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(Video) Scientific Proof Of Alien Visitation

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posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:51 AM
From what I've been reading and hearing these impants tend to cease emitting any kind of radio frequencies shortly after they are removed from the body. That tells me Either

1-The radio frequencies are being mistaken as coming from the implant when they are coming from a completely normal man-made source.


2-The implants rely on biometrics within the human body to produce the energy needed to send out these radio frequencies and tracking information.

What we don't have is enough scientific analysis. What we do have are a bunch of bizarre artifacts removed from the bodies of people who believe they have experienced lost time and/or abduction phenomenon. These types of implants all have similar characteristics. They are

-Ferrous and attracted to magnets (at least while in the body).
-Have no apparent point of entry whatsoever.
-Emit a relatively high-powered electromagnetic field (at least while in the body).
-Are a combination of what appear to be material found in meteorites and metallic components. (What or why exactly is as yet unknown).
-Possibly emitting their own radio frequencies for tracking the subject.
-They never cause infections or inflammation.
-They seem to be accepted by the subjects' bodies rather than rejected and attacked (we know this because of the lack of inflammation, as well as the fact that fibrous material surrounds the objects rather than encapculating it).

This should excite even the most diehard of skeptics unless you sit in denial under a rock somewhere. If we eventually find that these implants were manufactured somehow by an intelligent source, it basically would confirm what many of us have thought all along which is that the abduction phenomenon is very real. We would then have tangible, solid scientific proof of alien visitation (not to mention UFO's in general). That's just wild! But I'm not going to get too excited because I'm sure that if that day ever came noone would care. People want to see ET standing in their living room. How about doing a little investigating to find the trooth rather than waiting for it to hit you upside the face? That's really what we need are more excited, driven, curious, objective people who are willing to try and find answers to these questions.


posted on May, 28 2008 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by BlasteR
From what I've been reading and hearing these impants tend to cease emitting any kind of radio frequencies shortly after they are removed from the body. That tells me Either

1-The radio frequencies are being mistaken as coming from the implant when they are coming from a completely normal man-made source.


2-The implants rely on biometrics within the human body to produce the energy needed to send out these radio frequencies and tracking information.

#2 is what came to mind to me immediately when the analysts said the signals cancelled out upon removal.

They said the sheath surrounding these objects appears to be made of nerve propioreceptors, which in turn appear to often be connected to major nerve networks in the body.

So is the subjects nerves and neurons providing just the right amount of bioelectricity to power the object? Hence when detached, or cut away from neural network, it ceases to fire out its signals? Makes me wonder!

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 01:37 AM
Is there independent verification of Dr Leir's claims?

The labs that tested the alleged implants, other scientists, medical doctors??

Or is it his word only??

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Horza
Is there independent verification of Dr Leir's claims?

The labs that tested the alleged implants, other scientists, medical doctors??

Or is it his word only??

Can you imagine how many of these labs would be discredited if they even tried to run tests on these implants?

The threat of ridicule is so high and the loss of license is so devastating for one who has spent so much to earn it, that it isn't a stretch that someone who has a prestigious position would reject to offer any such a test.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:15 AM
Noone is saying that the tests have to be done by someone high up in the scientific mainstream. Noone in that echelon of acadamea would dare touch such a thing in fear of ridicule and losing government grants. A very detailed analysis can be conducted by a private company who knows what they're doing (if they are even willing). The problem is crediting the findings to someone because, eventually, the company's name is going to be uncovered to the media. Who knows where it would go from there. For all we know it would be treated just as cold fusion was.

Even if solid proof is discovered what then? It isn't the lack of evidence that drives people crazy it's the simple implications of such a thing that counter everything science has ever told us since we were in grade school. For that reason so many people are in denial that it wouldn't matter what the findings were.

The truth is the truth regardless of who accepts it and who doesn't. Skepticism is not denial.


[edit on 28-5-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by BlasteR

The problem is that no one will listen to anyone that is not officially credited/licensed and the government is the one that grants and revokes license. Even a private entity would be endangered. The government has the ultimate power in deciding who gets listened to or not by the licensing process.

The only way a test will be validated officially if it is done in another 1st world country that happens to be less strict with information of a possible alien presence.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:33 AM
good point!
maybe a foreign country would be more willing to do such an analysis since the "rules" are different than they are here. Just gotta hope that that government doesn't get too interested and confiscate said implants for their own research after finding out they're the real deal or something.

I just see a dear john letter from this company saying "my dog ate your alien implants".


