posted on May, 17 2008 @ 09:35 PM
So, as the thread title suggests, is there a way to enhance or refine the prophetic dream experience? Is there a way to realise at the time
that what you have dreamt is in some way incredibly meaningful and in some cases prophetic?
I ask because dreaming has always been an event for me. For as long as I've known, I've always been able to recall my dreams in vivid detail (I can
remember dreams from 18 or 19 years ago, like i dreamt them a week ago), I have always been able to lucid dream, however more recently my dreams have
had a greater feeling of deapth and meaning, and in some cases have had element of "seeing the future". Not on a great scale of "The world will end
in xxx amount of time" or anything like that, but on little things, that are relevant to my day to day life... my most recent experience for
In early December, I had a very vivid dream, where I was at work (I'm front office manager @ a Motel, the GM's live in a residence upstairs). Work
is going as per usual, when all of a sudden my bosses start walking down the stair case with all of their belongings and large packing boxes.
I ask Amelia what she is doing, and she explains to me that they are moving out of the upstairs apartment and back to Geelong, and can I please help
them. So I stop what I am doing, and give them a hand moving bits and pieces into the truck. Tom then explained that I would be moving in upstairs,
and showed me where my dog Ruby could sleep etc. I watch them drive off down the road, and then realise that they have left us (the staff) all alone
at the Motel, and there is a general feeling of unease in the building.
When I awoke, I knew the dream meant something, as the emotions were quite strong, and the memory of the dream stayed with me for many many days..
replaying like a movie whenever I was left alone with my own thoughts.
About a week later, the female staff were having a lunch together down at the pub as a Christmas break up, and the topic of dreams came up. I said to
Amelia that I'd had a dream about her and Tom, and gave her a brief version of what the dream was about. She just blanked me, which was strange, as
she would normally be quite interested and ask lots of questions.
The following week, before I went on holidays, I had a meeting with Tom and Amelia. they sat me down and told me that the Freehold owners had put the
Motel on the market, and they had decided to sell the lease as well, but were planning on purchasing a lease on a Geelong Motel, and they wanted me to
move to Geelong and work for them there. Amelia then added that her and Tom had purchased a house in Geelong, and would be living there, but would
like me to move into the managers apartment in Geelong.
She asked me if I really had the dream I told her about, because it freaked her out that it was so accurate to what was happening in "real life".
Has anyone else had similar experiences "on the small scale" so to speak?