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Anyone noticing any unusual animal activity?

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posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:40 PM
I saw something the other night on CNN about how Bakersfield CA has been overrun with frogs. They had pictures of hundreds of little frogs on the streets and lawns. Really weird.
I noticed just today that there more squirrels than usual on the main road in front of my subdivision and they didn't want to get out of the way of my car. I slowed down to practically a stop and thought I was going to have to honk to get them to move. Squirrels are usually so fast and they were just sort of sitting there. I live in the Midwest where we've had earthquakes lately so maybe that has something to do with it.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Tricky63

I have had the same reaction from my cat recently. He just wants to be near me all the time, jumps upon my shoulder and goes to sleep. He will then wake up and jump down. The strangest thing happened just after the quake. He had been outside and then came in, sat in front of me and "talked" to me and then turned around and went back out. He has never done that and just seemed to want to tell me something.


posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by slackerwire

It doesn't sound weird at all. I live in Oceanside, Ca and i've been noticing increased insect activity. A couple of weeks ago a few dead ducks appeared on my college campus, all torn to shreds yet no blood or ants on them. they were there for about 3 weeks until the ground's keeper (I'm assuming) cleaned them up.

My dogs have been hiding and constantly scared for about two weeks while both of my cats seem to be talking and meowing loudly a lot.

As for birds, a lot of dead birds on the sides of the roads, including birds of prey such as hawk, eagles, and falcons.

Something is happening, no doubt...but what?

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by Daedalus24

The one thing I DONT want it to be is that super volcano in Yellowstone. If that puppy goes we are all totally screwed. The last time a volcano that size erupted humanity almost went extinct.

Nice little educational interactive on the spread of humanity and how several natural events such as the super volcano eruption and ice ages have impacted us here;

Not that large earthquakes are much better for the people who live in the region affected. Staying out of large multistory concrete buildings for the next several weeks would be my strategy if I lived in an earthquake prone area.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:53 AM
Hearing reports of lots of dead birds including predatory birds makes me think you guys may have a problem in California. I thought I heard stories about animals acting crazy before an earthquake but I don't know what would be killing the birds. I live on the east coast and haven't noticed anything unusual here.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:58 AM
Just to update, my sons cat (which i now have for awhile) has a routine and let me tell you tonight, that cat came in the house and i swear it was trying to tell me something! It kept speaking, whinning, going around in circles,wouldnt eat, sat in the middle ofthe living room looking miserable and i kept saying whats wrong..
I said you want to go out? she came over and kept going around my feet non stop
after awhile i opened the door and she took off and hasnt come back yet.

As i said im not too used to cats, but i've had her now for 2 months and she's never acted this way.

I cant comfort her because i am having terrible allergy attacks with her here, otherwise i'd pick her up and give her some loving.

[edit on 19-5-2008 by dgtempe]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 12:58 AM

I've also noticed some unusual bird activity too. Call me nuts, but it almost seems like they are suicidal.

I had 2 birds this week fly straight into my kitchen windows, on 2 separate occasions. I was thinking they were trying to kill themselves for some reason. Also in the last week my dogs are acting so needy! I can't even go to the bathroom without them all piling up in there with me, even trying to jump on my lap!

Another thing we noticed: dead animals all over the roads, we usually see the occasional possum or squirrel, but just this past week my hubby and I noted that we had seen so many dead squirrells, and and even 3 raccoons, birds, and a couple of unknown animals 9unknown tous anyway).

I live in North Ga.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 01:14 AM
I was at a friend's house this evening, and we were out back at his pool, when all of a sudden his dog began running full-speed like he had gone crazy around the pool, over and over and over, and he has never done this before that I've seen. I even had to jump out of his way on one pass, he was actually b-lining straight for me and did not alter his course, like he didn't even see me. I thought, "you know, this is kinda weird," but I didn't harp on it, my friend already thinks I'm on the Internet too much!

Reading this thread, I thought I'd add this unusual event to the list. I've also seen a lot of military helicopter activity, of late, back and forth across I-10 west in Houston, TX. For me to say that nothing is afoot would go against a lot I've seen. Two weeks ago, I walked outside to a beautiful blue sky, looked up to admire it and saw a white object very high in the air, motionless in the windy sky for the entire few minutes I watched it, but then decided, "who will believe me if I call anyone, and what difference will it make even if they do believe it?" so I got in my car and went about my day.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by OptionToChoose

About that white object, I have seen something the last 3 mornings on my way in from work, which is around 715 am EST, my hubby saw it too, it was a long white object in the sky. Like an airplane with no wings. Is that anything like what you are seeing?

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 03:15 AM
My Cat was acting weird. She was sitting on the Night stand all Night and when I woke up she was still there?! I've never known her to spend so much time in one spot but she didn't even look like she slept or anything and she looked so uncomfortable there. Thats weird for a cat. That was on 05.14.08 btw. In Southern Ca.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 03:29 AM
Just a thought, increased insect activity means more food for birds. This in turn means more birds in general. Therefore people will see more animals and probably more strange things like birds flying into windows, which happens, especially if you can see straight through the house (they think they can fly through). There will also be more dead birds on the road as there are more to hit.

The frogs. More insects more frogs.

More insects could be due to the warm weather that’s been mentioned throughout.

Cats act strange when they move location. Also, and don’t take this the wrong way, if cats don’t like their owners they can sometimes go and find new ones, they are free spirits.

If I can explain anything else, ill try, just ask.

All the best,

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by slackerwire
I live in Las Vegas (for locals, I'm in Summerlin),and over the past few days I've noticed quite a bit of animal/insect activity that seems a little unusual.

