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What is Area 51 exactly?

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posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:37 AM
Hi everyone, i´ve been reading the whole afternoon aobut AREA 51 on the internet but i´m still not quite sure what it is ?
In some articles was said that it would be some kind of place where the american governement would test and develop new technology´s (weapons...) , in other articles was written that the u.s governement would keep the bodies of a few dead aliens and their damaged ufo after the roswell incident in 1947, again other say that AREA 51 would be a huge filmstudio where the governement had shot for examople the moonlanding in 1969.

I don´t really know what to believe, that´s why i want to ask all the experts on this site to tell me the truth on AREA 51.

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by rob.j

i get tired of saying this. ats has a search option use it. ok now im done being a *snip*.

it is a weapons testing site. some think it holds alien techonolgy. there are many many threads on it here, one just has to simply look...

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:55 AM
sorry that i opened two threads with exactly the same content, i made a mistake,
can anyone explain to me how i can delete a thread?

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 06:47 PM

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 06:56 PM
The Area 51 Base

What is it and what's inside?

Background Information

The Groom Lake Base is this top-secret military base located 90 miles north of Las Vegas (which is in Nevada). It's in grid number 51 of the Nevada Test Site, so it's called Area 51. The United States Air Force Flight Test Center controls the base. It's best known for testing exotic aircraft and weapons. The base was created in 1954 as a place to test the secret U-2 spyplane that was used to fly missions over the Soviet Union. Then it started to house the SR-71, A-12 and D-21 drone. The F-117A was tested there, also. In the 1980's the base increased in size, along with the runway (which increased to the present 6 miles). Then, mysterious lights began to appear, and armed guards known as the cammo dudes started patrolling the border. The government closed many viewpoints from which the Area 51 base could be seen. In 1989, a "physicist" named Bob Lazar claimed that he worked at a base south of Area 51 and also claimed that Area 51 was testing extremely advanced aircraft and UFO's they got by trading with the aliens. Since then, Area 51 has been thought to be the test center of captured UFOs because of the lights in the night sky.Pretty cool stuff...its just known as the most restricted miltary basein the world.The government still wont admit it exist for secrecy and national security reasons.

[edit on 24-5-2008 by alienstar]

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 06:56 PM
It is mostly a research and development base. Maybe they have otherworldly technology maybe not.. But none the less it's R&D

posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by rob.j

Well I am no expert but I can tell you from personal book research that it is a real govt weapons, aircraft, and E.T. holding ground. It probably would have been a waste of money to fake the moon landing.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 07:38 AM
But why the u.s governement denied the existance of area 51 for such a long time if it is only a research and developement base??

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 05:38 PM
A51 used to be operated by EG&G (Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, Inc.), not sure if it still is. EG&G is a defense company that was involved in numerous things with the government ranging from weapons test, to facilities management to nuclear tests. According to a variety of sources EG&G runs the Janus flights (private planes that depart Las Vegas every day and ferry employees and contractors to the secret base). An ex-coworker of mine (much older than i) once told me he worked for EG&G in Las Vegas several jobs back in the late 80's (he's an aerospace engineer). I asked him about A51 and he denied knowing anything about and said all he did was aircraft R&D in Vegas somewhere. I tend to think A51 it is the highest security R&D base for advanced aircraft. I've yet to see any evidence of little green men. Not denying the possibility, just more of a scientist needing solid evidence.

Link to EG&G (recently bought out by URS Corp) :

THere is even a careers link where you can look for jobs in their Las Veags, NV job location. Funny how they have listings like this one here for a FLight Attendant to fly OUT of Las Vegas

Must be able to qualify for and maintain a Top Secret/SSBI security clearance.

Funny, why does a flight attendant need a Top Secret clearance if this EG&G office wasn't flying to Area51?

This job site has previously had posting s for pilots an dco-pilots to fly Boeing 727's/737's. Also required a Top Secret clearance.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by rob.j

In specific answer to your last question, why admit it. then they would be liable for anything that happened there. There was an old employee of A51 that sued them since he got very very sick. He claimed they burned jet fuel and other toxic chemicals in open burning pits onsite there. A secret base doing top secret R&D cannot generate waste. thus they need to remove the evidence. he claimed the fumes and burning of waste for years made a number of employees terribly sick. the government and their BS judges, of course, denied the lawsuit. if no base "exists" then no liability.

posted on May, 25 2008 @ 06:43 PM
The guy got sick from working on chemicals they used to buried black project planes and whatnot that they wanted to coverup outside,and actually the guy died.The government did come forward in a court ordered letter stating they area51 did in fact exist in 1995.But due to the lawsuit of the man and secrecy of area51 due to national security president Clinton signed a act to make the base even more so secret.The guy that died,his family never won the lawsuit.

[edit on 25-5-2008 by alienstar]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by rob.j

Area 51 is at time an operating base, not just R&D. For instance, the U-2, A-12, and the SR-71 at times were only flown from Groom Lake. Of course, they eventually were based elsewhere, though perhaps not the A-12.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by rob.j
But why the u.s governement denied the existance of area 51 for such a long time if it is only a research and developement base??

They have admitted it long ago that there was a facility there. Even back in the 90s, USAF admitted there was an operating location there.

This whole idea that the US government denies it has anything kind of base there, is more just internet lore than reality.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 06:00 PM
My Father was in the CIA (and he was aloud to tell me because it was a while ago) and he's been to CIA. It's really only military testing there. Me and my dad share everything, and he would tell me that. I would love proof that the government was hiding something (haha) but I truly believe there is nothing there.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 01:18 PM
but where did all the alien stories came from, i mean how did the link between area 51 and ufos or alien research an stuff like that came up?

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 01:26 PM
The alien theories came up after Roswell. A local newspaper reported that a UFO had crashed and bodies were recovered, the military then went back on their word and blamed a weather balloon. Due to this sudden change, enthusiasm was created and theories started.

I personally believe the Government uses A51 as a cover, they neither promote nor deny rumours keeping the base at the front of peoples minds and do their testing elsewhere. I do not believe anything too advanced will be kept there, but I may be wrong!

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 06:30 PM
Think about it...when u have a base researching and flying black project aircraft over the base....people that live outside,hiking,hunting,etc spot these aircraft in the sky flying being tested and not able to get a actual close look on the craft,they think its other worldly things.If you never saw a b2 or a f117 and they never disclosed it to the public,what would u think it is?Rumers spread fast....oh i saw a ufo out today blah blah and it was scary.Once the rumer goes to from one course to another changing hands down from never get the exact same story ever.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by rob.j

I found this video on Yahoo News...Its Hannity covering Area 51

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:04 PM
The reason that that place is a secrete, is because they cross a moral line that would make the devil sick.
Remember that movie "night of the living dead?" Yea. The Umbrella corp. might as well be in there. And that's not even counting the gene splicing or animal organ transplants.
And then the brainwave generators. profecting mind control like it's radio control.
But as for extraterestrial (aliens) or supernatural (deamons and ghosts.) Who knows?

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