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Red Barry in Grand Rapids with his possible running mate.

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posted on May, 16 2008 @ 09:54 AM

Well, great speech by Barack. Anyone notice he is sounding more and more socialist all the time? The Repubs are going to have a party when this guy gets the nomination. Partial birth abortions and welfare expansions galore.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by SteveR

The US has had socialist policies for some time now. What do you think welfare is? How about medicare? Veterans affairs payments?

All socialist policies.

How about subsidies? That's socialism too.

"Red" Barry is no more socialist/communist than Hillary. McCain is a 'liberal' republican and as such will try to distance himself from the left by all means. The McCains and Clintons are neocons, while Obama may be a socialist.

So what? That's better than a fascist *cough* Bush *cough*.

It looks like he's implying Edwards is his runningmate..

1). Universal Healthcare; Hillary wants this as well. Remember Bush's 'vouchers' for health care/education. Same story, different day.

2). Accountability and sympathy in Washington; help the weak

3). Bashing Bush/McCain

4). Pension

5). World class Education

6). Higher minimum wage??? (if you work, you shouldn't be hungry/impoverished); lift people out of poverty (welfare?)

7). End tax breaks on big business that outsource jobs

8). Invest in renewable energy; create new 'green' jobs

9). Invest in transitional job programs

10). No more tax breaks to the wealthy

11). Free savings account with 'nest egg'

12). Housing vouchers; build affordable housing

13). College tuition credit in exchange for community service

14). Special interests shouldn't dictate what happens in Washington, American people should; Didn't accept funding from federal lobbyists

(He gets really riled up here)

15). America is on the wrong track in the war; billions spent on foreign soil instead of rebuilding America

16). End Iraq war

17). Close Guantanamo

18). Restore Habeas Corpeas

19). Initiate Diplomacy

20). Reach out to poor countries; build schools/health infrastructure

21). End Darfur Genocide

22). Protect Constitution

23). Treat troops with respect and help their families when in need

24). John McCain offers 8 more years of Bush; screw you America

25). Tired of politics of fear, ready for politics of hope

26). Gives example of experience; political organizer and politician

27). And of course "God bless America"

The rest was pretty much all rhetoric about uniting America and creating change to help the American people.

"Change starts from the bottom up, not the top down" (paraphrase)

I'd love to see Hillary's rebuttal.

She simply is nowhere near as great of a speaker...She is done my friend. Donezo. Kaput. Finito.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:39 PM

The policies he mentioned would appeal to any sane person. However, Obama's thought process verges on communistic and black nationalist. He is for more government in every way. He is for bigger handouts. He is for an expansion of affirmative action. He's the opposite of your man Paul. Look at his roots, it's all there.

What about when he slips up, and says he wants to "invade Pakistan" or "legalize partial birth abortions". Should ring a warning bell or two...


[edit on 2008/5/18 by SteveR]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:53 PM
Yes that's true. Most sane people would be ok with what he says.

I am not so naiive to think he will do as he says. I hope so, but that simply won't be the case.

Obama's thought process verges on communistic and black nationalist.

Maybe, but at this point that's better than xenophobic McCain and feminist Hillary.

He is for more government in every way.

Yeah I'm not a huge fan of him either. I see him as the best "choice" (wow did I call that a choice ha what a joke) out of the 3.

He's the opposite of your man Paul.

If Ron Paul stood a chance...or even Mike Gravel...

What about when he slips up, and says he wants to "invade Pakistan" or "legalize partial birth abortions". Should ring a warning bell or two.

I didn't hear that, but that's pretty interesting. It would have made more sense to invade Pakistan instead of Afghanistan/Iraq, but that's another story...

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by biggie smalls
It would have made more sense to invade Pakistan instead of Afghanistan/Iraq...


posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by biggie smalls

Hey Biggie, what's good? You like Flobots? Pretty cool stuff if you haven't heard their music, I think you'd dig them.

I haven't watch the video yet, so I will hold my comment on that. I already know SteveR is a Obama Hater.


posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
I already know SteveR is a Obama Hater.

Crap. Why you have to blow my cover?

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by SteveR

Truth doesn't hurt, I guess.
Nice avatar.


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