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Why are we terrified of the Grays?

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posted on May, 17 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by prevenge

Well they vary a great deal.

And i wont go into detail here but.

Sometime's i am forced to make choices that go against my moral fibre as a human being.

Sometime's i experience death in many variation's.

Sometime's i am forced to go over situation's in my life that caused me great emotional pain and joy.

There are more but i think you get the general idea.

Please note the word FORCED.

Take care.


[edit on 17-5-2008 by h3akalee]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:06 PM
I used to think sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming and astral projection were all linked into alien abductions. Now I do not.

Since starting meditating I have become so much better at lucid dreaming and controlling the fear of sleep paralysis. I do believe the two issues are completely seperate.
Individuals who can astral project are just more likely to become an abductee due to their very nature. I no longer fear astral projection (most of the time) as I know it does not kill me lol I always seem to come back out the other side...but alien abduction is a whole different issue. This I do not understand, can not control and dont know to what its aim is.

I know we need to confront our fear of these aliens but this is easier said than done. One thing I do find strange is that I have NEVER had a dream that involves a Gray. No dream normal or lucid that these creatures feature in. For something that I fear SO much youd expect me to have at least one dream involving it wouldnt you? Could it be that ALL images of these has been removed from my sub conscious ??

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:10 PM
Its not so much the knowledge that scares us more so the "feelings" we get that are sometimes uncontrolled.

Some get a rush... or get bored or even get excited on the unknown.

How we each face our "feelings" would be based on what we've experienced and are able to discern.

Also another factor which scientist recently discovered that "fear" and possibly other senses and faucets of our being could be genetically programed!

simply by controlling its sense of smell. By tweaking genes to disable certain functions of the olfactory bulb — the area of the brain that receives information about smells directly from olfactory receptors in the nose — the researchers were able to create a “fearless” mouse that does not try to flee when it smells cats, foxes and other predators.

So in closing.. its not the unknown you should wonder about how you would react... be it aliens or someone sneaking up behind you.. like right now!!!!

lolol.. kidding..

But how we as individuals are in tune with our surroundings.


P.S.... Fear is an emotion.. .. its a tool.. it can not prevent the enevitable... our demise here on earth.. so don't fear your existence.. live it.. Love yourself inside and all else will fall in place.. ya cheesy.. but it the summary version of how one can not only conquer fear but use it for an advantage rather then a crutch. orz

[edit on 17-5-2008 by Willbert]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:25 PM
I'm okay with greys to a certain degree; it's not 'them' that I'm scared of but more of their appearance...

I've always had an innate fear of non-human creatures that resemble the human form, in which their figure is all twisted & weird - like typical grey pictures *shudders*

Also, looking at their face is like looking at/ talking to someone wearing sunglasses. I hate that >.<

(insert pic of paris hilton here lol)

=] + flag

[edit on 17/5/2008 by winchester_rayn]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Willbert

So in closing.. its not the unknown you should wonder about how you would react... be it aliens or someone sneaking up behind you.. like right now!!!!

Hey I actually looked then to see
Just for a second but I did.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by winchester_rayn
I'm okay with greys to a certain degree; it's not 'them' that I'm scared of but more of their appearance...

I've always had an innate fear of non-human creatures that resemble the human form, im which their figure is all twisted & weird - like typical grey pictures *shudders*

Also, looking at their face is like looking at/ talking to someone wearing sunglasses. I hate that >.<

(insert pic of paris hilton here lol)

=] star + flag

Yes your right its not the fear of Grays themselves it is their appearence. Put a bag over their head and Id not be scared of them ,take the bag off and Im terrified

Yes I also hate talking to people with sunglasses on. I always make a point of taking them off if I speak to someone. Its that looking at the person but not being able to see their eyes, the mirror glasses are the worst as you end up speaking to an image of yourself!!

The Grays eyes to me are not real eyes. They give off no emotion, no spirit they give away nothing. This leads me to believe they are not eyes at all but more likely lens.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:35 PM
I've seen others mention, though didn't see on this thread, that there are taller 'Greys'...the implication is that the short ones are 'manufactured', as in cyborgs of some, slaves one could even say. Hence, as machines they will have no emotion, no empathy of any kind.

Does any of that make sense?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:36 PM
I think my next lucid and/or astral experience... (I say that because to me they are one in the same almost, whereas astral begins with me rolling or falling out of my physical body, and lucidity comes during a dream - both have very similar end results though)... I may ask some questions regarding Greys to share with this very thread. I am not sure how verifiable the answers will be, but I am sure it will be insightful either way. In my experience asking questions in the astral, many of the questions regarding life and death are very cryptic when answered - I hope a question about the Greys would be more direct and require a more straightforward answer.

My experiences are random, usually in the early morning, although the last few days I have had multiple lucid and astral journeys. Hopefully this string continues throughout this week and I am able to remember to ask a specific question, which I need to think of one to ask because its very hard to think up a question on the spot - at least to my knowledge so far.

