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The Secret Of Gravity Revealed - Scientific Experiment Included

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posted on May, 25 2008 @ 10:45 PM
I am releasing information about gravity. It is all a lie. Gravity is nothing more the magnetic force. Magnetic force is nothing more than electric particles. A vast amount of particles are circulating around Earth. South polarity particles leave the North Hemisphere, and North polarity particles leave the South Hemisphere. Both particles bend around the entire Earth and are attracted to their opposite. This means in the North Hemisphere, North particles are raining down from the sky to Earth. In the South Hemisphere, South polarity magnets are raining down from the sky to Earth.

You can test this with a simple experiment. Read the following web page:


Materials Needed:
1: Long piece of thread, or string.
2: 12 inch long piece of hard steel fishing wire.
3: Strong magnet.

Take the long piece of thread, and tie it to the ceiling, or something high above, and let it hang down. Then tie the string to the exact center of the 12 inch long piece of hard steel fishing wire, so that the weight of the steel wire is perfectly balanced. Just like image below:

Now take your strong magnet, and magnetise the steel wire by running the magnet from one side to the other (ex: left to right) multiple times. You can also use "electricity" to magnetise the wire if you don't have a strong magnet. Once the steel wire is magnetised, you should see the wire become unbalanced. In the North Hemisphere, the South pole of the magnet rises higher than the North pole as shown in the illustration below:

As you can see, the magnetic field has a direct effect on the weight and balance of the steel wire. This is scientific proof that a magnetic field effects the weight and balance of an object. Also it proves experimentally that with the right amount of magnetism, you can levitate from Earth. "Anti-Gravity" is nothing more than magnetic repulsion from Earth.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 11:20 PM
To a point I understand and agree with this and have always felt this to be so, but the problem I have is with non metalic items. This experiment would for instance not work with a wood or plastic ruler.

I strongly believe that we could 'defy gravity' in a craft using magentism and many anti gravity devices have used strong magnetism, but alot of what we call gravity I feel is due to the sheer wieght of our atmosphere holding us down.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by VIKINGANT
To a point I understand and agree with this and have always felt this to be so, but the problem I have is with non metalic items. This experiment would for instance not work with a wood or plastic ruler.

The only reason this experiment would not work with wood or plastic, is because 1, the Earths magnetic field is dominating the magnetic domains of the atoms of the wood and plastic. And 2, the atomic structure of wood and plastic does not easily allow for their atoms to be magnetically aligned, so they are not easy effected by a smaller magnet. However, IT IS POSSIBLE.

If you need any further proof, here is some magnetic levitation of a frog..

If you read one of my other threads, you will also find out that Static Electricity ATTRACTS WATER. Water is supposed to be diamagnetic, but static electrons (negative charges, south polarity magnets) ATTRACT WATER. Humans are made mostly of water...

Trust me, the secret of gravity is magnetism. I learned this from Ed Leedkslanin, and he has physical proof in the form of a Castle.

[edit on 25-5-2008 by ALLis0NE]

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by ALLis0NE

The only reason this experiment would not work with wood or plastic, is because 1, the Earths magnetic field is dominating the magnetic domains of the atoms of the wood and plastic. And 2, the atomic structure of wood and plastic does not easily allow for their atoms to be magnetically aligned, so they are not easy effected by a smaller magnet. However, IT IS POSSIBLE.

So, then why doesn't the wood fly off into the atmosphere? If all gravity is magnetism, how are non magnetic objects staying put on the earth? Why don't my feet stick to the floor, or get heavier, when I wear steel capped boots?

As to your original experiment, haven't you just made a compass?

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by fingapointa
So, then why doesn't the wood fly off into the atmosphere?

Because it is attracted to Earth by magnetism. You should ask, why does hydrogen and helium fly off into the atmosphere? They have mass too right?

Originally posted by fingapointa
If all gravity is magnetism, how are non magnetic objects staying put on the earth?

There is NO SUCH THING AS "NON-MAGNETIC". Everything is magnetic. Everything is "electromagnetic", every electron, every proton.

Originally posted by fingapointa
Why don't my feet stick to the floor, or get heavier, when I wear steel capped boots?

Well I'm 100% certain you DO get heavier when you wear steel capped boots. That steel has mass you know!

