posted on May, 25 2008 @ 06:17 AM
Welcome to the future of Naval Gun Systems.
Inert, non-explosive, Hyper Velocity Kinetic Energy weapon systems. This will be the future. (Strange it is just like a Cannon ball, Just a lot
****ing faster!)
How about Military Airlift? Howabout Derigable Airships? Fill them with He instead of H? What about with solar cells that recharge above the cloud
base to keep Electric engines & batteries going? Unlimited endurance 5000 Tonnes plus Cargo lift speed 200Kts? This should be the future of strategic
Airlift in the Oil limited future.
interestingly i spoke to an engineer recently who has built a prototype DA(Derigable Airship) with a Hovercraft lift system on the gondola allowing it
to anchor itself to ground by reversing the system or hovering over the ground by having it running. If you have air dominance this is a safe way to
move large amount of Mil stores into your forward areas. UAV DAs as Airbourne Early Warning would be superb low cost autonomous and always on station?
Your comments and opinions please.
These technologies are maturing fast.
[edit on 25/5/08 by LT mikey]