posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:06 AM
Sex, Violence and the FCC
This has been bothering me every time I watch TV
Being a father of three (although my children are in their twenty’s) but thinking about what we want to relay to are children and what we are
allowing the entertainment industry to shove down the throats of are Children, Where in the hell does the FCC have it’s head stuck?
Why don’t we have porn on TV in the United states of America, because we’re afraid we’ll give the youth of this country idea’s on how much
fun it is having an organism with someone, YET, if the FCC admits that (and anyone else), then where do they stand with the demonic pleasure achieved
when a program betrays someone being murdered and making a point of showing the sheer demonic joy of the murderer while showing the taking of a life
One show that comes to mind that has been on recently (someone help me on the name) repeatedly shows this guy walking into different crime scenes and
reliving his mother getting butchered with a chain saw as blood is splattering all over him
And CSI, need I say more
The wholesale demonic killing is just absolutely running ramped all over the airwaves and I do mean airwaves ,we’re talking CBS, ABC, NBC and their
fighting over ratings by trying to out do each other by being gorier than the competition
But god forbid if someone should get pleasure from sex
I’m talking graphical here
Graphic killings with loads of blood and screaming, begging “please don’t kill me” only to be smiled at while being snuffed out
And that’s ok, but god forbid if they showed the pleasure of sex graphically
Is it my Imagination or are we so hung up on sex so much that we’re not realizing that we’re teaching are children that being cruel in the utmost
way while taking another humane life is a better option than sex?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to get porn on TV
Just trying to get violence to be treated with a little respect at least more than the FCC is willing to give it
[edit on 20-5-2008 by moonking]