Also, your feet DO stick to the floor, you call it "gravity". The reason though you are stronger than it, is because Earth's magnetic force is weak. It is weak because magnetic force dies with distance, also magnets loose their strength when they are heated up and last I checked Earth was spewing molten lava. Earth is 70% mantle I believe.

Also, when you click a bunch of magnets together, they all become one and COMBINE STRENGTH. When you are in Earth's magnetic field, and when you are touching Earth, you gain some strength from Earth's magnetic force in your body. This "equalizes" you with the rest of the objects, allowing you to easily pick things up.

Originally posted by fingapointa
As to your original experiment, haven't you just made a compass?

Actually if you let the steel wire rest, it will show you Earth's magnetic North and South poles, further proving Earth is magnetic. So yes it is also a compass, but a compass does not move vertically like the experiment was designed to point out. The point that you didn't fully understand was the fact that not only will the direction of the steel wire change, but the BALANCE changed, showing a VERTICAL movement on wire. The only way BALANCE could be changed is if the WEIGHT was moved or changed, or if some unseen force like gravity is pushing/pulling at a certain amount.

Should I point you to a video of Lockheed Martin's Boyd Bushman experiment? He smashed together two repelling magnets, and dropped them next to another object from a great height. The object with magnets fell SLOWER than the other object. Documented proof.

I see you didn't even bother to go to the web page and read it. It explains all of your questions already... Shame on you for not reading..

[edit on 26-5-2008 by ALLis0NE]

[edit on 26-5-2008 by ALLis0NE]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by fingapointa

Gravity has more to do with just magnetic fields.. I think it has a lot to do with the atmosphere, as well as the speed which the earth rotates around the sun. Also we know that Jupiter has the strongest gravitational pull of all our planets..What does this giant have in common with earth? MOONS! Just look at how many! Does this mean anything to anyone??

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:27 AM

Google Video Link

The above video is good at 6:15. He explains his magnetic experiment.

Also, I wanted to point you to proof that there is no such thing as non-magnetic by introducing you to the word "permeability".

Here is actually a method to raise the magnetic permeability of wood:

You want further proof everything is magnetic? Look into Static Electricity. It will make any object stick to any object, by a collection of the same electric particles that gravity is made of..

Look it even says wood collects electrons.... Just like metal does. Plastic is also magnetic...

[edit on 26-5-2008 by ALLis0NE]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

Well duh, of course my feet will be heavier with boots on, but no heavier than the mass of the boot and my foot, what's your big secret on gravity?

From your original post:

As you can see, the magnetic field has a direct effect on the weight and balance of the steel wire. This is scientific proof that a magnetic field effects the weight and balance of an object. Also it proves experimentally that with the right amount of magnetism, you can levitate from Earth. "Anti-Gravity" is nothing more than magnetic repulsion from Earth.

Does it effect the weight or does it effect the bodies motion? Has the weight of the object changed? Have you shown differences in weight, both pre and post magnetism?

How do you propose to create the opposite counter reacting magnetic field, to not only overcome inertia, but also to provide lift? What magnetic force are you going to repel against, once you reach the edge of the earth's magnetic field?

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

"Because it is attracted to Earth by magnetism. You should ask, why does hydrogen and helium fly off into the atmosphere? They have mass too right?"

the same reason air bubbles floats to the surface of a lake....

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by fingapointa
Well duh, of course my feet will be heavier with boots on, but no heavier than the mass of the boot and my foot, what's your big secret on gravity?

Mass=Magnetic Attraction

When something has more MASS it has more "electrons and protons and neutrons". All three things are "electromagnetic".

That is the secret of gravity, it's just magnetic force.

Originally posted by fingapointa
Does it effect the weight or does it effect the bodies motion? Has the weight of the object changed? Have you shown differences in weight, both pre and post magnetism?

Yes the weight changes but I don't have a sensitive enough scale to measure that. Actually you don't need a scale, you can physically see the weight shift on the wire. How can it be "balanced" and then "not balanced"? Only answer = weight. Also, it does effect the motion that is why it is constantly being lifted up on the South end, and constantly pulled down on the North end in the North hemisphere..


