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Major component of evolution theory proven wrong

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posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 10:04 PM
Oddball theories are always completely true because based on how the supporter presents, them, they are generally unfalsifiable.
Flat Earthers and creationists are proof that even after it's possible to disprove the theories, they will still be believed.
Does this make them true, or worth considering?

As a exorcise, sure. However, theories that present themselves as being outside of the human ken, should therefore be regarded from the position of falsehood. until better evidence or evidence beside a man's word can be present to prove pro or con.
Basically: Until it's possible to prove/disprove a theory, while it's great to research it, debate it, and believe it, you can not present it as truth just because you don't understand the science behind the main idea you're trying to replace.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 02:31 PM
Info about Atlantis since people were wondering about what human origins actually were

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by Hollywood11

I think you mis-spelled 'conjecture'.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 01:19 PM
No, that is the history of the human race, OUR history, as handed down from the tradition and teachings of Atlantis preserved and handed down until today.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:42 PM
Hey I noticed alot of people on this thread had complained because while I was disproving evolutionary theories they wanted to know what really happened.

I finally have made a thread covering all the major historical events that occured in the past and the origins of human beings.

[edit on 20-10-2008 by Hollywood11]

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Hollywood11

You have yet to disprove any portion of evolution.

I don't understand why a certain group of religious enthusiasts feels the need to discredit the science of evolution. Science does not discredit faith or dissuade the faithful.

Why all the hate? It's so unchristian.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 05:35 PM
I didn't think I was hating on anyone. But the theory of evolution implants alot of negative ideas and programming into people's minds IMO.

The endosymbiosis components of evolutionary theory when it comes to early life on earth, is wrong.

You don't have plant DNA or bacteria DNA in you. Humans are composed of light, love, trigrams, YHVH, angels and buddhas at the most fundamental levels.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Hollywood11

Humans are composed of light, love, trigrams, YHVH, angels and buddhas at the most fundamental levels.

Now that's something I never learned in any of my science classes!

Funny, I never learned these things in Sunday school, either.

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by Hollywood11
I didn't think I was hating on anyone. But the theory of evolution implants alot of negative ideas and programming into people's minds IMO.

The endosymbiosis components of evolutionary theory when it comes to early life on earth, is wrong.

You don't have plant DNA or bacteria DNA in you. Humans are composed of light, love, trigrams, YHVH, angels and buddhas at the most fundamental levels.

Come again?

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Hollywood11

Then why do we share 50% of our DNA with a banana??? Another Creationist hope dashed!!!

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by Hollywood11

But the theory of evolution implants alot of negative ideas and programming into people's minds IMO.

Exactly how does evolution implant negative ideas?

What are these negative ideas?

How does the theory of evolution implant negative programming?

What kind of programming?

It seems to me that you're just throwing vague allegations out there and hoping something sticks. Frankly, your argument lacks any real conviction.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:51 PM
If god created us, wouldn't we just be filled with a bunch of goop, clay, hot air....whatever and then just give us a brain. Why go through the trouble of giving such intricate detail of DNA, RNA, organelles, and other microscopic doohickeys? It seems to me that being this complicated cold have only been worked out through evolution; starting with the simplest and becoming more complex over time. The fossil record also provides back-up evidence for evolution.

Just my 2-cents

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 02:52 AM
Of course anyone can point at complexity and say it's significant but what about the over all pointlessness?

If god created us 6500 years ago or materialised at Atlantis 10500 years ago, our DNA would only program code for what we are and do ONLY.

So why is 90% of our DNA 'junk'? Why is there code that we don't use that programs for things we don't even use/have/do etc.? Genes for excessive hairiness (to help living in very cold environments). Why does our DNA act like an archive of everything we have ever been?

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 03:07 PM
10,500 BC was the destruction of Atlantis. Atlantis existed as long ago as 200,000 BC and the human body basically as we know it today, materialized at least 50,000 years ago.

Animals existed for millions of years before Atlantis or human beings did, so as we became more and more material, we took on all the characteristics and materials that go along with existing in the material plane on Earth.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Hollywood11
10,500 BC was the destruction of Atlantis. Atlantis existed as long ago as 200,000 BC and the human body basically as we know it today, materialized at least 50,000 years ago.

Animals existed for millions of years before Atlantis or human beings did, so as we became more and more material, we took on all the characteristics and materials that go along with existing in the material plane on Earth.

May I see evidence of Atlantis's destruction?

