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Your experience with a shadow person

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posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by dave420

I'm sorry, were you insulting me? If you don't like the info, get off the board.

posted on Jun, 5 2008 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by virraszto
Actually, there are more. I could be wrong, but did you mention the short ones? There are shorter ones, there are ones where you only see the head; and they come in different colors. I've seen gray, white, and black, heard witness accounts of white and red ones, and read about deep blue ones. Also, they sometimes have mouths, which are not always in the front of their heads. (witness account).

reply to post by Xangi
I agree. Skepticism can be good, but insultation isn't welcome. The thread is for people who have seen shadows, not people who want to tear down others' experiences because they are inexperienced. Just because you've not seen them before doesn't mean they don't exist.

Oh, and about the post by raven bombshell, even if one didn't have psionic capablities, the shadows might still have a reason to torment them, i would think at least.

[edit on 5-6-2008 by Levita]

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by Xangi
I'm sorry, were you insulting me? If you don't like the info, get off the board.

No no, I wasn't trying to insult you. I'm just asking for a little more detail from the two shadow people experts. Such as:

1. what kind of physical or psionic abilities do they look for?

2. What is it that they want to accomplish?

3. Are they all trying to accomplish the same task, like a group effort for a greater purpose? Or are they all on their own with no heirarchy?

BTW, you may want to try to open yourself up a little more to other people digging.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 02:24 AM
I haven't spoken of this except twice in my life, once during this incident and another with my one and only wife. I had been vexed by these entities when I was younger, but things have gotten quiet in the last few years. There are only two things out of all the experiences that I have seen that make me not really afraid, but somewhat nervous because of the lack of control I have over the circumstances. One is a 24 year old photo of my family homestead from the Confederacy that is triple exposed and has things in it that are unspeakable (sorry, I will never post it) and the other is this one particular experience.

I may be a fool for even discussing this, because just like the photo, things happen when I talk about it, but the post caught me. I was about 23 lying in bed with my fiance at the time discussing people we held in high esteem and respected because of life's jacked up curve balls. I had just lost a best friend from a drowning and we were both just reflecting. Then I brought up a certain person in high school that I had known. She was an amazing and beautiful soul, an absolute wonder to be around. This girl's mother had committed suicide in ninth grade, which was a shock to everyone. She returned to school and she tried to continue with life (and did a great job at it). I was always uneasy speaking of the situation, because for some reason(like now) things would get a little weird.

While we were in mid sentence about this subject, there in the doorway of my room with all the lights off, was black within black within black. I saw it and did not speak because I had seen these things before, but when my fiance's breathe left her like I had never heard before, I knew it was there. I told her to not be afraid and to lie still. Then I really do not remember exactly what I said, but it was along the the lines of "we are honoring your daughter and do not wish you ill will, go in peace". I don't to this day know what scared me the most, the black within black figure, or my fiance's reaction. Then it slowly dissipated, leaving her with quite the shock, but I somewhat calm and lucky for once to have a witness.

To this day I will not mutter that girl's name, just thinking it makes me shudder. I need a cigarette.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 09:30 AM
Well im back..... sorry i havent been on in a while ive been a little bit busy lately with some things i might not have time to look through all the posts by people so if any of you see this post and had asked a question to me and Xangi ill answer it for you.

Just post a reply to this please.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 06:44 AM
I bloody hate shadow people!!!
I used to see them all the time when i was a kid, my family lived in a two-storey unit and it seems that they preferred to appear only on the second floor which was were my bedroom was, situated with a clear view of the hallway. The bastard things used to 'move' up and down the hallway in and out of my room every night every now and then, i was only 10 years old at the time so of course i was scared silly i didn't dare get out of bed during the night and slept with my face to the wall all night just incase if i turned over there would be one next to the bed looking at me
. I tried to tell my parents but the didn't believe me, this went on for a few years until we moved to the country and there were times when they actually gave me an intense feeling of dread. Thankfully they didn't follow us and i havn't seem the since and good riddence to them!

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 10:03 AM
I used to see "shadows" frequently at my previous house. It was so common that i did not even bother writing or even telling anyone about it after a while. I have written it off as my eyes tricking me due to some natural/medical/scientific explanation, something logical but which i could not explain.