I've been out here for 6 years, and could probably count the number of grasshoppers I've seen in that time on one hand, but over the past week or so I've noticed they are everywhere. Lots and lots of grasshoppers flying around all over my area at least.

Came home today and saw some quail in my yard. That was a first as well.

Last week I saw a roadrunner crossing my street, can't say I've seen a roadrunner in my suburban area ever. They tend to stay around the open fields, but this one was just running up and down the street.

I've also noticed some unusual bird activity too. Call me nuts, but it almost seems like they are suicidal.

Anyone else noticed any strange behavior from animals in their area, or have any idea what could be going on?

Dammit me too. We'll, the part with the birds one look like he was trying to attack me.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 03:50 AM
I started reading this thread for some "light" reading before going to sleep, and I was thinking that these were normal animal activities that we only notice when someone points them out.

But you know what? I've lived with cats (I started to say I owned them, but I don't think that's how it works with cats
) for all of my 50 years, and I was just having a discussion with my wife a day or two ago about how our current two cats have been more talkative than ever. It's almost like they are trying to tell us something. In fact, since then we have been putting words into their mouths and pretending to translate, because it seems so very much like they are actually trying to tell us something. I've never seen cats act like ours have been acting the last couple of weeks. And now I come across this thread...

Kinda creepy and makes you wonder what is going on. I was in a large earthquake when I was a young boy and afterwards heard a lot of info about how animals can predict them. I REALLYwanted to believe that but I never saw any proof, so I became skeptical. But our cats really seem to be acting unusual, and it matches what some others here have reported.

For anyone mapping these activities, I'm in the Northwest of the USofA.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 05:47 AM
my cats has ben acting funny. my momma gave one of them a bed in the closet and gave her 6 kittens. I dunno where she got the kittens. she also has some meat called plasenta. The cat ate the meat and I tried it to. tastes funny. the kittens like to put there heads in my kitties bellie. the other cat likes to go outside and play lepfrog with other cats. they get stuck together like that. dum cats. it licks its but alot. my daddys coming so i better go.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 05:59 AM
Just a thought, increased insect activity means more food for birds. This in turn means more birds in general. Therefore people will see more animals and probably more strange things like birds flying into windows, which happens, especially if you can see straight through the house (they think they can fly through). There will also be more dead birds on the road as there are more to hit.

The frogs. More insects more frogs.

More insects could be due to the warm weather that’s been mentioned throughout.

Cats act strange when they move location. Also, and don’t take this the wrong way, if cats don’t like their owners they can sometimes go and find new ones, they are free spirits.

If I can explain anything else, ill try, just ask.

All the best,

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 06:11 AM
Well, I happen to live my life in Great Britain... We've already had our earthquake this year, and most of the animals were nuts long before it happened, so we had no warning whatsoever from those nutty animals.

The worst part is that the earthquake here caused a few chimney stacks to fall over, a few windows shattered, and a man suffered a broken leg... Worse still is that it's been months since this devastating earthquake in British history, and still there is no aid relief from the international community..

Joking aside, there have been some rather odd and unusual behavioural traits manifesting themselves in our ferrets lately. They have been restless, and agitated. Scratching the cage they are in trying desperately to get out. The cage they are kept in is huge (6foot by 8foot). They have never behaved like this before... It does concern me somewhat. Further to this, the cat that lives with us, has refused to come into the house for days. Even when we have put food by the front door.

Not sure what to make of it all, but it is fascinating.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 06:11 AM
There has been a lot of deer tracks within a few feet of the entrance doors to my barn and house. Two spotted fawns were seen in our yard the day before yesterday by my wife, and our dog didn't bother to respond at all. As I was leaving the house for town yesterday a turkey buzzard was on the easement road to my place . Instead of flying off it ran back and forth along the fence periodically turning and trying to run through the fence wire. While visiting a friend in town he told me that he counted 39 squirrels in his small treeless front yard. I have also seen numerous racoons out and about in the early evening before dark. Howling coyotes are the norm around here and they haven't made any noise in about 2 weeks. All of these things are out of the ordinary.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 06:13 AM
Here in Scotland there have been many weird animal activities stretching back to last Summer. Birds are less secretive and the first light morning birdcall is now taking place an hour before light !! Also I have noticed an increase in buzzard numbers along our main motorways and actually saw 4 deer sitting by the motorway in the heart of Glasgow !!. Frogs, there are loads more just now, they are everywhere. I dont think this is a sign of any earthquake etc here in scotland, although I do think that the animal kingdom does know something we dont though .

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
One of my cats has become exceedingly friendly to everyone and seems to want a lot of attention. She used to be exceedingly ornery and reclusive. Along with this she's been throwing up all over the house.
Clearly the end is near!

Is she older and losing weight? Many older cats become hyper-thyroid (their thyroid gland starts overproducing). They start losing weight and it can completely change their temperament. I had a ferral cat for 18 years, she was always very shy and afraid of everything, then when the cat was 17 she became hyperthyroid and her personality changed completely.

She became fearless and extremely outgoing (thyroid is easy to treat, a small pill ground up in their food fixes it, if left untreated they starve to death because their metabolism runs to fast).

[edit on 19-5-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by dgtempe

My 3 cats have acting strange too. For the past 6 months, they keep chasing something which is not there. My poor oldest 4 yr old cat runs into the door after something. Its hilarious as heck to see my cats acting like that but something is giving me a chill down my spine when I am thinking twice about it.

Could it be something invisible to the human eye, that only cats can see? When my oldest cat was doing this.. I scanned the entire area for any bugs, etc... I couldnt find/hear anything. My eyes have perfect sharp vision. Hmmm....

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