holocaust, but I believe a major depression is a real possibility in the near future.

Imagine how you'll feel when you and your family are hungry, homeless, and part of several million other unprepared refugees? It'd be the equivalent of being an atheist all your life, then dying only to find out there really is a Hell after all..

Would it really be such a bad idea to make a few preparations just in case? Knowledge is free for the taking, so why not try to acquire some?

[edit on 5/27/08 by LLoyd45]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by ALightinDarkness
I think most of the hysteria around the end of the wold as we know it (TM) has been conjured up for profit and part of a conspiracy campaign to stop us from concentrating on our real problems. There is a huge apocalypse industry that people are buying into - and the people who write the books and sell the wares on it are becoming rich.

Not to forget the kids who say "It's not really important to me at the moment" in order to appear less serious, and yet when asked why they drink every other night, they stumble over their words because they can't find a convenient excuse to get drunk other than the old "The world's gone to pot" - which contradicts them.

It's true that if what you say does indeed hold merit, it's a class-A subversion, intended to do nothing other than drive the masses to the bottle.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 12:13 PM
In The Name of God, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

They indeed are losers who deny their meeting with Allah until, when the Hour cometh on them suddenly, they cry: Alas for us, that we neglected it! They bear upon their back their burdens. Ah, evil is that which they bear! 6:31 Holy Quran

And every nation hath its term, and when its term cometh, they cannot put it off an Hour nor yet advance (it). 7:34 Holy Quran

They ask thee of the (destined) Hour, when will it come to port. Say: Knowledge thereof is with my Lord only. He alone will manifest it at its proper time. It is heavy in the heavens and the earth. It cometh not to you save unawares. They question thee as if thou couldst be well informed thereof. Say: Knowledge thereof is with Allah only, but most of mankind know not. 7:187 Holy Quran

And on the day when He shall gather them together, (when it will seem) as though they had tarried but an Hour of the day, recognizing one another, those will verily have perished who denied the meeting with Allah and were not guided. 10:45 Holy Quran


Without doubt we are living in the HOUR, who denies the Day of Judgment is near obviously wants to cling to the life of this world. What God has prepared for the believers who are steadfast in their worship of God, and those who do good works and give charity to the poor are far better than anything in this world.

The REMINDER will benefit only the believers in God and the Last Day. This is a wake up call for them, reminding them that the Reckoning is near, and everyone will be called to give account of how he/she spent his life that God has given. On this Day, everyone will be paid for their work, those who merit Paradise will be in Paradise, those who merit Hell will be in Hell.

O children of Adam, race one with another towards forgiveness from Your Lord, for a Paradise as vast as the Heavens and the Earth reserved for those who ward-off evil.

This is the TRUTH from Your Lord, Soon you will come to know.


posted on May, 27 2008 @ 01:38 PM
The above poster would be an example of someone who is hoping and praying for the end. As for everyone else, thanks for your input. I especially think its true about the younger generation - buying into the "end is nigh" as an excuse to basically waste their lives away.

I am more than willing to bet my life and my families life on the fact that the end is not nigh. I am a rational decision maker. It is irrational to prepare for "the end" when the chance of "the end" happening is so small its incalculable. Do the estimated value calculations. Lets not also forget that no is quite sure how the "end" will occur, so if exactly how are you going to prepare? And if its truly the end of the world, exactly how is it your going to survive?

Also, buying into the Armageddon movement would simply be placing more money in the pockets of those who are profiting off of it. I find it interesting that those who tell us its the end of the world as we know it are raking in tons of cash. If they believed their own claims, why not run their operations at cost or for free (take out loans, if its the end of the world you won't have to pay them back).

Building a war bunker if you live in a place that does not have a unusually high frequency of natural disasters or political upheaval (no matter how much anyone hates the US and wishes for doom to come upon us, the country isn't going to collapse anytime soon) is a losing proposition. However, I live in North Carolina, where we are subject to hurricanes. As such I do prepare for those events because they are likely to happen - but they are reasonable preparations, and I have not constructed nor do I plan to construct a fall out shelter.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 02:24 PM
Things ppl should be aware of:

The end of time is for a timeless moment or an all knew moment.
The end of "the" world is for "your" world.
The end of life is for a next life.

Dont let knowing decieve you, you shall not know anything hereafter the 3 ends, but shall be aware. Thus knowing is rather being aware. Prophecy is rather a program set and ran through life by energies (the actual angels).

I dont care about any one, but me, but I want an all knew moment, 'my world' ('my preferred generation'), and a next life altogether. All of this current crap can go to hell where who ever wants to inherit it shall be.

The end of death been came to pass because we dont lie still.

4/11 in June 2008, which can only be seen with a calendar, is coming. During the fraction we shall ajourn to arrive into our own in the all it is. You notice the 4 over the 11 to the calendar, so dont deny the fraction date.

Here is the soul and spirit as a creation with an energy that shall all ascend or descend "you" each where "you" each differently belong.

All in all, without an end to the unwanted things, there can be no beauty ever. Who denies beauty is as good as only wicked.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by ALightinDarkness

There is none blind than those who refuse to see.

God gave signs of end-times to mankind through His prophets and messengers so that it will not catch them unawares. But only those who are secure in their faith and given the knowledge take heed.

Are these people waiting, perchance, for God to reveal Himself unto them in the shadows of the clouds, together with the angels - although [by then] all will have been decided, and unto God all things will have been brought back?

This is my message to those who believe in God and the Last Day, establish worship of The One True God, associate no partners with Him and devote your religion only to Him, continue to do good works and exhort one another to piety. For these people, the reward will be forgiveness from their Lord and Paradise.

As for those who disbelieve and the idolaters, NOTHING can save them on that day from the wrath of God. To whom belongs all Praise and Glory.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 03:35 PM
To the above:

There are none so blind as those who so desperately want to see that they will create images out of nothing.

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

Matthew 24:36

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

2 Peter 2:1

[edit on 27-5-2008 by ALightinDarkness]

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