Originally posted by fingapointa
How do you propose to create the opposite counter reacting magnetic field, to not only overcome inertia, but also to provide lift?

You do not make an anti-gravity device with an external "field" like a magnet has a magnetic field. You make an anti-gravity device by changing a heavy objects atomic magnetic alignment with Earth. Naturally all object's atomic magnetic domain is dominated by Earths gravity. We simply need to flip the poles of the atoms of an object.

For another anti-gravity experiment:

I can use a baseball bat to flip the magnetic domains of the atoms inside of a baseball, so that it repels from Earth.

Just like magnetising a nail with a hammer, you can magnetise a baseball with a baseball bat, and make it repel from Earth.

Originally posted by fingapointa
What magnetic force are you going to repel against, once you reach the edge of the earth's magnetic field?

When you reach the edge of Earth's magnetic field, you won't have to worry about repeling. You will actually have to worry about attracting instead, because it is fact that ALL OBJECTS WITH MASS ATTRACT ALL OBJECTS WITH MASS.

To fly around magnetically, you just point to a star or planet and align your atomic magnetic domains with it.

Get a 10 ton piece of metal, electronically flip the polarity of it, and it should repel from Earth with 10 ton's of lifting force.

[edit on 26-5-2008 by ALLis0NE]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by purplemonkey
the same reason air bubbles floats to the surface of a lake....

I knew someone was going to say that, I was actually waiting for it.

Now tell me, why exactly ON AN ATOMIC SCALE do air bubbles float to the surface?

You are going to say "pressure" but what is pressure really? Weight?

Please tell me ON AN ATOMIC SCALE why does a boat float on water??

Water is diamagnetic you know!

You guys can argue all you want, I already know how to levitate 30 ton blocks of rock. I learned it from Ed Leedskalnin and the Egyptians...

edit add

Inertia doesn't exist when you are attracted to the very particles that cause inertia. Inertia is caused by particles flowing through objects. Even in zero gravity, a 10 ton object has resistance when you try to push it. This is because there is no place in the universe where these particles do not exist, and when objects travel through space, these particles pass through the object and give it some resistance.

When you are attracted to these particles, or the particles are attracted to you, intertia is not existant.

[edit on 26-5-2008 by ALLis0NE]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 08:47 AM
thats actually a rather interesting theory
never even tried that hanging wire thing
think i got some experimenting to do

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 10:20 AM
Please do tell how you are going to levitate 30 ton blocks of rock. Or better yet, please do show us.

[edit on 26-5-2008 by postmeme]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 11:35 AM

You guys can argue all you want, I already know how to levitate 30 ton blocks of rock. I learned it from Ed Leedskalnin and the Egyptians...

Hey dude, I'm totally with you on this side of the coin.

Bruce Cathie is a MUST READ for anyone who wants to understand this idea A LOT more thoroughly.

However, Im getting a kind of distateful feeling every time you say

I learned it from Ed Leedskalnin and the Egyptians...

you DIDN'T learn ANYTHING from these people, please stop saying you if you "PERSONALLY know them or something.

Sure you may have read up on these subjects and by some s-SST-R-E-T-C-H, added to your own research.

Neither Ed Leedskalnin NOR the Egyptions EVER left any material that you could have LEARNT from.

However, I'll shall stop ranting now and ask you this.

Rather than showing the *AHEM* proposed end result to highlight your theory, Why not tell us WHAT IT IS you learnt from Ed .L and the Egyptions.

If you can,... tell us HOW Ed.L built, moved, then REbuilt his castle. If you can, you do realise you'll be the ONLY one in the world that can

And hows about some calculations. have you been able to marry the current theory for gravity with your own. ie: When you run your model through the calculations, are you able to CONVERT/and EXPLAIN EVERYTHING that is observed with regardes to the CURRENT model?

Sorry to approach you like this, but you speak with that "WAKE UP EVERYBODY, I KNOW THIS AND THAT" attitude, but so far, all i've seen is one basic experiment for every to ...err..."Wake-Up" with.



[edit on 26-5-2008 by Anomic of Nihilism]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Anomic of Nihilism
Neither Ed Leedskalnin NOR the Egyptions EVER left any material that you could have LEARNT from.

Leedskalnin actually did leave a lot of information.

