posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 10:11 PM
OK, I'm sorry about the confusion, and do understand I too have a scientific approach to the matter and am skeptic as to the "Nibiru" myth. I deal
with astrophysics & mathematical analysis for it, so let me clarify:
I never claimed this was Nibiru or Planet-X, I'm asking a simple question: What is this object and why isn't it appearing on all images taken from
different telescopes with different lenses other than infrared. I only mentioned Planet-X / Nibiru in the preveous post, just like one would give the
name "GOD" to something spiritually greater than them without knowing how to call it nor what it is.
As for the facts, it's undenyable that the sky is extremely vast, and the probability of an asteroid or celestial object that could come into
collision or near collision with our earth ( or any other solar planet for that matter ) is very high. Alot more than what most people would think. So
the possibillity does exist and is very real, you can see this by observing our own moon's scars. Obveously the number of impacts there attest of the
high frequency of these events, more than we would of thought.
So, about this "Object" for facts sake, let's just call it "THEOBJ" for now. However, please do have a look at these images at the coordonates
I posted preveously and see for yourself that this is odd indeed. Any suggestions?
[edit on 15-7-2009 by MAD-MAX]