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Anyone noticing any unusual animal activity?

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posted on May, 19 2008 @ 06:05 PM
We've been having increasing amounts of roadkill from what I have noticed here in the midwest. It is common to have roadkill here but it is certainly increasing lately. We live in the Mississippi river region, so that could be a risk.

Plus for some strange reason another cat has been showing up recently outside increasingly near our house. Our male outdoor cat is the one who runs into it. (The other cat is a black cat ironically) There are typically boundaries to where the cats go and won't go. The black cat usually seems to stay up the hill from where we live but it has been coming down more often even when it knows that my cat's territory is down here.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 06:13 PM
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!!!

Seriously though, I have a dog, cat that lives outside, and a fish...none of them have been acting "abnormal" so I don't know what you guys are experiencing.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by AccessDenied
Obviously, i can't speak about where you are Slackerwire.
But my cats have been very restless.
As for creatures outside, I walk a nature trail everyday, and I have seen more animals and birds in the past week than I can ever remember. I too, have lived here for 6 years.
Just this morning I walked up onto a large rock and there were two white tailed deer. Twins by the looks of it, and they were still young ones.
No fear of me at all, and they were about ten feet away. They just stared at me. I took one step forward, and they casually walked away.
It was an amazing thing to see.

I was mowing my yard the other night on my riding lawn and there was a rabbit watching me the whole time. It was about 5 ft away from me when I'd pass by it and it didn't even move. It looked completely at ease.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:09 PM
Another Las Vegan here. I have 3 dogs (1 #zu, 1 beagle, and 1 yorkie) the #zu and the yorkie constantly are fighting. Odd thing is is the #zu has the same personality as a "blonde" (no offense intended, i'm referring to the personality type, not the hair color by the way). She's extremely ditzy. The beagle is pretty much really lazy and the yorkie is overly hyper. So i'd expect the yorkie to start the fights but it's always the calm and content and barely-there #zu. Weird. Nothing else new with the dogs though.

I did go see Ironman last weekend (for locals i saw it at the Cannery, way up in NLV) and after i stopped for gas (note i wasn't in my part of town, my friends wanted to check that theater out for some reason) and the gas station was COVERED in grass hoppers. I've never ever seen so many grasshoppers. It seriously scared the hell out of me, enough not to fill my gas and have someone else do it lol. There were well over 300. Maybe even close to 500.

I've also noticed strange bird activity which is odd for me cause i'm nowhere close to the type that notice birds. Mainly i noticed it cause every time i drive somewhere i see at least 3 - 5 birds on the ground.

So, something sure is going on. I just hope HAARP has nothing to do with it.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:11 PM
Hiya everyone,
Had to post anon. cause the computer is acting up and shuting off.
I'm in Atlanta (just outside N.E.). I grew up on a farm up the road and every year we had frogs in the lower pasture at night. I counted on them to "sing" me to sleep on late nights. In the last 3 years, I haven't seen japanese beetles, frogs, butterflies, hummingbirds, bees..(we DID have a strange attack of 1000's of bees on a hummingbird feeder last year though..they were swarming in 10 minutes and then..PPOOOF..they were gone.
The ants are acting really weird. They are doing opposite off the norm. I feed the birds and squirrels and have seen some strange things as well. We ALWAYS have rabbits in the backyard that the dogs love to go chase....haven't seen a one this year. Dogs are VERY, VERY clingy...and they are hunting dogs normally offish and doing their own thing. They are spooked so easily these days, I almost accused my neighbor of throwing rocks at them. Anybody see that article on rense about the sturgeoun clogging up the dam in Washington..I think?
take care

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by The Nighthawk

You know come to think of it i haven't heard the hawks either. I won't ask what nieghborhood your in, but in mine i've noticed that the birds are out there singing at 1-2 am, have you noticed that in your nieghborhood?

I've also seen a couple possum & racoons late evening, early morning around here, if we see them at all it's usually late night when it's dark & quiet. And wild rabbits, we've never had wild rabbits in this nieghborhood, got one that took up residence across the street someplace.

Pidgeons won't move out of the street when i'm driving, have to slow down & beep at them.

