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"Angel Sightings!!!"

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posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 03:06 PM
iam a 44 year old woman, completely normal. take no medications. this will be my first post. i have carried this memory with me for years now and finally get to share it with someone for the first time.

first off let me start by saying that i have always had the ability to dream dreams that come true. and have experienced many an odd occurance throughout my life.

but this memory has stayed with me more vividly than any other.

i was 13 years old and living on a huge farm out in ohio with my three siblings , my mother, and stepfather. we were just finishing up stacking hay in the barn. i was the only one who had not went into the house yet to get cooled offf . i was up in the hayloft.

i suffered fainting spells at this time and had for a while. the docs said i had epilepsy. but ill tell you i never had nor do i have this disorder, ever.
i beleive i was bothered by some type of demon or something. there was some pretty weird things happening to me at that time.

but anyway i found myself fighting for my breath and going out again. so there i was lying in the hay feeling i would die soon. it auctually felt this time like i was going to die.

i was visited by an angel at this time she appeared there with me she was holding me in her arms comforting me. this was the brightest white light i had ever seen radiating from her. although i could not see her face i knew she was perfect. she was speeking to me without words . telling me that all would be well. that it was not my time to go. i have never felt such comfort and peace before and have not sence.

as quickly as this started it was over and i got up and just left the barn to go back into the house with my family and never spoke a word of it to anyone in all these years. i can also tell you that i have never had another episode of passing out after that day. i have carried this with me for a long time and have come to the conclusion that what happened really did happen. no doupt. and i feel very blessed to have experienced it!

iam so excited to have found a forum where i can feel comfortable in telling my stories with like minded people.

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by pieman
reply to post by QBSneak000

did the guy offer you a copy of watchtower by any chance, those jehovah's witness' can be mighty tricky when they go a converting and i've heard the have super powers.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by antar
Have been in the company of Angels all my life. The best show ever was while I was fighting a Demon for the ultimate salvation of all earth humans, animals included, and the subsequent release he had on myself and some friends that were present during our battle in an other dimension, when I had won the Spiritual and mental states, he was then attacking me in the physical and just when I thought all was lost, from behind me, actually within me, a HUGE Angel with battered Wings appeared to help me win the battle. Only saw him from a turned and craned neck, as I could not turn my back completely on the demon, and then he was of to continue doing battle in a higher dimension. Truth.

So bright, blindingly so, 14-15 feet tall wingspan enormous. Clothes like robes hanging natural colored, tattered as well. A GOOD Being that fights to give us the opportunity to grow. A higher self, yes that too. Promise.

my my do you have a vivid imagination. Perhaps you should be a writer... or yeah you are.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by Echo3Foxtrot
I've seen many angels. Mostly in geometry.

So isnt Angel just that, they that came from an angel.. aka those that came from above.. perhaps even in a spaceship

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by marsetta
i suffered fainting spells at this time and had for a while. the docs said i had epilepsy. but ill tell you i never had nor do i have this disorder, ever.

Maybe it's sycope which caused fainting? It's milder than epilepsy and doesn't have any adverse effects (no hallucinations or such). Protein diet, water and stress reduction usually counterbalances the light-headedness.

Originally posted by marsetta
i was visited by an angel at this time she appeared there with me she was holding me in her arms comforting me. this was the brightest white light i had ever seen radiating from her. although i could not see her face i knew she was perfect. she was speeking to me without words . telling me that all would be well. that it was not my time to go. i have never felt such comfort and peace before and have not sence.

as quickly as this started it was over and i got up and just left the barn to go back into the house with my family and never spoke a word of it to anyone in all these years. i can also tell you that i have never had another episode of passing out after that day. i have carried this with me for a long time and have come to the conclusion that what happened really did happen. no doupt. and i feel very blessed to have experienced it!

Given my experiences and discussion with others, this testimony lends validation to me that it did indeed happen.

Originally posted by marsetta
iam so excited to have found a forum where i can feel comfortable in telling my stories with like minded people.

Glad to have you here, thank you for your eye-witness account to contribute to the discussion.

[edit on 12-8-2009 by saint4God]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by QBSneak000

Your experience is much like many that I have had. People dressed in the current style of the day and country (I travel a lot) have appeared some have talked to me some just stared at me, some close up some further away. But once it happened while I was with a group of people, and I commented that it was interesting to see that guy in black under the tree/ bush making tea...we all turned around and there was a tree but no man and no fire. In all instances they were there one minute and gone the next.
In the case of the man under the tree we were outside a French Foreign legion fort in Tunsia and there was absolutely no where to go within 3 seconds up/down/left or right. I havent seen any since my Mom died I think they were watching out for me in answer to her prayers. None of them had the angelic appearance so commonly associated with angels.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:29 AM
In 2003, I lost my very best friend, Rachel, to a horrific car accident with a drunk driver. She was a very devout Christian, but not the "throw religion down everyone's throat" kind of Christian. Her evangelism was spread through good deeds and her personal faith. (This information is relevant)

When she died, I had just seen her like 3 hours before at her brother's birthday party, and that night, I dreamed that she died and was talking to me from Heaven.