[edit on 28-5-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
They said the sheath surrounding these objects appears to be made of nerve propioreceptors, which in turn appear to often be connected to major nerve networks in the body.

So is the subjects nerves and neurons providing just the right amount of bioelectricity to power the object? Hence when detached, or cut away from neural network, it ceases to fire out its signals? Makes me wonder!

Has there been any test where a small probe was inserted into the body to see what these implants do in their "natural" environment?

Has there been an attempt to re-implant the implants into a rat? Will the implant create an antigenic response if implanted within a body that was not the originally intended subject?

Has there been any case of an implant being discovered than at a future date the implant either moved positions or disappeared entirely?

Do the implants release a hormone of some sort that stimulates nerve tissue growth?

This alien implant thing is truly strange.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 02:42 AM
Exactly and the entire reason we have none of those answers is because that kind of detailed analyses' have never been done. Everyone either fully assumes they are of extraterrestrial origin or fully assumes they are not. We need a detailed study to prove one or the other. The whole phenomenon has loose ends scientifically..


posted on May, 28 2008 @ 03:00 AM
Wow, so no one has even mentioned his production involving "fictionalized" scripts?

He had me up until that point. Now he's making movies with writers doing dramatizations of his surgeries?? UGHHHH. Why must every decent lead turn into either a complete nut or a money-grubbing whore?

In either case, it ruins their credibility.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I have no problem with the idea that alien life may have, or is, visiting us. Unfortunatelly, all that this video "PROVES" is that Dr. Lear pulled an unknown object out of someones body. Scientific proof of alien visitation is going to require a great deal more rigorous "proof" than this. For all we know, this could just be an example of some secret advanced technology that Big Brother is useing.
It is important that we make a clear distinction between "proof" and evidence.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 04:10 AM
Actually, let's set aside all these terms like "proof" and "evidence" for a moment because it is all relative. How about finding the unvarnished truth for once. The truth without either the belivers or the skeptics ripping each others' throats out. The truth should be able to speak for itself.

That means a detailed scientific analysis by someone or some company who knows what they're doing who has the instrumentation to undergo a proper and extremely detailed investigation into what these objects are and how they all ended up in the bodies of people who have seen UFO's, experienced lost time, or experienced abduction phenomenon in general, all the while having no point of entry, anomalous composition not consistent with a man-made foreign body, and possibly having all kinds of electromagnetic and radio-emitting characteristics.


posted on May, 28 2008 @ 05:29 AM
To say his findings link to the proof of the existence of ETs is NONSENSE.
Where's the proof of ET's?
I don't see any bug eyed corpses in those videos?

I don't see any link whatsoever to ETs...
This is not smoking gun, it's just more unknowns.

For a smoking gun the 'evidence' is still pretty non-conclusive. And the scientific analysis that was used is shady anyway. This is nothing anywhere
near a smoking gun.

For all you know it's the military doing this.

Your thread title is misleading and it is just there to give your thread a high probability of it being clicked and starred and whatever.

I was expecting something else and it was a GREAT LETDOWN.

5 thumbs down for you bro..

[edit on 28-5-2008 by Macrotus]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 08:07 AM
I'd just like to say I would find im a lot more reputable if he wasn't writing a fiction script and wanting to me to send him money for it.
Not just a fiction script but a love story fiction script.

Doesn't add to his credibility, does it?
Throw in the talks on Coast to Coast, and MUFON talks, and you're probably making about the same money as a doctor/dentist makes. I exxagerate for drama, but still.

And my brain is fried this week but I couldn't for the life of me figure out what he was doing with the booger at the end. Something magnetic but it looked like it reacted the same way a booger would.

Sorry to be so technical.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by BlasteR
Many of these objects have composition similar to what is found in some meteorites.

BlasteR ... could you please qualify this? Who has found implants that has a composition similar to meteorites?

Implant evidence ...

[HST] UFO Hunters - Abductions
59.125254 GHz and 35.893 MHz signals and 10 milligauss magnetic field.

Now ... it was noted that the signals may have been just background noise. Scientific analysis in the lab determined the object was a piece of iron.

Also noted was a very high magnetic field reading ... it was a 10 milligauss (mG) reading. Why they said it was a very high reading is unknown ... it does not appear to me as a strong magnetic field at all?

1000 milligauss (mG) = 1 gauss

The earth's magnetic field is 0.5 gauss or 500mG ... a small iron magnet is about 100 gauss or 100,000 mG ... a small Neodymium-iron-boron magnet is about 2,000 gauss ... a big electromagnet is about 15,000 gauss ... and the surface of a neutron star is about 10^12 gauss.

