posted on May, 22 2008 @ 12:39 AM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,
In this occasion let me refer to the series of so powerful seismic events that this generation is witnessing since the earthquake and subsequent
tsunami of Java in Dec 2004-Jan 2005 to the terrible earthquake happened in China, one of the most industrialized centers of production of the world,
just a little more than a week ago.
These natural disasters are the expression of how upset is our planet with respect to the damage that the humanity is causing to the general
ecosystem and the increasing destruction of the conditions that for millions of years have allowed the apparition of the life and the growing of it a
long all the marvelous diversity of creatures that exist in this world.
The constant pollution, increasing so much with the emission of thousands of tons of poisonous gases to the atmosphere, the global heating also
derived of the gradual damaging of the ozone lay, the chemical contamination of the seas and rivers, the progressive destruction of millions of acres
of tropical forests along the world, the extinction of species caused by all the unmerciful hunting, even of rearings and pregnant female animals,
have reached the point in which the planet can admit or tolerate the disturbance of its balance from any specie.
The Human specie has shown to be more destructive than many natural catastrophes occurring simultaneously and due to this the Earth, our mother
Gaia, is doing the only thing that she can do: to defend itself and the interest of the entire nature by sending this type of terrible events to stop
the evil works of uncontroled human ambition.
If there is not stop in all this so negative attitudes this generation will see catastrophes that no other generation has seen since the prehistoric
times. For incredible that this sounds powerful and extensive earthquakes capable to harass not only a city but an entire region and even of
continental proportions will come until the Man understand that he is not over the nature, he is not over the forces that has created him and he
must respect them, as well as all the other creatures that share with him this planet.
Seismic events that are going to get the nuclear bombs to look as toys will come specially over the regions with uncontrolled human growing
population and to the ones of more industrial contamination until our civilization understand that there is an enormous debt not paid with the Planet
that support all of us.
Thanks for your attention,
Your friend,
The Angel of lightness.
[edit on 5/22/2008 by The angel of light]