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Conspiracy at our local Doctor

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posted on May, 16 2008 @ 08:14 PM
I know this is not an Earth shattering conspiracy it is something that I fell is a conspiracy and after all a conspiracy is a conspiracy.

When our regular doctor is unavailable we go to a local medical centre that has a Chemist (Pharmacy, Drug Store or whatever). Every time we have been there the Doctor gives us a prescription for some medication or other and are advised to go to their chemist to have it filled. This is fair enough but EVERY time we go we are issued a prescription. I also noticed that nearly every other patient goes straight from the Doctors room to the Chemist.

I know that Doctors issues prescriptions and medication is sometimes needed but not every time surely. Now the most recent time I visited for my boys for conjunctivitis, the Doctor decided to check the boys throat, chest ears etc and determined that they had a virus needing penicillin. Another prescription. The boys are al fine so I didn’t fill it.

I am sure this kind of thing goes on with many other businesses in other industries and probably on a larger scale, (and I invite other suggestions) but when it comes to medication there is such a thing as over prescribing especially when it is only to increase business.

Am I making something from nothing or have others noticed this kind of thing as well?

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 08:25 PM
First, I would urge that if your doctor makes a diagnosis, especially for children, and suggests a remedy or course of action, you should likely follow it unless you get a conflicting second opinion.

Second, when you go to the doctor, you are usually seeking remedy and relief, which usually comes in the form of a prescription of some nature. Not such a big conspiracy, especially when you consider how you would probably be howling if you did not get remedy or relief but did get a bill nevertheless.

Now, if you want to discuss how new "diseases" are being defined by pharmaceutical companies in order to sell you a drug that manages but does not cure...then we can have a great discussion.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by VIKINGANT


Yep that's been going on for years here in the U.S. at least with some doctors and in my area, so I am sure it goes on everywhere. I don't think it's actually sinister or anything, more like the good 'ole boy network.

With so many chains like Walgreens, CVS, etc at least here in the states, competition is fierce for the drug money, and I've been to certain doctors that have told me ..."Oh yes, and the pharmacy next door is so close, they can fill it now for you if you'd like and all you have to do is walk and pick it up in 5 minutes" etc.

Now don't get me started on the pharmaceutical companies that's a different story, but a doctor just trying to get you to fill a prescription at his buddy's pharmacy doesn't bother me a bit.

[edit on 16-5-2008 by LateApexer313]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 08:30 PM
A lot of people take antibiotics all the time. Bad to do this. You will build up a tolerance, and not have it when you really need it.

Best case scenario, the doctor is profiteering. Worst case, everyone is being slowly "poisoned" to some nefarious end.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 08:39 PM
You CAN carry a strep virus and have no symptoms, but, you pass the infection to others.

I would suggest oregano oil (under the tongue kind)
Mainly, because it's worked EXTREMELY well for my family!
NO antibiotics unless it's a last resort.

[edit on 16-5-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 08:47 PM
I think you should look at everything on the box , what is in it what are they for etc.
I would try and avoid the antibiotics if you can..however it is worth stocking up on them just in case....

i use the British National Formulary to read about anything my son has been prescribed... not many things only for his sensitive skin,,, which i didn't use anyway.. =] after reading the side effects..

try and get a Formulary a book the doctor uses to prescribe his will have side effects etc in it..they update them evey year so you can look on an auction site maybe for sale..

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 09:18 PM
It's a simple equation: the pharmaceuticals make drugs, they use salesmen to sell them, which work on commission, the salesmen give free samples and kickbacks to the doctors for prescribing the drugs, the doctors prescribe the drugs, the patients buy them. Everyone makes money, except the patients, who at best are taking more medicine (and spending more money) than is needed, and at worst are being poisoned by inappropriate drugs.

It is a conspiracy, and the reason I don't do doctors. I prefer to suffer out a flu or cold, then when another bug comes along, I am stronger and more able to stave it off. Plus, I have more money.

Some drugs are needed, sure. But today's healthcare is more about making that almighty buck than curing disease, and that extends to medications as well. I say use some good common sense when handed that prescription: ask what it is for exactly, what any side effects might be, how long it will be needed, etc.

Oh, and watch out for sugar pills. They get prescribed all the time, just under a fancy name. Seems to make them worth more...


posted on May, 16 2008 @ 09:31 PM
Bottom line is doctors are SHADY. They all have company stock which is backed by prescription companies. They also most all of them buy more prescription stock because they have full control over making the price go up - and prescribing your children with it.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by VIKINGANT

It does seem awfully convenient that you are given a prescription every time you visit the clinic with the pharmacy being at the same location, but I am sure that some patients find it convenient, not having to run all over town to fill something, especially if they are not feeling well.

Just be bold next time you go, and the Dr. wants you to fill a prescription. In fact grill them about all the details. What you might want to do, if you are that uncomfortable, is take the prescription some place else and ask the pharmacist at another location about it before filling it.

When all four of my kids were small, with the oldest being 4 and the youngest 6 month old twins, they all came down with conjunctivitis, aka pink eye. I took them to the Dr. and they all had to take an antibiotic. Not sure how to spell it, but I think it was pink liquid amoxicillin. Anyway, pink eye is really contagious. They kept passing it back and forth for weeks.

I'm not sure if the Dr. told you this, but make sure to wash their sheets, towels wash cloths, etc., and don't let them share.

I ended up getting the pink eye from the kids. My pink eye did not last as long, but I got what I thought was a really bad cold right afterwards that did not go away for months. When I finally went to the Dr., I found out I had pneumonia, and the Dr. told me it could have started from the conjunctivitis. I did not have to go into the hospital then, but I was out of work for a long time.

If the Dr. you saw recommended antibiotics, get them filled and make sure your kids take the whole prescription!

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 10:57 PM
I had an interesting related experience today.

While sitting in a Dr's office waiting to be seen, two pharmaceutical sales representatives came bearing pies, creme puffs and other pastries, which they gave to the receptionist. I had to endure a 10 minute conversation about how wonderful the gesture was...and how the ones they brought last time were so wonderful...and how the creme filled ones were to die for....etc.

Based on the subsequent conversation, I also realized that they did not have a scheduled visit. When asked which physician they wanted to see, they unabashedly said they "really, really want to see Dr So-and so."

After another 10 minutes of listening to the reps loudly chit-chat to one another about their busy schedules, they were invited back to see the doctor-- large sample bags in tow.

I was not seen for another 20, and had waited for nearly an hour.


I could go on about this particular doctor's visit I had, but I think I'll save that for another day.

Suffice it to say that today's example drove home how much a business a physicians office really is.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by loam

Oh boy, I can empathize with you on this one.

I used to work for a nephrologist that drove me crazy! The guy was never on time to begin with, would schedule patients for 8 a.m. and would stroll in about 9a.m. Then in between patients that were already waiting, he would warmly welcome in the pharmacy reps.

He would actually leave, while patients were waiting, and go out to lunch with the pharmacy reps!

I saw this stuff in action for myself, and believe me, when I had to go make excuses to the patients for the delays, I often wondered if they were going to shoot the messenger at times, and that messenger was me!

I never once saw a person who was waiting for a couple of hours get up and leave. That amazed me, because if a Dr. kept me waiting that long, I would have left!

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