The Egyptians left their pyramids and text..although their artifacts and books were probably raided a long time ago.

[edit on 26-5-2008 by Freezer]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Freezer

Originally posted by Anomic of Nihilism
Neither Ed Leedskalnin NOR the Egyptions EVER left any material that you could have LEARNT from.

Leedskalnin actually did leave a lot of information.

The Egyptians left their pyramids and text..although their artifacts and books were probably raided a long time ago.

[edit on 26-5-2008 by Freezer]

Ai! this i know. Thats why i said "EVER left any material that you could have LEARNT from".

There are clues, but not ACTUAL guides as to how these feats were achieved.

Now, I am a whole-hearted believer in the Electro-Gravitic theory, and have read MUCH pertaining to it.

What I'm asking is..WHAT it is that the OP has learnt. ALL i see is an EXPERIMENT that comes Straight from Ed's own writtings.

Learning an IDEA is not the same as LEARNING a how something is done,

ALLis0NE Sorry for seeming pessimistic, I DO totally sit on your side of the fence, i'm just a little fed up with people posting stuff just saying "Hey LOOK, this proves stuff!! im in the know...i'm here to educate you all".........and then NOTHING, but a rehash of someone elses experiment.

MOAR!!!!!111!!!1 INFO thats what i say



posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:21 PM
Here is a secret, positive static electricity makes a gravity well:

From this web page

The FOO anti gravity -- positive charge fliers.

See aether theory section => gravity is the push of the ether

Flying around with a positive anti gravity charge can be done with the
right Tesla designed equipment .. mostly confiscated by the FBI and
you will never be told anything that comes close to explaining gravity
if the FBI and CIA and Illuminati have anything to do with publishing.

Ether is the source of free energy devices that Relativism
or even Quantum Mechanics can't explain.

[edit on 5/26/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by postmeme
Please do tell how you are going to levitate 30 ton blocks of rock. Or better yet, please do show us.

[edit on 26-5-2008 by postmeme]

UFO tractor beams carry off cows don't they.
I figure the craft is very positive charged and an electron beam
on the cow would carry it off.
People always say there is UFO evidence in ancient history.

I don't think UFOs can haul off anything, inside a metal can and isolated
from the world with sparks and UV radiation all around makes for
a bleak insides and lack of ability to interact with the outside world.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:33 PM
Hey OP, here is an alternate view to your theory, and it's pretty compelling.

If you haven't seen this video take a chance on it. Although it is quite long, I found it to be very interesting. Nassim Haramein has a very different take on gravity.

Google Video Link

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:40 PM
First off, Ed Leedskalnin left 2 books, and 3 other articles that he submitted to the Miami Daily News. I personally flew to his Castle in Florida, and personally saw every single inch of his Castle, including his work shop and the majority of his objects he had in his work shop. That is where I talked with the main guide there, who has been studying Ed Leedskalnin for 20+ years. Since I knew so much about Ed before I even went to the Castle, it only confirmed my thoughts when I seen his Castle in person. I found things that NOBODY ever mentions in his room. One of those things being a "Faraday Cage", IN HIS BEDROOM, not his workshop.

Let me tell you, Ed left a LOT of information about how he built his Castle. You just need to read his stuff a million times, and get into his mind. I have a natural talent of putting myself in others shoes, so I easily understood his words, and his mistakes.

Did you know that Ed cured himself of advanced tuberculosis? He spun himself around in a chair in the Sunlight, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. People wonder why, but I ALREADY KNOW!

He gave himself a type of radiation therapy from the Sun. It's much more complicated then that, but I can explain if you wish. It has to do with green chlorophyll in plants, and how they REALLY work. Water is key. I would explain it, but then I would get off topic.

Anyway, they Egyptians also left a LOT of clues, and if it wasn't for Ed pointing them out, I would probably not notice it. You know Ed said himself he knew the secrets of the pyramids. He wasn't joking.

The Secret is the Cosmic force that is responsible for all things.

b.t.w. I already told you all how to make an anti-gravity device. You just don't know how to apply it because you don't know much about magnetism.

Let me give you a hint, EVERYTHING IS MADE OF MAGNETS!!!!!!!!!

Also, another hint can be found in Fig.3 of one of Stanely Meyers's patents.

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