My daughter (7 years) claimed to have seen shadows, she jumped a few times out of the blue (causing us to giggle as it is funny at the time) and worse of all claiming to have seen a "woman" ,clearly to her description and eerie to say. Btw we inspected the room and nothing, she stuck to her story with a tendency of aggravation when telling her it was her imagination. We performed a cleansing for that issue. As a child she is protected, and spirits must not fool around in my house.

We moved two months ago but not that we were scared away, just a new place. Since then i have not caught one glimpse, peripheral or anything strange. My daughter, she has not mentioned the "woman" or shadows since we moved into our new place either, whereas she was scared to enter the certain room at old house at times,. And she brought the story up quite a few times, now it is forgotten going on two months.

I ask myself, was there something there? Did she see or experience something and we as adults denied it or chose not to believe a 7 year old child?

I know i have seen shadows, i also know they wanted me to see them/it. I have caught them within seconds after each other. I have taken 1000's of photo's but nothing i can prove. It could have been my mind playing with me or the paranormal playing with me. It sucks seeing and knowing but not being able to prove to non believers.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by qonone

well to be honest with you as a child she isnt protected... they can hurt her so im just warning you of that tell me if anything else happens

Alright people lets try to keep this thread anything that has to do with Shadow People ok me and Xangi check this thread for new posts each day so your questions will be answered

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Grim Shroud

well to be honest with you as a child she isnt protected... they can hurt her so im just warning you of that tell me if anything else happens

I appreciate your concern!! Cheers!!

She is protected, by The Supreme. I do protection prayers daily and cleansing. I have no fear nor does she. She knows to do put on the Armour daily and she will come and ask me to help without me saying anything with help in prayer.

Spiritual warfare is part of my life, esp the job i do i need protection without skipping a day. Many think or say it takes so long to spend that time in prayer but it's worth every second, But then i learned the hard way.

They may not fear me but they are petrified with Him that is on my side. Then we have authority over all in His name.

If anything does pop up i will def talk to you, appreciated.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Levita

Oh, and about the post by raven bombshell, even if one didn't have psionic capablities, the shadows might still have a reason to torment them, i would think at least.
[edit on 5-6-2008 by Levita]

It always seemed to me that once you notice them you become too interested in them (thats the way it looks reading the accounts). Perhaps this in itself is a threat to them. I know I have been trying to get answers for years. Internet was a little more helpful. I would find sites with some sort of info and email the owner of the site, but no one could tell me anything except it was a "mystery".

I am willing to bet money that the place where you experience them first has a sacred tie to Native Americans. Either a burial ground or a doorway to their afterlife or afterworld. I am no expert in Indian Mythology (not even close), but my personal experiences and those of others who have confided in me gives has led me to this hypothesis.

It has been my experience that once people realize that I am open to hearing their stories and wont judge, they would tell me about their paranormal experiences. This was before internet so it was not easy to find other people to talk to about these things.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 05:07 AM
i was carrying this symbol with me in my pocket then i felt energy coming from it but i wasn't paying any attention to it then its like a shadow ran behind me away from that thing and energy disappeared
then after i while shadow came back and stopped next to me and i stopped feeling it

edit: the symbol
[edit on 11-6-2008 by Vovanich]

[edit on 11-6-2008 by Vovanich]

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 09:13 AM
I lived in a house with a "shadow person" in the garage. Living there, I got the sense of two teenageish girls that existed in the house.
In the back of the house, the garage, it there was one and it seemed like he wore a fedora almost. It was weird, y'know?

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by RuneSpider
I lived in a house with a "shadow person" in the garage. Living there, I got the sense of two teenageish girls that existed in the house.
In the back of the house, the garage, it there was one and it seemed like he wore a fedora almost. It was weird, y'know?

The shadow person with the fedora is a widely reported phenomena. Many people describe the hat in their experiences, too. You can do a search here and find some more stories about it. I remember seeing at least one.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by RuneSpider
In the back of the house, the garage, it there was one and it seemed like he wore a fedora almost. It was weird, y'know?

