posted on May, 23 2008 @ 11:11 PM
If it's a home defense weapon, then definately the shotgun. I would go for a double barrel, have a normal medium grain shot in one barrel, and a slug
in the other. You can buy straps that go around the stock to hold shells. The slug will do a lot more damage than a pistol, and you have the spread
shot as a back up.
If your on the street, then a pistol. 9mm, 40, or 45 is good.
Buy the best you can afford. I would recommend glock and sig. Highly reliable. Both tried and tested, and used by the majority of law enforcment and
govt...and they should know what's best.
Your better off buying a used good gun, then a bad new gun.
9mm ammo is cheaper than 40 or 45. Use hollow point bullets. Go the range a few times, and try different weight grains. Use the one that feels the
best for you. Buy cheaper ammo, like winchester for practise, but only use good ammo for defense. Learn how to clean a jam quick.Shotgun shells are
very cheap, but it takes time to reload.
Best idea in the home is multiple weapons, and different locations.
You may have a pistol in your bed drawer, but you may be cut off from the bedroom. Go other direction and grab the shotgun out of the cupboard next to
the front door, you know what i mean?
Also, hide behind stuff - the more protection you have the better.
Someone mentioned the gypsum wall boards - if there's someone in your house, they shouldn't be there, use your pistol and shoot through the walls at
them. Either they will get hit, or run away. Don't go and check, keep position behind cover if possible, and call police.