posted on May, 26 2008 @ 05:19 AM
hey guys
i want too explain to you ALL what exactly happened on september11th 2001 if anybody has any questions about this please email me on
i am in no way anything too do with this earth governments i am simply a prince, prince erikus is my name from the star system of lyra i am one of the
144,000 starseeds crystal children and indigo children reincarnated down, this is the information afforded too me
all planes were fitted with anti-teleportation devices and a missile on board which is capable of incinerating huge amounts of metal from the inside
which is how the twin towers collapsed, the beings who are watching over us knew this was meant too happen and the only way it could be stopped is if
vast amounts of people willed it too be so, obviously this didnt happen then we get too the flight that hit the cornfield the federation stepped in
and tried too get past the anti teleportation devices they tried but couldn't, the plane swung out of controlle and hit the floor (the plane was
incinerated because of the missiles on board) flight 77 was saved aswell as the people they teleported the plane too safety in other words they are on
the galactic federation star ship, perfectly happy and healthy what hit the pentagon was a missile as a plan b basically (think why did the fbi
confiscate the tapes of the pentagon)????
i am in no way involved with this, this is information that has been afforded to me by my various guides we are trying too remove the density of the
planet by the supreme power of love, we are also known as the lightworkers too help humanity through this ascension process
may all of you be blessed by the supreme light and love of the cosmos
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