posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 10:16 AM
Well, I just finished the
Deception Point book (the reason I found this thread) and the idea seems
plausible. Of course, Dan Brown does
say that the technologies are real but, thinking about it, that could simply mean that the ability to fire water pulses is real, the ability to fire
glass is real and the ability to fire snow is real (which all are completely real) and the idea of a gun that can do all of this, while quite honestly
possible, could be complete bull. However, as most should know, the advancement of almost all our special ops forces weapons are around 6-8 years
ahead of what our normal soilders have, and our technologies not even on the field are about 5 before
that. So like I said, very plausible, but
not definately true.
And onto the seemingly new topic of the OICW:
It is in use and very effective, though cost-ineffecient and very heavy (the exact reasons the main forces don't use it). The OICW is the prefered
weapon of the Delta Force, not the M4 (get your Spec Ops forces right, geez, M4 is usually the Marines, sometimes SEALS and a few others).
Oh, and if anyone has info on the XM-8, that would be great.
(And if what I spout is complete BS...sorry)