The next morning, I got a call from another good friend of ours saying that Rachel had been in an accident, and then was crying so hard that I couldn't get any more information out of her. I called Rachel's mother and the pastor answered the phone. He delivered the news to me.

In the following months I saw Rachel in dreams, on street corners, and other places several times. She was there when I graduated high school, when I joined the Navy, when I made breakfast some mornings.

In 2005, I was in a terrible car accident that should have killed me and my brother both. The last thing I remember after realizing I had no control over my car, yelling a few profanities, and letting go of the wheel and pulling my feet off the pedals was Rachel's face, clear as day, across the entire windshield. My brother remembers it being there too. My car was so mangled that they had the jaws of life and careflight ready to dig us out of my car and ship us off to the hospital. My brother and I were standing on the side of the road, with only a few bumps and bruises and a sprained shoulder between us.

I told Rachel's mother about it and she cried. She gave me a copy of a page from Rachel's diary. it was a prayer, about me, asking God that if she dies, she requested to be my personal angel.

She has been in my life a few times after that, including the birth of my daughter- which was more complicated than it should have been- and other times when I am just overwhelmed and she appears in my dreams.

I am a firm believer in angels, and I know that mine looks over me more than I deserve it sometimes.


Scholarship fund info

Both of those links have information about my angel, and the wonderful people surrounding and supporting her family to continue Rachel's good deeds from her life, after her death. A bit morbid, sorry, it's close to the anniversary and I get a bit overcome with it sometimes.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 04:30 PM
I must say, This is a rather interesting topic....One I'm quite interested in myself...My religion is based a lot upon as some would call 'casting spells' or 'performing satanic ritual's' [And by some I mean mostly Christians

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 05:48 PM
when I was about 2 years old I was sitting on an open window sill in the living room (thanks mom) and somehow lost my balance and fell out of the window head first. Something caught me in mid air, rotated me and gently set me down on the ground in lotus position. There was no one there. It was ground floor so falling out head first with only 4 feet down I should have cracked my skull. I'm 28 now, I was 2 when it happened and I remember it crystal clear. It's one of those unexplainable experiences that are impossible to forget. I remember it better than my mom, I remember the stunned look on her face when she came outside and saw me sitting on the ground, wondering how I got there.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:10 PM
I was shopping, the lot was full, so i parked in the back corner next to a tree so my car could get shade. I finished picking up my stuff and put it in the back of my ford focus wagon. I got into the car and started it. Then a man put his hand on my shoulder. I freaked, i did not move, i thought i might get robbed or something. He told me i needed to be here on aproximately oct. 17th 2011. It is of grave importance that i be here on this date at 11 o'clock. I remember looking at his hand when he put his hand on my shoulder. He had a large ring. It was black and gold. The ring was of a skull and crossbones. after he told me this he removed his hand and i wanted to see his face in the mirror. When i looked in the mirror he was gone. I turned around and looked in the back seat, NOTHING. I got out of the car and walked around the car and looked all around and NOTHING. TALK ABOUT WEIRD.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by nite owl
I was shopping, the lot was full, so i parked in the back corner next to a tree so my car could get shade. I finished picking up my stuff and put it in the back of my ford focus wagon. I got into the car and started it. Then a man put his hand on my shoulder. I freaked, i did not move, i thought i might get robbed or something. He told me i needed to be here on aproximately oct. 17th 2011. It is of grave importance that i be here on this date at 11 o'clock. I remember looking at his hand when he put his hand on my shoulder. He had a large ring. It was black and gold. The ring was of a skull and crossbones. after he told me this he removed his hand and i wanted to see his face in the mirror. When i looked in the mirror he was gone. I turned around and looked in the back seat, NOTHING. I got out of the car and walked around the car and looked all around and NOTHING. TALK ABOUT WEIRD.

Hm...Interesting...Now if it was 2012 I'd be a little bit suspicious about your claim...for obvious reasons...

However by what you've described, I'd say you either had an experience with "Death" Aka "The Grim Reaper", You we're having a hallucination OR you did in fact have a meeting with an Angel [Possibly Gabriel? God's Messenger of Death?]