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by Hollywood11

I'll see FSBlueApocalypse and raise you "can you provide any evidence for any of that?".

Because I'm betting "no, it's all made up".

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:26 PM
Bright white silicon roads and tunnels on the bottom of the ocean-

Author R.J. Archer passed along some interesting new information on the Cuba underwater site. Apparently submerged lines have been discovered in various parts of the world which could have been roads. The new photos are actually by Satellite discoveries. A quote from his Blog:

“While the true nature of these linear patterns is not yet known, Satellite Discoveries has determined that the width of the lines is in the photos is consistent with the width of roads! If they are roads, the underwater ruins known as MEGA may turn out to be just the tip of the iceberg (no pun intended) when it comes to Caribbean mysteries.

Unfortunately, the Cuban sites are inaccessible to most of us, but the Florida site is only 90 to 110 feet deep and accessible with SCUBA gear. Who’s going to be the first to know what’s out there?”

Website with satellite images

actual images=


Articles on the new underwater finds. It cost 2$ million in grants just to research it a little bit-

"A clear explanation does not exist of how these structures formed by natural means. Offered this point of view as a geologist, I admit the possibility that it could be a question of not natural, that is to say structures, created by man, or some intelligent entity." - Manuel Iturralde of the National Museum of Natural History, Havana, considered to be the foremost geologist of Cuba.

and more recent-

National Geographic Magazine will sponsor another underwater exploration of the sunken city off the Coast of Cuba this fall. Russian-Canadian oceanographer Pauline Zelitsky will head the expedition. Political differences prevent the US from participating, and much of the work has been done by France and Russia. So far, the exploration has been done by remote-controlled mini submarines, armed with video cameras. Their provocative images have shown what look like stepped pyramids, extending as far as South America (where these types of pyramids were built by the Mayans).

Zelitsky's theory is that a peninsula once stretched from the Yucatan to Cuba, which collapsed due to seismic activity. This reinforces the theory that early man did not arrive in the Americas by crossing the Bering Straits (a land bridge from Russia which no longer exists) but instead arrived from Asia via the Pacific Ocean. British archeologists have found human footprints in Puebla, Mexico that are 40,000 years old. On her early expeditions, Zelitsky discovered an underwater city with not only pyramids, but geometrically precise passages, tunnels and temples, many carved with ancient symbols.

The huge underwater man made megaltihs 2000 feet down-

Even National Geographic admits that there are prehistoric civilization submerged under the sea that could shed some light on possibly many flood legends, one of which could be atlantis

Pyramids off the coast of Cuba


According to the investigators, these structures seem to be remains of streets, pyramids and buildings. Most of these blocks have gigantic dimensions, reaching to five meters of height and several tons of weight.

Massive underwater Megaliths

Internal Cross-

But it obviously didn't come from Cuba. That's one thing. The stone we recovered from ocean bottom is very polished granite. All of the peninsula of northwest part of Cuba, all of this peninsula is limestone, very fractured limestone. So, geologically, it (megalithic granite structures) is totally foreign to Cuba. But it's also not known in Yucatan because Yucatan is also limestone, not granite. Granite is found only in the center of Mexico.

It covers approximately a beautiful, beautiful, flat, clean area. Nothing else in this area. And it covers approximately 20 square kilometers of this area. It's flat, completely flat. Huge white silicon field. In the middle of all of that are these megalithic structures surfacing out of it.

Squared off large block of granite-like stone amid megalithic structures
a half mile deep covering an estimated 10 square kilometers.

Pyramid shape seems "carved out of" massive rectangular stone
that can be seen behind the pyramid glowing in the glare of the ROV's light

Rounded, megalithic granite-like rock

Rocks not belonging in that part of the world-

The following pictures show two megaliths, one resembling a cube and the other a pyramid, a few cubic meters in volume.

The lithological composition of the rocks forming MEGA and the submarine structures cannot be accurately identified without conducting direct observations of the elements and taking sediment and rock samples is required. The few samples available up today are of rocks exotic to the nature of the megaliths, as they are rounded erosional elements. Two rock fragments recovered from inside one of the submarine features in MEGA are identified as a volcaniclastic sandstone and a carbonate breccia. Both are old rocks, probably not related to the composition of the megaliths, so they are of allochthonous origin. How these rocks reached the area of the megaliths is not yet understood.

