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Is Obama's World charity program perfect for the NWO?

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posted on May, 25 2008 @ 11:40 AM

Is Obama's World charity program perfect for the NWO?

Incredibly, in a footnote of his paper, Djankov says that targeting aid to countries that comply with democratic guidelines is banned by the U.N. Thus, not only is the aid given without strings attached that would encourage democracy, but worse, strings that would make it effective in helping democratize the Third World are banned. The people who control the organization that Obama yearns to sacrifice your (but especially your children's) wealth to are leftists who start out with ready-made conclusions about wealth sharing, ideologically based conclusions that have nothing to do with studies or anything else related to reality.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 11:40 AM
Anyone who knows anything about these aid programs knows that a large chunk of aid money that goes to Africa winds up going to the brutal dictators who now control the continent, and they use the charity money to buy weapons and control the population.

How many of you people are eager to support Obama's funding of the Muslim take over of Africa through his family?

Personally I have no desire to give Obama a giant credit card when my descendants will have to pay the bill. Especially considering that the result will most likely destabilize the world and once again we will be painted as the bad guys. The third world has made it clear they don't want our interference, well sending huge amounts of money to the third world will create more interference than anything. Money is power, and you can bet all the wrong people will be eager to grab a big chunk.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 02:42 PM
Here is another link to what is going on in Africa, a story that the world prefers to ignore.

"In December I was invited by Christian Solidarity International to accompany them to the Sudan to document the purchasing of slaves to free them. This is a remarkable story in the world. Against the backdrop of a continuing eighteen year war of genocide of the northern government predominantly Arab Muslim on the African Christian south, in a country that is the size of the United States east of the Mississippi River, It is one of the world's most tragic stories. The north in its efforts to force a national religion is conducting an unrelenting religious war to force the issue. It is despotism at its worst. Two million people have died in the conflict, mostly civilians. In the center of this carnage a huge slave trade is going on. Civilians, mostly women and children, with their husbands slain have little ability to resist and are being sold into slavery to the northern Sudan Muslims and the eastern emirates. Most civilized nations have turned a deaf ear to this great holocaust now going on. It is one of the shames of the world that considers itself civilized. These are the stories as they appeared somewhat edited in the Santa Fe newspaper New Mexican in the February and March of 2001. Included are images that appear in a new book, Africa, The Holocausts of Rwanda and Sudan, University of New Mexico Press February 2006 by Lucian Niemeyer"

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