posted on May, 16 2008 @ 09:34 AM
Hello people
I was doing some aircraft concept designs, when I suddenly got a brilliant idea. A new modern version of the B17 bomber belly gun. You know, These,
With todays technology it could be almost fully automated and all the gunner have to do is fire after a appropriate target have been selected. When I
came up with idea I was thinking of fighter jets. They still have machine guns on the nose, if they're not more like cannons, either way, it's only
pointing forward. Even though dogfights are rare these days because of long distance air to air missiles it'll happen sooner or later and having one
of these would more or less remove the possibility of having someone on your six, or anywhere else for that matter as it could go 360 around.
Only problem I can think of is aerodynamics but I'm sure there's solutions to it. For example "folding in" the gun when it's not in use.
Comments, Thoughts?