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Johnathan Reed's Close-Up Alien Blinking Video - best footage ever? (video)

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posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by visionandtruth

How easy would it be for this charlatan to set up
many youtube accounts?Very!
I cannot believe this thread is still going,I would
think that the evidence of tomfoolery would be
as blatant as the dodgy `tach on Reeds face or
is that Rutter??
It`s been posted before,but I`ll provide the link
again to exposing this clown.
Reed/Rutter? has done more damage to this
subject than most of the hoaxers,but then maybe that
was his or his handlers intention all along?

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by visionandtruth

Apologies double post!

[edit on 13-1-2009 by Elmer_Dinkley]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 12:07 PM
All The Evidence Of A Hoax I Need Is Here:

A reply to one of my e-mails requesting a link to an online written report and more detailed freely available information concerning the Reed case from the official web site

The Case of Dr. Jonathan Reed:

Thank you for all of your kind words of support. You can help us by spreading the word regarding our story. Buy a book its full of information and share it with others who need to know about this unique case and truth.

Regarding Books and DVD's... Yes, they are both now available in English
editions, and can be directly purchased by sending a check or money order for $25 USD each, along with your full name and mailing address --to the address listed below. WE will ship it to you anywhere in the world. Please allow two weeks for shipping/mail delivery.

*Please Specify: English Book and/or English DVD or English Video.

Send To: LINK
P.O. Box 16007
Seattle. WA 98116 USA

*At this time, our books and DVD's are only available through
our own mailing location (above).

Thank you .... And sorry for any inconvenience.

Respectfully, Robert Raith . . .
Co-author of Dr. Jonathan Reed's Book: "LINK".

One word sums this up: PARASITIC!

IF this was a genuine case, Reed would be falling over himself to spread the word about his case without asking a penny for the information. He doesn't.

GULLIBLE FOOLS like visionandtruth have become part of the deluded marketing plan of this JOKE!......Sucker!

In my mind, this is well and truly DEBUNKED by PROOF of Intention.....MONEY NOT TRUTH.

Will this thread continue to provide distraction from the true goal of ATS or will it go on for many more pages like a tennis match against a brick wall?


posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 01:45 PM
this "alien" has the ability to travel light years to visit our planet, carries nothing to protect itself and wears a KNIT COTTON SWEATER? come on now people, im pretty sure the aliens arent harvesting sheep to make wool sweaters.

i think there is other life besides our planets, but i highly doubt they travel here wearing sweat pants and

the doctor is walking his dog in the woods and happens to have a camera? then he should have numerous other films that dont have alien footage, correct? or maybe he just happens to be the luckiest man alive and the 1 time he has his video camera, aliens happen to show up...

sometimes you dont need to know the background of the story, or anything about the person telling the story. simple logic will normally provide the answer

[edit on 13-1-2009 by wheazy]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 06:58 PM
m01evens :
I have met Dr. Reed at a conference &
he is TELLING THE TRUTH! He still has contact with Freddie &
I have seen him TOO! It's amazing!
Millions have been awakening & seeing/experiencing
their own evolution & becoming aware of how NOT
alone we really are. Dr. Reed deserves
A LOT more respect.

[edit on 15-1-2009 by visionandtruth]

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by visionandtruth

So that's it huh? You have regressed from advertising the Rutter/Reed/Fraudster case to spouting nonsense and insults, and finally, to simply posting the same quote made by someone else anonymously over and over again?

Or is it because you are spamming this crap all over the friggin internet and in your mad rush to flood it, hoping for the gullible fools that can't wait to give you their money, you simply forgot that you already posted that here.....

Google search has you under many different names posting this crap all over the place.
Google Results
Go away, it will not work here. Go to the forum Lear posts on as apparently people will believe anything over there.Look at this thread, THERE IS NOT ONE RESPONSE FROM SOMEONE THAT BELIEVES YOU.

Mods, Please, for the love of everything that is holy, close this troll habitat otherwise known as a thread.

[edit on 15-1-2009 by Tiloke]

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:16 PM
so much emotion. so much anger. so much tension.
why the charade? everyone else is calm. why so mad?
if you dont believe go somewhere else. no ones stopping you.
for those that do believe lets continue.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by visionandtruth

amazing the remark about troll. is that the usual lie you guys use to make people thinks its one person talking about this? so are you saying all those hundreds of comments on youtube is one person with one hundred screen names commenting on all those videos only one person made? are you trying to make the people believe that as well?
i have one name here and its visiontruth. visionquest is not me. ive never even spoken to that guy. all you would have to do is ask your mods to check the ip address of the email account linked to his/her name and my name. so the troll statement, coming from those who claim to be about facts shows your lack of concern for the absolute truth. it does however show just how much you are unconcerned for the truth and will even spread lies on a message board so that others will not research this alien encounter for yourself. i want to thank you for that verification.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by visionandtruth
so much emotion. so much anger. so much tension.
why the charade? everyone else is calm. why so mad?
if you dont believe go somewhere else. no ones stopping you.
for those that do believe lets continue.