What you have just encountered is one of the most common shadow people seen around the world... " The Hat Man" the hat man is one of the most common shadow people someone will see ive seen him a few times...the other one most commmonly seen is "The hooded Figure" it seems to wear a cloak and and both of them just stand there walk around a bit then disapate it is not a threat to people for whenever i encounter it it just stares at me for bit i stare back... them it disapates and i get back to whatever the heck i was doing at the time it has never done anything that would make it a threat so i leave it alone but if you do see it agaain just leave it alone nd get on with your buisness it wont do anything Hope that helps =) and thanks for shareing your Experience with us


[edit on 12-6-2008 by Grim Shroud]

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 06:10 AM
I have seen shadow people in the astral and lucid dreams. They stand there and stare at you. The one i remember vividly was very skinny and wearing a hood like jumper but all in black. They can also appear in the shape of your loved ones to fool you. I have seen one in a lucid dream that showed itself as a colour but not his face. Most of them like to frighten the beejeevies out of you, like they get some nonsensical kick out of it. I feel that they may be a projection of our own inner fears. If not then i guess they feed of our fear energies. Most of these beings only come to humans who fear them to feed off energy.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 11:03 PM
My name is Christine and I had an experience recently that you might be interested in:

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 06:16 AM
I may have seen one of these as a child, they were a little scary to me because I had no idea what they were, and let's face it, if a black figure floating in the corner of your room seems to be looking through you, it is probably not a benevolent entity. I wasn't sure it was there, and even then I remember feeling that I was dreaming. A week or so after that, I saw the same thing in the same spot. I wasn't sure what to do, because I was half scared and half curious. I felt it best to pretend it wasn't there. I was only 8 or 9 at the time, but my brother was living in the same room as me at the time and he never saw it, so I thought I was just scared of the dark or some fictional entity that lived in the dark. I am actually surprised I remember this so well. I'm in my late teens now.

I saw one in my current house's hallway not but last year, and I faked a smile at it. It just kinda kept doing it's thing (slowly drifting was it's thing), and stopped for a moment, when I think it may have looked towards me, and resumed it's activities. It wasn't quite as scary as when I was a kid. Haven't seen one since.

What strikes me as strange is that they look almost 2D with a slightly lighter (but still dark) glow behind them, giving them a distinct visual presence without being conspicuous enough to see immediately. These were were shadow people weren't they?

[edit on 28-6-2008 by Xeroxed_Horizon]

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Xeroxed_Horizon

I'm surprised it didn't do anything. They'll try attacking those who oppose them, but i have read accounts of those who don't get scared, but have bossed them around, and the shadows just dtep aside, out of the way, or disappear- they do as they're told to, in other words; but then, some of those accounts are made by people who let them stick around. There are those accounts out there of their attacks on people, victimizing. While fear may attract them, just letting them around, feary or not, it is an awful idea. Anyone ever see the type with red eyes? Or their forms in different colors?

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Levita

My most profound experience with a shadow person was one of those red-eyed ones. It was about 17 years ago. I was staying at a really old trailor in Murray, Ky with two of my college buddies. They were out at the time. i went into the kitchen from the bedroom, and there stood this tall, angular black thing- looked like a black cutout with a man-shape, and it had the red eyes. I felt like it got mad that I had seen it. It immediately launched itself at me and I fainted. I dont think there was ever any contact, but I was sick for a week, like I had the flu. My roomies were Wiccans, but they had not cleared the house yet, so we did that immediately. I didnt see it again, but I kept hearing something running up and down the hall at night and couldn't sleep. I finally moved out a couple of weeks later. My hair was actually falling out becuase I was so stressed about the event.

That is what started my interest in the phenomena. I only heard the term "shadow people" a few years ago.

posted on Jul, 8 2008 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Grim Shroud
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Hmmmmm this might fit the definition of one but as far as i know they dont usualy move fast they usualy just...stand there starring at you or walking slowly.... if you see it again try to explain to me exactly what it looks like anything that is distinguishing about it i would like to know but other than that try to ignor it if it does anything because you could provoke it to hurt you.

WHAT? This is hogcrap, dude. Yeah, some of them are malevolent but speaking as someone who has amused himself numerous times by playing peek-a-boo, I see you! with one of the damn things in my own home sitting on my couch watching it pop it's head around a corner every few seconds, I can tell you not all of them are dangerous. In my experience, it totally depends on whether you're scared of them or not. My wife, for example, terrified... as a result, we had some incidents which ultimately lead to us moving from that particular apartment. I've never had any fear of them and as long as they're only bothering me, I actually have managed to turn the whole experience into a game.

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