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Are aliens stealing my babies?

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posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:45 AM
I have never (that I remember) been abducted by an alien or anything. I am open to the idea that it is possible I guess but have never experienced anything remotely similar. With that being said...

I have had nine miscarriages. They all happen in the first trimester, very early in the pregnancy. I have been to many specialists and they can't seem to give me any kind of certain diagnosis. After reading some of the alien threads it has got me to wondering if it is possible that aliens have been stealing my babies.

If so, how are they getting them without me knowing? Why do they want them? Will they ever leave me alone long enough to have another child?

I don't know much about alien life forms or if they even exist but I have a very open mind about such things and would like to get some answers from some of you experts out there.

Please help me learn more.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by stellawayten
I have never (that I remember) been abducted by an alien or anything. I am open to the idea that it is possible I guess but have never experienced anything remotely similar. With that being said...

I have had nine miscarriages. They all happen in the first trimester, very early in the pregnancy. I have been to many specialists and they can't seem to give me any kind of certain diagnosis. After reading some of the alien threads it has got me to wondering if it is possible that aliens have been stealing my babies.

If so, how are they getting them without me knowing? Why do they want them? Will they ever leave me alone long enough to have another child?

I don't know much about alien life forms or if they even exist but I have a very open mind about such things and would like to get some answers from some of you experts out there.

Please help me learn more.

Well a simple answer to all your questions is. You need to visit your gnocologist and ask if you are able to have kids. Your body or your eggs may not be able to have kids. Or your partners eggs there may be a problem.

There is many answers the doctors will give you to find out what exactly is wrong.

There isn't anything else involved. Just go to your doctor and ask why you can't have kids. I knew a girl who has 15 miscarriages almost gave up but she finally got pregnant. Problem was one of her cells was a bit low and after taking some medicine to boost her system she was able to fully have a child.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:29 AM
You said "another child", does that mean that you had a successful pregnancy and child birth?

Some women suffer some changes in their bodies after the first child and cannot have more, the fact that the doctors can not point to a specific reason does not mean that there isn't one, try to get the opinion of old women, maybe you can learn something from them (if you haven't tried it yet).

Good luck.

PS: I don't believe in any alien abduction/mutilation/etc., so I think that your problem is a natural occurring one.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by xweaponx

I have been to many doctors and have had many tests. They have not given me an exact diagnosis.... ie: they don't know what is wrong. Also, I have one child but haven't been able to have another.

Believe me... I have struggled with this "infertility" for years and have searched everywhere for answers without any luck. This is just one stop I thought I would make to see if it is possible that aliens were stealing my babies.

I once saw a show on abductions and the lady that was abducted got to 'meet' her child that was part alien.

I just thought posting here might be able to give me some answers.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by stellawayten
reply to post by xweaponx

I have been to many doctors and have had many tests. They have not given me an exact diagnosis.... ie: they don't know what is wrong. Also, I have one child but haven't been able to have another.

Believe me... I have struggled with this "infertility" for years and have searched everywhere for answers without any luck. This is just one stop I thought I would make to see if it is possible that aliens were stealing my babies.

I once saw a show on abductions and the lady that was abducted got to 'meet' her child that was part alien.

I just thought posting here might be able to give me some answers.

Do you smoke or take any drugs?

Like ArMaP said. Sometimes a women can not have another baby after the first.

Are you in the United State or another country?

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:48 AM

First and most important seek medical advice.

I will ask you a few thing's do not feel obliged to answer them.

1) Have you noticed that your menstral cycle date's change and become very erratic.

For example you have a period and then two week's later you have another ?

2) Have you ever bled when you know for a fact you are not due a period ?

For example you go to the toilet go to bed wake up in the morning and realise you have bled for no apparant reason ?

3) Are you Anemic and taking iron tablet's ?

4) Do you suffer from terrible trapped wind and a bloated belly ?

I realise the above question's are very personal and i fully realise that you might not wish to publish your answer's here.

I respect that one hundred percent but if any of the point's i raised ring's a bell please let me know about it.

Take care.


[edit on 18-5-2008 by h3akalee]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:51 AM

Sorry for your loss. Your very brave talking about this subject. I think the two if it was happening (abduction) are seperate. You may have a fertility problem that is totally un related to aliens.

Have you had your blood type matched? Often if you are rhesus negative and your partner is positive you will reject the baby if it too is rhesus positive.

Just a thought .MG.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:01 PM
[snip] just because you cant have a baby does not mean that little green men are stealing them from you.


Mod Edit: Just reminder of the header available on every page here:

Aliens & UFOs

This forum is dedicated to the discussion of historic and contemporary events related to extraterrestrial encounters, UFO sightings, and speculation about related subjects. Discussion topics and follow-up responses in this forum will likely tend to lean in favor of the existence of extraterrestrials and the related conspiracies, scandals, and cover-ups. Members who would seek to refute such theories should be mindful of's tradition of supporting the examination of the "extraterrestrial phenomenon" on the related conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and scandals.


[edit on 19/5/08 by JAK]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by SuperSlovak

Have some manner's the way you handle yourself say's a lot about your character !

Who are you to question someone else's personal feeling's on such a subject ?

Show a little bit of compassion. Someone has gone out on a wimb to tell us there situation.

They have nothing to gain and everything to loose by opening up on a site like this.

The last thing they need is someone acting like a five year old child.

Take care.


posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:18 PM
Hi, really sorry to hear about your miscarriages - I've had many myself so know just how devastating it is.

One rarely diagnosed cause of very early miscarriage is a genetic disorder called "Factor V Leiden". This is a disorder which predisposes you to blood clots, and at the point when the embryo embeds in the wall of the uterus a blood clot forms between them, which in turn leads to early miscarriage. I carry this gene and inherited it from my mother and we have both had 4 children - so don't give up hope.