Dr. Leir

I have come across Roger Leir whom claimed to have extracted alien implants ... but to my knowledge none have prove to be anything out of the ordinary. At the 2005 MUFON conference there was a presentation: Roger Leir, MD: Alien Implants & Physical Evidence. The presentation focused on various involved and expensive tests relating to a splinter like 'alien implant' object ... the results were that the object was a wooden splinter.

Dr. Virgil Priscu a department head in an Israeli teaching hospital ... observes that a foreign object can enter the body unnoticed, as during a fall, or while running barefoot in sand or grass - even as a splinter from a larger impacting object. Such foreign objects may become surrounded by a membrane, like several of the "implants" removed by Dr. Leir et al.. Depending on the material, they may also degrade over time, leaving only a small bit of "reaction" tissue in place of the foreign object - "No mystery, no 'implants,'" says Dr. Priscu.

He challenged Dr. Leir's associate Derrel Sims a hypnotherapist to provide specimens or at least color slides of them ... for analysis at a forensic medical institute ... but reported he received no cooperation.

Whitley Strieber

In 'Confirmation: The Hard Evidence of Aliens among Us' ... Whitley Strieber describes an alien implant removed from his ear by a physician. Scientific examination showed it to be collagen ... the substance from which cartilage is formed ... and certainly not of extraterrestrial origin.

Kevin Randle, Russ Estes and William Cone got it right in The Abduction Enigma when they wrote:

"Here's what it all comes down to. There is not a single shred of physical evidence that alien abductions are taking place other than the tainted testimony of the abductees. The physical evidence to support the claims is nonexistent. What has been offered as proof has been eliminated through testing by objective scientists or additional research by unbiased investigators. The scars, the missing fetus, or the implants do not carry the proper medical documentation to make a strong case, and in fact, suggest something else altogether."

Miliary Use

Helmut Lammer has investigated MILABs ... military abduction cases. Cases in which the military is actually using implants ... a technology which has been around for a while. Check out one of his articles in the April 1999 Mufon Journal.

Also take a look at THE CONTROLLERS: A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction by Martin Cannon :

[edit on 28-5-2008 by packetstorm]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Macrotus

LOL. You DO realize that my thread "title" was what the video I posted was titled, CORRECT? So before you start up with the lame insults that are so status quo around here, at least pay attention to that fact. It's not hard to see that in my OP, I made no bold statements, I simply brought up some things and commonalities surrounding the phenomenon that I thought were interesting and begged further looking into. So let's not start with the "thumbs down for you" immature nonsense, based on the thread title, which was the name of the video, and not my statement.


posted on May, 28 2008 @ 08:49 AM
The man is a surgeon and ufologist. So naturally when he performs surgeory and removes an implant with no point of entry, made of the most rare substances found in certain meteors and alien substances to earth, his proof isnt good enough? What is evidence? To begin with, even without implants, which are hard evidence, the testimony of others is evidence. In a controversial disclosure a combination of hard evidence (in this case these implants definately meet that requirement, and do not fall short in any way of meeting it) combined with testimony, and aside from the ones bearing the implants, there are so many people who now have abductee experiences that it is a phenomenum. This is the smokng gun!!! The question I have is whether this is true et or black op? Which would lead me to testimony of the abductees.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
So naturally when he performs surgeory and removes an implant with no point of entry, made of the most rare substances found in certain meteors and alien substances to earth, his proof isnt good enough?

Would you happen to have a reference or link to support this claim?

Specifically ... scientific analysis proving an implant was made of 'the most rare substances found in certain meteors and alien substances to earth'.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:13 AM
Anyone else but me think it's a little strange that a foot doctor would be performing surgeries on the face? D.P.M. is the designation for Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, which is a foot doctor. I'm not poo-pooing the video or the evidence but that's a little strange folks.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by packetstorm
Would you happen to have a reference or link to support this claim?

Analysis done at New Mexico Tech in 1996 by metallurgist Paul A. Fuierer paid for by NIDS.

Analysis shows a remarkable and very unusual metallic composition of the fragments ... he expressed the opinion that its metallic components were similar to those found in meteorites

However ... Fuierer gave two opinions. The above being his first prior to knowing the object was extracted from a human. With the additional info ... Fuierer gave his latest opinion and stated that an iron-silver mixture embedded into the body could cause a calcification reaction ... with a resulting material comparable to ceramic materials used in medicine and dentistry.

Anyways ... here is a site that has addition info on Dr. Lier and the implants:

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