posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:56 PM
I do agree with what several of you have said, that individuals who believe that freedom from economic oppression is vital to all other freedoms must
compete with the elites by equipping themselves with alternative technologies. I believe that would accomplish far more than protests.
The only fly in the buttermilk there is that it takes money. Now if I owned my own home and had maybe 20,000 dollars lying around under the matress,
bet your bippie I'd buy an electric car, or if need be get a handy friend or family member to help me convert mine (fringe benefits of having
operating engineers in your family), and I'd set up some form of power generation in my back yard- whether it was a compost pile for methane to fuel
a generator, or a sterling motor, or whatever, and essentially I'd take my home off the grid so that I was guaranteed low cost energy thanks to my
own investment and ingenuity.
But I don't own my own home and I don't even have 1 thousand dollars lying around- and that's a circumstance the elites have worked hard to put
people in.
This goes back to my original response, that people with jobs wont rock the boat. The working poor are among the easiest people to control. It's a
matter of Maslow's heirarchy.
The unemployed have their survival threatened and will protect themselves at all costs. The affluent can afford to be ambitious and aspire to
political power, so they will get involved in revolutions when the weather is favorable.
The working poor though just want a little security and stability to go with their subsistence. They don't like having the boat rocked. The goal is
to level us off at a low cost of living and a bare bones lifestyle, then put us to work in factories when the wages get low enough. America may be the
greatest country on Earth in the eyes of its own citizens, but in the eyes of American businessmen, China is the greatest, and that's what they want
to turn America into.
How rare is the kind of man who will sacrifice the livelihood of his family for the noble but frankly abstract notion of liberty? Rare. So the poor
will protest alone, and nobody will say much when the military crushes them for it, just like the Bonus Army.