I have always wondered why so many people, including myself, have such an innate fear of the Greys. Hopefully i'll get a decent answer.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:37 PM
I have the same scary feeling regaring a posible abduction, and i agree totally with the cold stirring eyes, looking like small pools of oil. The reflection of myself in their eyes, and the silent scream that never reach the surface. Instead i'm utterly and completely at their mercy.
Another thing that keeps rumbeling in the back of my mind, is that according to someone or somebody, these "small greys" aren't the ones calling the shots. According to the disclosure project, several species have been "cataloged", and they are not all nice EBE's wishing us all the best. As much as i've been able to gather, the small greys are just the ones doing the dirty work. What kind of work are we talking here.?
I know i'm probably mixing things up, when it comes to abduction and who's working for whom. Just to bring another point into the mix here. Why would somebody need to mutilate cows, and humans as well. I think i would understand it better if they ate the hole cow, or at least the very best bbq'd steak, but no. These freaks enjoy a good boiled down soup, of lips, reproductive organs, utters garnished with a drilled out anal cavaty and blood. Sometimes i wonder if that smoothie comes with a little umbrella.
We keep hearing that somebody outthere is looking out for us and our well being. They even post on ATS once in a blue moon, telling us "spacebrothers" not to worry. That's all fine and dandy, but couldn't they at the very least send us a postcard or a photo, pointing towards the one's, we shouldn't play with.
I don't doubt for a second, that we are alone. That we get visitors every day, and i would be sad if it weren't so. However i think we've waited long enough, and the time has come to take of the mask's. Yes some may freak out and run for the hills, but hey where are they gonna go. Personally i wouldn't prefer to live in a hole in the woods with my family. Locked and loaded with all the ammo from the local guns and liquor store. I don't thing it would matter one damn bit. They'll get you when they want, because get you they will.
So my answer to your question would be. Hell yes i'm afraid of those little grey ones, so at least you're not alone bro.

[edit on 04-23-2008 by Topspike]

[edit on 04-23-2008 by Topspike]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Mr Green, wanted to mention your point about the eyes. In a book written by Col. Phillip Corso he mentions those black lenses, found in the debris at Roswell...and they were the inspiration for the development of night-vision technology....

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Yes I mentioned that I do believe there are other Grays and Ive heard they are taller. However if they are just taller versions of the smaller ones thats pretty scary too.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by deadline527

Yes thats the problem all answers given in LD/AP are SO cryptic. I need a dream analyser to interpret mine but luckily I know two people who are excellent at this!

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Mr Green

Mr Green, wanted to mention your point about the eyes. In a book written by Col. Phillip Corso he mentions those black lenses, found in the debris at Roswell...and they were the inspiration for the development of night-vision technology....

Yes your prob right they arnt eyes at all. So how on earth can we confront a fear of a droid? Its not going to have any feeling towards us in the slightest. Maybe overpowering them with our mind is the only way...or hitting them like someone posted

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:55 PM

We Fear Them Because of Our Own Actions

Mans inhumanity to man , feeds our fear of those of other species.
We tag fish, farm cows, experiment on all manner of creatures, tag , track, release all with the false notion of our complete and utter dominion over the physical world. Any notion of a being with more power than us in this reality is an instant fear inducing paradigm.
I for one do not trust those that hide and operate in the shadows but I posit that
they are if they are mostly PEACEFUL for if they were as AGGRESSIVE as we seem to be.. WE WOULD BE GONE in a heartbeat. ANY species with a warlike and conquering nature and the technical ability to master space and time would WIPE out our civilization in a heartbeat. THEY HAVE NOT. WHY? if they can and do not then they have an AGENDA. I maintain that they are with human assistance manipulating our DNA and our environment. Declining sperm motility
in men is part of this process. There may very well come a time when we are put on NOTICE that the current affairs of man will not be allowed to continue or the BENIGN indifference may continue. Malmstrom AFB and ECHO FLIGHT is a pretty good indication they can control our technology..its trivial to them.
If you accept that..then you know now they are does that change your worldview? They could POST HERE and have conversations with us completely undetected and perhaps they do.
I for one will stomp the living crap out of anything that attempts to take me or my loved ones away or do anything against my wishes. I will kill without remorse anything or anyone that infringes on my rights as a person 24/7 365.
If they wish to come out of the shadows in Peace then welcome to earth..if not then the fights on.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by SUNRAY06

Hi yes I agree with you but...

I for one will stomp the living crap out of anything that attempts to take me or my loved ones away or do anything against my wishes. I will kill without remorse anything or anyone that infringes on my rights as a person 24/7 365.

how would you achieve this?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:13 PM
hmm well history shows that man has always feared what he does not understand, and this is another example of it.
also i think that we fear not being 'top dog' in this universe

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Faaipdeoiad

I could not care a less about humans being top dog in this Universe. I wish us to be careing and peacfull beings. One's that go out and spread peace but at the minute this aint happening. I would not fear an alien race just because it was more advanced than me, I would welcome this if it didnt look so darn scary.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:25 PM
I've also heard that about the lenses.. the black lenses being "sunglasses" almost.. but with nanotechnology in them for data relaying / special filters and heads up displays etc...

also.. not being able to see someone's pupils.. induces fear in the viewer.
you're on lower ground when you can't read what the other is thinking.

Jim Sparx said that he was watching the little manufactured drones do their thing...
and he noticed how robotic they were.. and just said to it "do you even KNOW you EXIST??" and it went into this kind of short-circuit feedback-loop repeating a minute movement over and over and over..
and the tall "white" gray came over and lokoed at himand said DONT do that!"

i found that very amusing.
also.. people have found that camera flashes severely disable the small grays... some say their eyes are also receptors like solar panels.. giving them energy.. somehow..


posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:27 PM
i cant agree more with you, sadly our governments dont feel the same way!

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by prevenge

Jim Sparx said that he was watching the little manufactured drones do their thing...
and he noticed how robotic they were.. and just said to it "do you even KNOW you EXIST??" and it went into this kind of short-circuit feedback-loop repeating a minute movement over and over and over..
and the tall "white" gray came over and lokoed at himand said DONT do that!"


Interesting. Was this in the spoken word or telepathically?

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