posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 11:39 PM
Although what is interesting is that the Flouride in toothpaste is not "pure" flouride, it is Sodium Flouride, because of that, it's properties are
drastical changed. Think of it this way, we can eat salt perfectly fine without dying (unless you eat too much and dehydrate yourself, then you have
the possibility of dying, but thats like anything, too much of one thing isn't a good thing). Salt is a mixture of Sodium and Chlorine, it is known
as Sodium Chloride - NaCl. When Sodium and Chlorine are seperate they are very deadly, when combined, they form plain old salt, a product that is in
just about all the food and drinks we ingest. Now, because Flourine is combined with Sodium, it becomes Sodium Flouride, because of this it now has
new properties. If you brush your teeth regularly (twice a day) and floss, the odds of you getting cavities are very slim. Have you gotten cavities
from brushing your teeth with toothpaste that has Sodium Flouride (about 99% of toothpaste have Sodium Flouride in it)? If you were given just
Flourine, or Sodium for that matter, you would be dead where you stand. Sodium Flouride can still harm you (like I said, anything can harm you), but
the odds of it killing you are very slim. Not unless you ingested gobs and gobs of toothpaste. People who regulary brush their teeth and floss (and
keep away from the sweets) will more then likely never get cavities. I'm not so sure we need Fluoride (I'm not so sure they are putting in pure
Flourine, even then it isn't enough to kill you) in our water supply anymore, but it's no worse then the Chlorine that is put in public water (to
kill bacteria). Speaking of cavities, did any of you know that many forms of Anti-Depressants, Anti-Biotics, Pain Killers, etc... cause tooth decay?
The US is the biggest supplier and user of prescription drugs. I tend to think that Flouride isn't the reason for cavities but the very drugs that
people use to "rid" themselves of ailments. Hence that is the reason why America has so many cavities. Of course it is also caused by the overuse
of these prescription drugs. I have known many people who have had perfect teeth and after they have been put on certain prescription drugs for
certain ailments, their teeth start to decay over time. It's not a pretty site. Just remember this the next time you need your prescription drugs
to combat some "ailment."
[Edited on 3-3-2004 by EmbryonicEssence]