Originally posted by Coshy
Lets see if I get this right ...
Gas prices around the world, especially in European countries, is far more than Americans pay. Therefore, in comparison, $4 a gallon is cheap.
Both statements are true. Gas prices in much of the world are higher than in the U.S. therefore gas prices in the U.S. are cheaper than much of the
How is presenting facts about gas prices in other parts of the world getting the masses to accept increasing more control of everything?
Its how its presented.
First, they scare the reader into thinking "oh dang, gas is going to be $10 a gallon !"
This creates the thought in the reader that maybe $4 a gallon isnt so bad now that I realize it could go much much higher.
Finally, another related article states that indeed $4 is a great price because other nations pay more.
The reader forgets that he used to pay $1.50 a gallon. He feels relieved to be only paying $4 a gallon. The peasants have been appeased, another
revolution diverted.
Its just a form of mental conditioning PR professionals have used for years. Once you understand the science behind Public Relations, you'll easily
be able to pick out things you see as a form of mental manipulation.
I used the Al Gore example above but I'll go into more details...
During the 2000 Presidental campaign Al Gore had an image problem. He was seen as sorta a nerdy cold-feeling type. He was often mimicked by Saturday
Night Live show as this unfeeling idiot type.
To counter this image, a team of PR officials working for Al Gore's campaign went to work. It was decided he needs to show more public affection for
his wife. That will squelch those negative images theyre thinking. Unfortunately it went badly because someone forgot to tell Mrs. Gore to expect a
big wet kiss on stage during a rally. She looked stunned as the awkward Mr. Gore dipped her and laid a wet one for several seconds.
If people understood how many things they saw or read were studied, analyzed, researched, tested, etc before released for public consumption they
would be shocked and disgusted. Almost nothing is left to chance these days.
Go google search video clips of president address and other speeches. Look for out-take clips, bloopers, etc. Its rather shocking to see the President
making faces, laughing, joking, etc then a second later when taping begins he is The President and here is my message.
This is the root core problem we face. Not only are we being manipulated into how to think and believe, the problem is we dont even know its