I've been reading this thread and I keep getting mental images of a word. I keeping getting a vision of stars, VisionQuest, then a grass field. Ah! It's hit me: Astroturfing:

I may have been lying about the visions

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:27 PM

if this guy was the loser that everyone debunking him making him out to be, how could he have enough talent in special effects to make not only a realistic looking alien with realistic looking skin and eyelids but also make it articulating?
if this is fake this reed guy should be working for george lucas.
and he could also be an oscar winning actor watching that woods video, that sounded extremely realistic to me.

as far as the guys character flaws go, this could all easily be governments disinfo at work, they have access to all the governments computers and could easily insert fake data abou anyone if they really neded to.

i think this really did happen and goes a long way to prove how well our government's disinfo program works.

[edit on 16-1-2009 by visionandtruth]

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by VisionQuest

I heard mr reed the very first time he broke this story live on art bell, and I gotta say, I've heard everything about it, this guy was at the time 'running for his life', very shortly after when he saw art bell didn't want to talk about it anymore, mr reed began to tour publically, if the government were after him they woulda found him because his whereabouts were public, I know he hid his videos and photos but if they were real I think the MIB would've found it, the whole thing to me reeks hoax, not only because the alien looks like a dummy tha blinks, but his words seem to contracdict himself too much, I can't state details and it's a well done hoax, better than the john titor hoax for example, but it's still a hoax, that piece that mr reed found on the aliens arm the control thing, he said it was safe in japan, I bet he had the thing MADE IN JAPAN, hahaha.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:44 PM
I love how people use the term AFTER HIM. This term is great at distorting what they were really doing. And what they were really doing was WATCHING HIM. NOT HUNTING HIM DOWN TO KILL HIM DEAD. They watched him. Monitored his whereabouts. Tracked him and showed up at certain venues. Try not to use terminology like HUNT HIM DOWN. Because it really over-exaggerates what was going on behind the scenes. Again, they monitored him. They are not HUNTING HIM. To kill him. He has said many times in lectures, they abduct him from time to time and drug him then question him. If they were hunting him dont you think once they caught him they could have killed him. Therefore that shows anyone with an ounce of sense they are NOT HUNTING HIM. But are watching his moves, tapping his phones etc.
When people overexaggerate you spin an alien encounter way out in left field and it distorts the truth of the case.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by visionandtruth
if this is fake this reed guy should be working for george lucas.
and he could also be an oscar winning actor watching that woods video, that sounded extremely realistic to me.

George Lucas doesn't need motionless alien dummies, he prefers his to do something other than blink.

Mr. Reed an Oscar winning actor? His performance on the wood video was a bunch of heavy breathing, if that equals oscar winner consider the guy on Lost to win an emmy for sure. I've seen better acting on the blair witch project, and that movie was so bad I changed the channel after 10 minutes. I'm an amateur actor and I have to say, heavy breathing and some swearing is not that hard to accomplish.

I'd say the oblisk craft was just dull jet black spray painted 3d cardboard mounted on an unviewable metal stand.

I'd say the alien was crafted probably in a similar fashon than the alien bracelet itself, from someone in Japan or China, Reed obviously put some money into this hoax, and I'm sure that money has paid off big time, so I don't feel sorry for him.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by visionandtruth

if this guy was the loser that everyone debunking him making him out to be, how could he have enough talent in special effects to make not only a realistic looking alien with realistic looking skin and eyelids but also make it articulating?

He did not do any of that unless you have some alien the rest of us did not see.

if this is fake this reed guy should be working for george lucas.
and he could also be an oscar winning actor watching that woods video, that sounded extremely realistic to me.

Well, on behalf of the movie going public, please let express my gratitude that you are not the head of any effects approval departments because I think your movies would suck. The special effects would consist of paper mache looking dummies that blink and actors that use heavy breathing for acting talent. No thanks.

as far as the guys character flaws go, this could all easily be governments disinfo at work, they have access to all the governments computers and could easily insert fake data abou anyone if they really neded to.

i think this really did happen and goes a long way to prove how well our government's disinfo program works.

I think this poster is someone with something to gain from Reed's success. I cannot imagine any free thinking real world person could ever say these things and really mean it. Have you looked into Reed's history? Have you studied the man and his past even a little? What did you find out about him that has you so convinced?

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by visionandtruth
When people overexaggerate you spin an alien encounter way out in left field and it distorts the truth of the case.

Because alien encounters are normally so straight forward, average, and normal. It is clearly people spinning this tale into left field and not a carreer con man doing it to begin with.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 11:34 AM
And still never the answer HOW he did that.
Its been nearly 12 years and Im still waiting on these self-celebrated debunkers to explain [SIZE=6]HOW.[/SIZE]
HOW did he do all of this.
The many witnesses on camera. HOW
The video and photographic analysist confirming the legitimacy of
the obelisk in the woods. HOW Verified by KODAK HOW . All equipment verified by Kodak HOW . The Link Artifact. Analysed. Taken to Osaka Japan, analysed. Some element not of earth. Not on periodic table HOW. HOW IN THE WORLD DID DR REED DO THAT IF THIS IS A HOAX? I just want people to start asking debunkers HOW HOW. Because they are not going to answer that because they can not answer that. And after you start asking them HOW watch out. They are going to attack you and even ban you from their site because they have no answer for THE HOW.

