HEllo Robbie, Great find.. ::
The Issue of Drug goings on at the same time is a non-issue..
One can easly tell, whither something they are seeing is really there or not, even on massive amounts..
I belive in this Music issue...
We were listening to DJ Bobby B... which is #2 in my books...
Now this gets weird..
We were all starting to notice, that We were all having the same thoughts. Absolutly everything that was going on was being played, some how, In each
of our own thoughts.. ALOT!
AND THEN Suddenly GREEN Came over the entire room.
The Rest of the Guys started shouting, but instead of being afraid of it we were just Very puzzled.. Like we were all under some sort of mind
control. Almost as if we were being prept for some sort of contact..
I remember making out the face of a person looking at us. Though the face was actually very threatening.. WE EVEN HEARD SOUNDS!!
Eventualy the light went away.. and everything was back to normal.
Even though I remember leaving the Room,, To go party downstairs.
I Dont remember anything after.. Like it never left, and continued to keep us under mind control. I hope nothing hapened.. I really want to become
president, and I dont think that a story of an all male orgy would go over nicely..
If these things can travel threw Music, which is my theory, than apparently they like good music.. And if that pressence did stick arround for some
time after, than the existence of your friend seeing the UFO even later in the evening could have been extreamly possible..
One: they stick around...
Two: They like good music..
Three: They mostly show up when your with friends? Hmm..
Anyway, pleasure to hear your story.. Thx!