And did you happen to notice that the geese seemed to be headed back north very early this year? I saw several flocks migrating in february which is odd.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:30 PM
Im from corpus christi tx and i have also noticed their are dead birds and other animals in the roads . I thought it was just me but i guess not

something definently tells me something is gonna happen

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 08:16 PM
Hi this is Charlotte King and I am the Pioneer of Biological Earthquake Prediction and I think your thread is great. I am best known for my accurate prediction of the major eruption of Washingtons' Mt St Helens in 1980, I was 12 minutes off.

The animals reactions I have been watching since Project Animal Watch in 1980 with Leon Otis of Stanford University in CA and also at NASA Moffett Field.

You have brought up some great observations. The cats I will address first as I have had up to 16 or more at one time. Most were strays I rescured but my original pride of 6 were all EQ sensitive. They were roof sitters, they would go up on the roof before any large quake, local or anywhere. They would stay up there for 1-3 days even in the rain before they would co me down.
Before the Loma Prieta CA quake of 89' they all hid under the water bed.
We have a captains bed so it has storage underneath and they had opened the drawers and were under the bed, huddled together at one end. You need to understand that some of these cats, hated one another, but like in forest fires, they lose any instinct but surrival when somerthing is happening or frightening them. If the quakes are in Oreogn/Big Bear, Yucca or Simi Valley CA and or Japan if over 6.0 the cats throw up.
Birds is another area to watch. They do come in low over the roads, lots of road kill. Also before large quakes, pigeons can't fly..
Chickens will not roost.. Dogs bark or whine to go out, only to want back in and start all over again.
Ant invasions are something to watch for. Large numbers of ants around anything that is plugged in.. they will disappear 12-24 hours before the quake, be aware they also come in before solar flares.
Well water goes artesian or drop levels suddenly, get clay colored or salty, these are major precursors.
People who are sensitive will feel stomach pains, intestinal flu symptoms, vertigo, headache and some disorientation.
If you are sensitive, you may crave Popcorn, or corn in any form.
Bears and coyotes, and wild cats are all affected by quake precursors, and will often start wandering because they are uncomfortable.

I am not sure about where you are, but earthworms come up out of the ground in Oregon, before local ( State ) quakes.

China had LEFT EARACHES before the major event.
Wells NV area has major stomach pains, low back pains. intestinal flu.

Reno as noted above with the cats and ants and stomach pains, intestinal flu, vertigo etc.

Volcanic events cause back of head pains. Right or Left depending on what you are feeling.
If you want any more information, feel free to contact me personally.

Thank you for allowing me to post to this site.

Salem OR May 19th, 2008 6:15 PM PDT

Mod edit for personal info

[edit on 19-5-2008 by dbates]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 08:54 PM
Actually i have noticed bird activity here in iowa.
I was sitting in class when 4 birds ran straight into the window.
Plus unusuall geese activtiy...

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by screamo

I saw the same thing today.

Stopped at a gas station (Charleston & Ft Apache), and the ground there looked like a scene from Grasshopper Chainsaw Massacre. The ground was literally covered with dead grasshoppers to the point where everytime I took a step, it crunched.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 09:40 PM
im from north carolina and tonight we had a humming bird flying under our carport, just hugging the walls. i thought it was weird because we caught it by hand, and also i've never seen one at night let alone at 10 p.m. and when i saw it this thread came to mind and some friends told me they never saw any thing like it and that i should tell yall about it.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by chise61
reply to post by The Nighthawk

You know come to think of it i haven't heard the hawks either. I won't ask what nieghborhood your in, but in mine i've noticed that the birds are out there singing at 1-2 am, have you noticed that in your nieghborhood?

Yes! They wake me up rather frequently in fact. I started noticing that a month ago or so. I heard it and thought my clock was screwed up; I couldn't believe they were singing already at that hour...

I've also seen a couple possum & racoons late evening, early morning around here, if we see them at all it's usually late night when it's dark & quiet. And wild rabbits, we've never had wild rabbits in this nieghborhood, got one that took up residence across the street someplace.

Pidgeons won't move out of the street when i'm driving, have to slow down & beep at them.

And did you happen to notice that the geese seemed to be headed back north very early this year? I saw several flocks migrating in february which is odd.

I've seen all of this, and more. I just remembered a couple weeks ago my fiancee and I were walking home from the dentist when we came across a mated pair of mallard ducks, just wandering around the neighborhood like they'd lived there all their lives! They were very friendly, not afraid at all, and came right up to us almost close enough to reach out and pet them. Now we're half a mile from the river, so these guys were a ways from their usual haunt, and I found it somewhat odd...

