posted on May, 16 2008 @ 01:20 PM
Another point to consider: The
US Constitution, once examined closely, represents the creation of
a government system that would (for the first time in human history) be capable of administrating public needs while abiding by the "Laws of Nature
as set forth by the Creator."
Does it take much more to presume that those in service to such a government who abide by the Constitution would be "fulfilling God's Will" much
better than those who seek power for it's own sake? So would it also be beyond a reasonable chain of logic to conclude that the People should be more
concerned with supporting Government Officers who obey the Constitution & remove those Officers that don't? This sounds more like Ron Paul than it
does Obama, Hillary, or any other candidate in the current campaign. Is there any candidate other than Ron Paul that talks about restoring
Constitutional limitations on the Government, rather than merely "carrying on business as usual" or seeking to expand government power even
IMO, the Constitutional Republic is the
true New World Order simply due to its unique approach towards the People & the Government. The "Old
World Order" is merely the same way that human civilization has been dominated by Government or Organized Religion (or both at the same time), under
the doctrine of "Divine Right to Rule." It is this very same OWO that has chipped away at the Constitutional Republic of America until it now stands
on the verge of extinction.
In general, Obama's flyer sounds like more political "spin doctoring" in order to emphasize that "God is on his side" compared to him making any
kind of real
commitment to fulfill any Constitutional Oath of Office.
[edit on 16-5-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]