This gene was only isolated in the 1990's so is not that well known and general practitioners don't screen for it. I was tested for it because of other medical problems. Initially they take a blood test, which is normally done at the hospital rather than the surgery because the blood has to be tested within a short timeframe, and then its confirmed through dna profiling.

If your parents or grandparents have suffered from deep vein thrombosis, phlebitis, gall stones, early miscarriage, it would probably be worth asking your GP to test for this.

If they won't test you, try taking a low dose (70 mg) soluble asprin daily, which thins the blood slightly. This would help to stop a blood clot forming and might very well be the only treatment you need. Obviously you'd need to discuss with your doctor whether there were any contra-indications to you trying this, but for most people this would be fine.

Good luck, and if you need any more information or even just a sympathetic ear, please feel free to U2U me.



posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:24 PM
I live in the United States...

I have had many many many tests. I am not anemic, I do not have rh neg blood. I do not have PCOS. I do not have any infections leading to infertility. I do not have MTHFR. I have been tested for all the normal infertilty causes and none have come up. I have treatment after treatment unsuccessfully.

h3akalee: no, I have not had any of the things that you mentioned.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by Mayacara

I have had all the genetic testing... everything came out good. I have taken baby asprin as well as heparin and levanox... nothing has worked.

Its nice to have someone that understands what its like because most people don't.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 01:02 PM
I'm glad you have been tested for this and found to be negative. I agree that most people don't understand how devastating this can be. I can understand how desperate you must be to explore every possible reason, particularly when the medical profession can't find an answer, but I think its very unlikely it is anything sinister, its probably just some other disorder that hasn't been discovered yet.

So hang on in there and try, as much as you can, to relax and not worry about it. The fact that you have had one baby means you probably can have another. I'm sure you've heard all the stories of women who have fallen pregnant as soon as they've adopted a child, just because they've stopped worrying about it.

Take care and good luck.



posted on May, 18 2008 @ 01:53 PM

I have heard of a very rare condition where a woman can actually be allergic to her partner. This is not a joke and often people in this situation go on to have babies when this cause is found. I have no idea how they work it out but it is indeed a rare cause of infertility. This explains why couples sometimes go on to have babies in other relationships. Im not saying for one minute resort to donor sperm but just putting up a rare condition that I have heard of.

Much Love MG

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by stellawayten

Did your partner made any tests?

In one case I know the woman made many tests and the doctors could not find any reason for her infertility because, apparently, nobody thought of making tests to her partner.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 04:59 PM
I am SO SORRY for your losses.......I can speak to you from experience.
I have had 14 miscarriages in my life.
My one son is 15 now and he was my 6th pregnancy.

Oh ya I saw MANY specialists and they just shrugged shoulders saying they had no real clue as to WHY......this went on for 20 YEARS I kid you not....test after test...INTENSE blood work....allergie panels....was I allergic to my husband ect.....ON & ON.

In the last 10 years it has come to light that I have fibromyalgia.
FM will cause a uterus to contract and FIGHT a perceived foreign body inside it.........
Just this last January they diagnosed my with a VERY low thyroid, and this to will cause 1st trimester loss.........this pisses me OFF as MOST members of my family have this low thyroid diagnosed from an early age and I have brought this up to Dr's over and over but they just ALWAYS know more than I do so it has gone undiagnosed for years and years. I have told them in the past to check this but they were MISSING it...
.....a Pharmacist found this problem for me NOT the DR's who think they KNOW everything.....the Dr's missed this for years and years and YEARS.........

I now believe that the low thyroid and the FM combined just make it close to impossible for me to carry a child to term.

All my losses were in the 1st trimester.... early on.....

I have always wanted another child so this is all very sad for me.

Before I fully understood the implications of the thyroid and FM issues I also wondered if MAYBE aliens were messing with me........
IF IF your pregnancies are out of the blue and unexpected AND they go away in very strange ways then maybe you should get regression hypnosis just to check what kind of memories you might be suppressing?

Get the silly uncooperative Dr's to check your thyroid string way way at the end.....give them a HARD time about this.....MAKE them check the very end of the string of numbers....

[edit on 18-5-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by SuperSlovak
oh wow
just because you cant have a baby does not mean that little green men are stealing them from you.

God man, show some sensitivty [snip]

Really frigging hilarious isn't it.....


Mod Edit: Personal comment removed. Please see Courtesy Is Mandatory. Thank you - Jak

[edit on 19/5/08 by JAK]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 06:13 PM
yes.... exactly what i went thru. I haven't been to a specialist in a year or two. I have ultimatly given up on having another child. I kwym about the docs thinking they know everything. This experience has taught me that docs are just humans and some of them aren't very smart.

I will have to look up FM. I have never looked in to that. I'm not sure if I've had my thyroid checked or not. I have had so many tests that I can't keep up.

When you can't get answers from western or eastern medicine, you start digging elsewhere ya know.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 06:21 PM
Just wanted to tell you that I am very sorry for your difficult situation, and I hope you get the medical help you need so things will change to the better for you. I wish you the best of luck.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 08:05 PM
Ms. Stella,

Has your husband/boyfriend been tested as well? Often times, things are missed because culturally, we are focused on the woman carrying the child, not realizing that the father contributes to the health and development of the unborn child as well.

I would also recommend seeking psychological help. Please don't take this as condescending. My ex-wife had a difficult pregnancy with our son, and I remember the psychological toll it took on us. I can only imagine how it is for you and your partner. A professional may help you find some solace in all of this.

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