This is a pretty cool first hand account from one of the crew members who was on sight when the members from MonsterQuest came under attack from what
they believe was a Sasquatch that had been ransacking a small cabin in a very remote area of Snelgrove Lake, Ontario. If anyone remembers, this was
the episode where they were able to get a blood sample off of a nail-board bear-trap, and it ended up being very close to a human-DNA match.
The crew member sounds like he had the living daylights scared out of him, as something was throwing rocks at them, as well as a large log against the
side of the house...
Hopefully they go back to this spot with gen-3 nightvision next time.
Whoa, McLovin got a rock thrown at him by Bigfoot! If they were gonna do it right, they should have spaced trail cameras around the perimeter
of the cabin. Maybe bait him with some beef jerky!
I just watched this episode tonight on the History channel. Apparently, there is going to be a part two where they go into more details about the DNA
testing. Anyone heard any leaks about it?
This is the most interesting Sasquatch story I have ever heard. I would LOVE to have it be true, although, I would be scared to death for the poor
bigfoot(s) (bigfeet? what is the plural of bigfoot?) I would hate to see one captured and shown around the world. Especially if this story is true.
All the rock throwing at the cabin and what not seem to indicate it is smart enough to want us to leave it and its territory the hell alone.