I'm reasonably sure the person on the you tubes posting all the videos is the good "doctors" publicist or someone else looking to profit from
people's belief in this being legit. Multiple times he/she has referred to the guys upcoming DVD which "includes all the footage shown plus never
before seen tapes". Whoever it is moderates comments so theres no intelligent posts allowed criticizing the video, only a couple from kids that were
easily shot down.
1. Besides being obviously fake, the first thing I noticed upon giving it a look is the guy neglected to give the thing any sort of joints, ie: it has
no knees or elbows, the limbs just curve around.
2. It's neck is so rigid theres one vid where you can see a shadow underneath it, its like a pole. If it had a real segmented spine its neck would
have some give to it to relieve the stress on it. Further evidence of this is when he move it's head, the entire neck is locked with it, the
shoulders don't shift either, it's clearly a single piece!
3. Throughout the videos he also has him laying in very unnatural positions, if you do them you'll see what I mean. Hes flat on his back, legs
forward/bent out to one side, arms either to each side or out like his legs.
You either start to roll the side your legs are pointing or your legs straighten out to be in line with your spine... if you have one.
If you were to fall into a heap on the ground or have someone dump you on the floor, its very unlikely you'd end up like that if you were alive.
4. Now obviously someone could point out 'how do you know what an aliens physiology is like!'. Aha!, but there are a few things that an alien has to
possess to function on this planet under our gravity, ie; a [B]spine[/B], a musculature/tendon system sufficient to allow it to move (and in this case
fight with a dog), bones and therefor joints.
5. Hands would be very hard to replicate realistically with all the joints so he's obscured them.
I know most of you probably think it's as blatantly obvious as me, I'm giving my 0.02 just to further reinforce with those behind this BS that they
aren't fooling anyone. Upon looking into this case, hes already released this crap before the net really took off, wrote a book, then got debunked
without mercy. IMO he thinks its all blown over, that the net doesn't yet know of his shenanigans and re-releasing this with a new spin will get his
book into another printing having long tapered off and sell his new DVD.
People like this guy take legitimacy away from the whole phenomena, he should be held accountable for perpetrating a hoax.
Mr. Rutter, you sir, are a