posted on May, 24 2008 @ 09:14 PM
Still happy with my ol'-fashioned Gen 1........ I've seen satellite flyovers that weren't visible to the unaided eye, as well as the elusive
"streak". The streak -- not a meteorite, or at least my sense of it is not so, unless they are extremely slow-moving. Perhaps Earthgrazers, who
THe subsequent Gen 3+ equipment is pretty sweet, I'll admit. Even moreso, is the thermal imagining. Next time I have a spare $20,000 in my
pocket, I'll be sure to outfit us with a spiffy new set.
All this stuff...... it could matter if you or I believe the world is on the cusp of harsh changes. I think night vision, and I think rechargeable
batteries, and a solar charger. ;o)