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 07:14 PM
Thats an angel!

reply to post by 6dark6energy6

[edit on 22-7-2010 by Gloster]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 04:19 PM
Hehehe....Nice Angel xD No picture

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 06:14 AM
I don't know if this of any interest or help, but a few year ago when my grandad who i was close to was at hospital dying of cancer, one night my dad came home after visiting, i had recently visited three days before, he told me that when my grandad woke up he asked my dad why i was sitting on the end of the bed and dressed so smart, my dad told him i hadn't come along but my grandad swore that i was sitting their smiling at him, skin was pale, my black hair straightened smart and i was wearing a black suit just resting my hand on his hand.

When my dad went to get a drink and returned my grandad said that the person that looked like myself cried a little and hugged him before fading away in the door way, i was a little weirded out but it felt good knowing in someway it was me who was with him near the end.

We always had close grandad and granson times.

Anyone have any answers to this?

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by 6dark6energy6

Angels are indeed real and walk among you...they try and blend into society as mortal beings but it's hard to stay unnoticed when you frequently perform miracles. And there are in fact dozens of factions of angels, some good, some bad, some indifferent. You probably know at least one angel who resides in your family or friends or extended friends. Angels give off an etherical energy or glow which feels like cold energy or warm energy depending on type. They also tend to be wither suffering inside AKA The Nephilim or extremely exuberant.

I would hate to know that there are those who wish to hunt angels because they are here to simply aid mankind in their hour of need, they are here to help.

Please be respectful of such beings who live among you, and try to show more compassion for your fellow man, for you are all brothers and sisters under the Creator.


posted on May, 14 2012 @ 08:55 PM
I belive in god, jeaus, angels, whiskey, my flag, and my gun. But religion is for fools who give there money away to fill a mans pocket.

Now angels... i have probley seen one in my life at least once but i think thay are here. Thay are watching over us.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 01:27 PM

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 02:12 PM
Interesting, this thread comes to life because someone came along and was knocked for decorum. I couldn't imagine what kind of impulse regarding angels could prompt such a thing.

Needless to say the Thread has surfaced and here I am sitting here wondering if I shouldn't share my own "visitation" experience. To be honest, there was an ATS member who wrote me, maybe several months prior, and said that I would be receiving an angel. At the time I could imagine looking up into a corner of the room above a bookshelf under a 12 foot ceiling and picture seeing a figure, I guess wondering to myself what I would do if it were to happen! Scary thought really. Anyway, I thought about it for a time but then I dismissed it and eventually even stopped posting last Fall here on ATS.

Then a month later I was struck with a Lucid Dream in the middle of the day. One of those lazy days when there is nothing to do and I had just stepped away from the computer and layed on the bed. It was within an instant of doing that.

My visitation started with the sound of horns. One horn after another, layer upon layer of horns, each adding more dimensions to the song; it lasted all of about 10 minutes and then he was there, the angel.

He wasn't old or young, he wasn't large bodied or small bodied, he was not olive complected but glowed like golden so he had a tint to him. His hair was shiney jet black and came down over his ears, not short and not long. He didn't speak, but he said words in my head.

When this happened I then realized I was paralized and that I was in a lucid state, prior to that during the horn/trumpets, I was absolutely mesmerized and unaware of being in REM, but by the time he was speaking to me I knew I was conscious.

My message was a personal experience and not "family oriented" material at all. There is no doubt this was definitely an Angel based on what I took from this. It is this very encounter that I go back to in remembrance of the Truth when I question my sinfulness and my ways. When I came out of the dream and the experience was over I had a red triangle of tiny red dots, like tiny bug bites without the bump, on my forehead between my eyes. It lasted for two week and then disappeared.

Sorry no pictures, I am being honest enough without going too much into detail of my message, I wrote about it to several friends on youtube and I did share it publicly and may have shared it on several past threads, but the experience was what it was for me. It was enough for me to know that we are in the "end times", we get to choose our "sides". Others will be oblivious but frightened, but this is the "age of Grace" and just by believing in "Him", Jesus, we are given that Grace, we are Gentiles and we are not under the "Law". We are under Grace!

A visitation without the trumpets would have seemed like a dream!

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 01:14 PM
Hey I tried this meditation I didn't do it for long but I came close to it until my break at work ended xp... well it was really weird! I saw a bunch of red spirals that later mixed into black and then red again. I have done meditation before at my school for a project in English (ya i know it was easy) and I never had that happen to me before. As I went something go across my head and my back later. It might of been the AC but I don't think it was =/. Have any of you tried that?

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 10:54 PM
Hate to bring up an old thread, but I love talking about these things. Because they are the earths greatest mystery. Are there celestial beings in another dimension that we are for the most part unaware of? In my opinion, yes. I think they are manifest by the Holy Spirit. Meaning God can use his children (those that are born again) to aid in his will.
Remember the story about Daniel and the Lions den? When an angel literally teleported a prophet to the den where Daniel was to feed him, and then disappeared. God uses people, who yield to the spirit (angels) to carry out his will.

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