posted on May, 27 2008 @ 12:16 PM
To answer the question of the O.P.'s comment of "WHY, OBAMA???"
A.) Barack Obama is a liberal. He's like all other liberals. He will say, do, and contradict anything that the "majority" of the people in his
immediate area want to hear. Dont take this as a "bash liberals" because it isnt. It is pointing out facts that you cannot deny.
Want proof?
1.) Barack Obama denies any racial prejudice about Rev. Wright when the story about Wrights bigotry and hate speech in the house of the Lord reaches
the airwaves.
2.) After a HUGE outcry against Wrights speech (mainly from white people....fittingly) Obama changes course and comes out with his now infamous speech
about race, which, if you actually listen to it, is nothing more than youtube rhetoric for a superior black skinned race. In his speech, Barack Obama
REFUTES his original comments about Rev. Wright, and this time says I can no more deny Rev Wright than i could my own grandmother. Both of these
people have racial frustrations and must express themselves duefully
a.) This would have been an acceptable FIRST answer, but ultimately just refutes his previous answer. Can't call me a liar there, can ya?
3.) After the media starts covering the point i made in part 2a.) Obama comes out and flatout rebukes Rev Wright and kicks him off his political
campaign. (What he should have done in the first place) Then, Obama and his black panthers go after Republicans with the race card, and say that
McCain should too denounce Pastor Hagee.
a.) McCain made the denouncement with no flip-flopping involved, possibly because he seen what an ass barack obama made of himself by being a
stealthy wolf full of lies and deceit and then getting caught.
Barack Obama has one Agenda: Eliminate "white people". I am not saying he wishes to do so through genocide, but i AM saying he wishes to do away
with White Culture. White Culture, in the majority, is not racist or angry. Most white people go to work, do their jobs, come home and watch TV.
Only lashing out against peoples of other races when they are condemed as racists with no merit and no platform for the hypocrites to stand on.
Want my advice for the presidental campaign this Nov?
Do a write-in vote for President George Bush Sr. or do a write in vote for President Abraham Lincon. Because the 3 choices that the media wants you
to vote for are all complete wastes of time, money, and effort.
Obama - Liar. Deceitful. Racist. Flipflopper
Clinton - Liar. Deceitful. Racist. Flipflopper (iraq war). coward.
McCain - Radical Militant. Liar. Deceitful. Flipflopper. Coward
They all share multiple things in common, but not a singel one of them shares out interests in common.