[edit on 17-1-2009 by visionandtruth]

[edit on 17-1-2009 by visionandtruth]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Razimus

RAZIMUS WRITES, quite comically too:

George Lucas doesn't need motionless alien dummies, he prefers his to do something other than blink.

Mr. Reed an Oscar winning actor?


His performance on the wood video was a bunch of heavy breathing, if that equals oscar winner consider the guy on Lost to win an emmy for sure. I've seen better acting on the blair witch project, and that movie was so bad I changed the channel after 10 minutes. I'm an amateur actor


and I have to say, heavy breathing and some swearing is not that hard to accomplish


I'd say the oblisk craft was just dull jet black spray painted 3d cardboard mounted on an unviewable metal stand.

[RAZIMUS, obviously unconcerned with his credibility, does not care how ridiculous he comes off being as though the photographic evidence, tested and shown to have not been tampered with reveals that obelisk is definitely above the ground with no support. But Razimus does not care. He will simply make the above statement to blatantly reveal just how unconcerned he is with the evidence that supports the legitimacy of this case. I hope others see this in razimus.]

I'd say the alien was crafted probably in a similar fashon than the alien bracelet itself, from someone in Japan or China, Reed obviously put some money into this hoax, and I'm sure that money has paid off big time, so I don't feel sorry for him.

[ REED TURNED DOWN One Million Six Hundred fifty thousand dollars. REED TURNING DOWN One Million Six Hundred fifty thousand dollars doesnt lend credence to your statement about big pay offs when REED TURNED DOWN One Million Six Hundred fifty thousand dollars. This fact makes your statement a lie you wish or hope spreads. That is understandable but the truth needs to be told to those who want to know. You however can continue making a fool of yourself. You are good for a laugh and quite amusing. FACT: DR JONATHAN REED TURNED DOWN One Million Six Hundred fifty thousand dollars - THATS $1,650,000 SO THAT HIS STORY WOULD NOT BE WHITE WASHED AND MADE RIDICULOUS REMANUFACTURED BACK TO THE PUBLIC SO THAT THE AUTHENTICITY OF HIS ENCOUNTER WOULD NEVER BE SEEN. HE TURNED DOWN PAY OFF IN ORDER THAT THE TRUTH BE REVEALED. The person Razimus is unconcerned with telling you that because he is someone who either lies deliberately or someone unconcerned with this fact and does not want you to know it either.]

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by visionandtruth

He's not an actor. He's a con man.


REED TURNED DOWN One Million Six Hundred fifty thousand dollars. REED TURNING DOWN One Million Six Hundred fifty thousand dollars doesnt lend credence to your statement about big pay offs when REED TURNED DOWN One Million Six Hundred fifty thousand dollars. This fact makes your statement a lie you wish or hope spreads. That is understandable but the truth needs to be told to those who want to know. You however can continue making a fool of yourself. You are good for a laugh and quite amusing. FACT: DR JONATHAN REED TURNED DOWN One Million Six Hundred fifty thousand dollars - THATS $1,650,000 SO THAT HIS STORY WOULD NOT BE WHITE WASHED AND MADE RIDICULOUS REMANUFACTURED BACK TO THE PUBLIC SO THAT THE AUTHENTICITY OF HIS ENCOUNTER WOULD NEVER BE SEEN. HE TURNED DOWN PAY OFF IN ORDER THAT THE TRUTH BE REVEALED. The person Razimus is unconcerned with telling you that because he is someone who either lies deliberately or someone unconcerned with this fact and does not want you to know it either

Would be better if you put some more CAPITAL LETTERS in and would have greater amusement value.

Stop astroturfing, it's boring, or at the least concoct some other scam that's got better aliens.

My favourite non-CGI creatures are in the film Labyrinth. If there's not an alien at least as good as Hoggle in your next scam it's minus fifty internet points to you.

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by visionandtruth

You are a big ball of fun arent you. Can you please prove that any credible person or group offered this hoaxter that money and he turned it down. I have a dragon. I was offered 70 bazillion dollars to release it but i turned that money down. I am credible now too right?

posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 03:56 PM
Icke has turned down money
There must be a reptillian race inside the Earth controlling everything. They came from Mars to spend a few thousand years taking control of us.

Hutchinson turned down money
His 'experiments' that never hold up under scrutiny and cannot be reproduced or explained must be real and not just crappy footage.

The greatest Bigfoot hunters around turned down money
So the rubber suit that they did eventually sell must have really been a real Bigfoot.

Are you following your logic yet?

Even if the man was actually offered that money, he would have to turn it down. When you come up with a crappy hoax, you can fool a lot of people with a 20 dollar book and walk away. When someone offers you millions in one shot, you better believe they are going to scrutinize what they are buying much more carefully than the internet UFO enthusiast buying a book and a dvd. Either way you work it, that is the worst example of why this man is not a fraud you have used yet.

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