posted on May, 20 2008 @ 09:52 AM
I'm probably making a mountain out of a molehill, but i'll ask anyway to get it off my chest.
Recently in the Robbie Sighting thread there has obviously been a great effort by the staff to clean up the thread, keeping the thread as on topic as
possible. I applaud this move.
Twice i have had posts removed. The first one, i was replying to a member who was having a dig at the thread author. I did do it in a polite manner,
as i like to think i always would, but fair enough, my post was'nt exactly progressing the thread so it was removed.
Second post, was earlier today. I was having a problem viewing the last page of the Robbie thread. It said there was 44 pages and that the last post
was from an Anon poster. However when i clicked on that page, the 44th page came up, but it was blank.
I did U2U a mod and asked politely if it was an issue with the site or was it me. In the meantime, i posted a quick test post to see if it worked ok,
which it did. I also asked in that test post, if a mod could please remove it if it worked. I needed to test the post on that page as it was the only
page i was having trouble with.
However for the second time, i have had a U2U in my inbox saying that i have had an "Ill-mannered" post removed.
Now whilst manners may not mean a big deal to many in this day and age, they do to me. Bad manners are my pet hate, manners don't cost anything, yet
so few people use them. Maybe this is why i have taken this more to heart than someone else may?
I usualy go out of my way not to offend anyone, and find it hard to remember a situation when i have been bad mannered on here.
Anyway, would you say that maybe "ill-mannered" is possibly the wrong word to use in a message to members who by and large try thier best to toe the
line? Am i reading the U2U wrong? If someone tells me my post was ill-mannered, i take it that i was rude in some way.
Or maybe i'm typing threads in a way that seem bad to other people, but i just can't see it?
Thanks in advance for any advice,
[edit on 20/5/08 by CX]