posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 03:55 PM
RHD-/+ is definitely a Hereditary Genetic Antigen (or lack thereof). My father is O-, my mother is O-, and I am O-, yet I am RHD--. As RHD- is
recessive, that means both sides of my family passed on this recessive gene (my parents could have been +- and +- or +- and -- or -- and --.
(My daughter inherited our O- blood type, but she hasn't been tested for the presence of D antigens yet to determine if she is RHD- or RHD+.)
I guess I'm really at a loss as to why RHD- may be considered the next step in evolution. In all honesty it looks to be a genetic weakness if
The poster who mentioned a possibility of a tie-in between RH- and Northern European Neanderthaloids cross-breeding with Neanderthals tens of
thousands of years ago may not be espousing an entirely a far-fetched idea. Recent studies have shown a peaceful co-existence of our ancestors with
our Neanderthal cousins contrary to the previous belief that our more diminutive Neanderthaloid ancestors wiped the Neanderthals out by war. It seems
that the extinction of the Neanderthals was because the Agrarian based Neanderthaloids kept turning the Hunting Grounds of Neanderthals into farmland,
driving them further and further north until they became extinct. However, it's not entirely out of the question that the two species, having
peaceful relations, could have intermingled and reproduced offspring.
Such a theory would certainly explain a lot of things beyond just RHD- and the origin of the O blood-type.
As to lifespan based on blood-type, that is the first I've ever heard of such a thing, but I am highly interested as both sides of my family, going
back over 15 generations have an average life span of 93 years.
[edit on 29-6-2009 by fraterormus]