posted on May, 17 2008 @ 12:48 PM
Is it a voice you recognise?
possibly it could be a fellow classmate playing tricks on you
(or planning you a birthday party? lol)
If it's a girl's voice followed by giggles, i'm sure you can work out the rest.
However, if it seems to definitely be an adult's voice then I have no rational explaination other than overactive imagination, or potentially a
slight mental issue. If it's not saying anything but your name we can rule out schitzophrenia, and almost everything else however.
Maybe the next time you hear it, outright ask the person sitting next to you if they heard it.
Even if they didn't, they might be more on the lookout and hear it the next time you do.
One thing I can tell you. If it's someone following you for your involvment here, they sure wouldn't be calling attention to themselves by calling
your name, so I think it's pretty safe to say you're just overeacting.
(oh, and maybe the noise on the street was some kind of animal in bushes on the side of the street? Someone's dog or cat, or even a squirrel.)