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by slackerwire

Yes, I have also noticed some weird animal behaivor in the PNW. First of all, the appearance of The Trickster (according to Native American myths, regardless of tribe or clan, the coyote is the ultimate Trickster) in neighborhoods and strangely enough, in broad daylight. As more apex predators (wolves) die or leave, the more the void was usually filled with coyotes. They have been all around most rural areas for years, or at least since the 30's when wolves were killed with bounties. The coyote, even though they were all around us, was seldom, if ever, seen by anyone. You never see them as road kill. Now however, there have been countless sightings all over the PNW at all hours and all locations. There was even one on KTLA (Los Angeles) that walked into a 7-11 store and sat in the cooler. That is beyond strange. At night you can HEAR their constant chorus anywhere in the west. Now we are SEEING them. There was also countless stories last winter of bears getting into dumpsters in the middle of major western cities. Just what in the hell is going on.
As far as the grasshoppers...they could be locust. ALL grasshoppers CAN become locust if conditions are right. They live in cycles and soi much depends on things being just right for the metamporphisis to occur. Beyond the appearance of them, can't help you.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
If you are sensitive, you may crave Popcorn, or corn in any form.
[edit on 19-5-2008 by dbates]

Great post, but why popcorn/corn? Is there any reason behind that? Or is it just something you've observed to happen?

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Hi this is Charlotte King and I am the Pioneer of Biological Earthquake Prediction and I think your thread is great. I am best known for my accurate prediction of the major eruption of Washingtons' Mt St Helens in 1980, I was 12 minutes off.

Wow thanks for the post, very interesting.

I shall take this advice.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
[Hi this is Charlotte King and I am the Pioneer of Biological Earthquake Prediction and I think your thread is great. I am best known for my accurate prediction of the major eruption of Washingtons' Mt St Helens in 1980, I was 12 minutes off.]

You listed some good info in your post, Thanks. To bad we can't conversate with you, due to the restrictions about posting time periods for anonymous posters. Seems like the animals are picking up on something headed our way.

[If you want any more information, feel free to contact me personally.]

Don't know what you wrote after this, it was removed, Don't think you can give out personal info in a post.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 10:45 PM
i personally havent noticed anything odd with the animal life around me but my mom swears that all of our animals are acting incredibly weird. i live in oregon dont know if that helps

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by The Nighthawk

[I've seen all of this, and more. I just remembered a couple weeks ago my fiancee and I were walking home from the dentist when we came across a mated pair of mallard ducks, just wandering around the neighborhood like they'd lived there all their lives! They were very friendly, not afraid at all, and came right up to us almost close enough to reach out and pet them. Now we're half a mile from the river, so these guys were a ways from their usual haunt, and I found it somewhat odd...]

That's really odd i've never seen the ducks venture any further than the river banks, never seen them walking down the street.

I can understand the animals acting strange before the quake & a little while afterwards, but they're still acting wierd. And it seems like it's not in isolated spots, seems like it's happening pretty much everywhere. I've seen my dogs act this way for a couple hours, maybe a day before we get a really big storm, but never for this long. The other thing that's got me wondering is the birds out there singing in the middle of the night, sometimes they sound like they're havin a party out there & not movin out of the way of cars that's just not normal.

Makes me worry that maybe something real big is coming. With all this movement of the tectonic plates i wonder if there's a volcano that's about to blow someplace.

I think we should all pay close attention to what the animals are doing, and keep up with this thread.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 11:18 PM
I posted earlier, I'm in carter cnty tn. My dog has been hidng under the bed acting needy, our geese r moving north, birds r singing at three am, earlier this school year I found two barn owls in the middle of the street, they were kinda in shock I took one of them to a wildlife rescue but the other one skirted away. I'm a normal guy but this stuff is freakin me out. The more I read the more I see this is not an isolated event. An earthquake inthe south? Get me to TExas asap

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Thank you for all that information. My cat is acting crazy still and i'm way over on the East Coast. Its so bad i keep opening the door so she can go out because she makes me very nervous! It hasnt let up for about 4 days.

[edit on 19-5-2008 by dgtempe]

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