[edit on 22-10-2008 by Hollywood11]

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:33 PM
Detailed and intelligently shaped

Pyramid 2000 feet below water at the bottom of the ocean

24 miles across terra forming

More info on how the land sank into the Atlantic ocean

This is very interesting because this is evidence that the whole surface sank to the depth of 700 meters (2,297 feet, or about a half mile down).

The area has been seismically active for thousands of years. And what we find on the ocean bottom are fractures from which the magma and volcanic ash came out. From these structures we were able to delineate a configuration of the land that sank because you can see them clearly. The land that sank is very obvious from our image of the ocean bottom. And you can see bays, like harbors, and it's all at the depths of 900 and 700 meters.

Geologically, does Dr. Iturralde-Vinent and others have any idea what happened volcanically? Was it one large eruption or series of eruptions?

Series of eruptions and as he is saying, it is still active. A series of eruptions that created major tectonic movement to such a degree that land is sinking. For example, Cuba has sank and re-emerged a couple of times! But that was long ago, geologically. Now, what happened more recently geologically is that land sank that joined to Yucatan �_ islands between Yucatan and Cuba, they sank.

Belize . Massively drilled bottomless holes. To extract molten power from deep inside the earth, which created unstable land and Atlantis eventually sank from unnatural volcanoes, drilled holes, and widespread severe environmental destruction and pollution which made the earth more unstable

Click on link

Sattelite discoveries

Lighthouse Reef
Latitude: 17.5 Longitude: -87.5

Latitude: 17.36453 Longitude: -87.51448

An enlargement below shows linear and angled features.
Latitude: 17.36495 Longitude: -87.55513

More linear and angled features in the enlargement below:

More patterns on the Chinchorro Bank, North of the 'blue hole':
Latitude: 18.62085 Longitude: -87.33363

Florida Keys

This image study includes underwater circular features in linear formations near the Green Mangrove Key, Buchanan Keys and Barnes Key in Florida. Circles in linear formations can also be seen near the Southern tip of Florida on land.

On land in Florida

Giant drilled holes

Seafloor Off Mid-Atlantic Coast Highly Charged with Gas-Vigorous gas expulsion could weaken shelf edge

Informtion about Atlantean drilled holes, sinkholes caused by environmental damage in 10,500 BC, and the gravity anomolies caused by Atlantean drilling and industrial work. _local.cfm?ca...=news_local.cfm

Gravity anomaly map of the Chicxulub Crater area. Red and yellow indicate gravity highs; green and
blue indicate gravitylows. The white line indicates the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. White dots are
sinkholes, called "cenotes." Credit: Geological Survey of Canada

Power and technology far back in history-

Most intriguingly, researchers using sonar equipment have discovered, at a depth of about 2,200 feet (700-800 meters), a huge land plateau with clear images of what appears to be urban development partly covered by sand.

Sure looks like some big ol cosmic duck stomped on that territory south o' Cuba. Origin of accounts of THE FLOOD?

[edit on 22-10-2008 by Hollywood11]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 12:01 AM
What you have done, Hollwood, is taken speculation about on going research and run with it.

This is not Atlantis. The nature of these sites is undefined. And even if these places were man made (and that's a big if), there is no reason to think that they are anything other than settlements that got flooded with the rising seas.

The article you say:

Even National Geographic admits that there are prehistoric civilization submerged under the sea that could shed some light on possibly many flood legends, one of which could be atlantis

Actually says:

Many scientists are skeptical of any theory that might tempt people to draw a parallel with the fabled lost city of Atlantis. Geologist Manuel Iturralde, however, has stressed the need for an open mind while investigations of the site continue.

"These are extremely peculiar structures, and they have captured our imagination,"

Something to note, the people who are actually studying and examining these places, don't know what they are, but they certainly aren't saying that they are Atlantis or any othere super advanced ancient people.

This is not evidence of Atlantis

If there was evidence of Atlantis to be found, it would be such a gargantuan discovery that it would earn people the Nobel Prize. There is no cover up or suppression of finds. Evidence is not something that NatGeo would


So do you actually have evidence to backup the statement "Atlantis 10500 BC" or just more speculation?

[edit on 10/23/2008 by Good Wolf]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:09 AM
It's physical evidence of Atlantis' existence, just as many people for many years have known and predicted that it was real. I'm not "running" with anything, people have predicted there could be remnants of Atlantis for many decades. The Bimini road was just the beginning.

It's 2000 feet at the bottom of the ocean, land that sank, right in the correct location we would expect Atlanteans to have been, in the right time period.

[edit on 23-10-2008 by Hollywood11]

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