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(Video):Olberman Rant on Bush's 'Golf Sacrifice' to dead troops

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posted on May, 16 2008 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by tyranny22

Assumption? You mean to tell me that these ragtag fighters were able to put into place the infrastructure to outpace the most powerful military on Earth over a 1 week span, all while moving themselves and support elements into a country that has US soldiers crawling all over it?

Yeah, it is an assumption, supported by a few scant reports. Seems to be enough to at least consider it as a real possibility, possibly even a probability.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by tyranny22

Possibly. Politicians lie. That isn't news. But what does it really matter? Is that what makes Keith Olberman so mad? Was anyone else really even thinking about this before Keith Olberman decided to lead the charge?

Should someone only be offended when it is pointed out to them that they should be offended?

LOL, it isn't like he was dodging sniper fire.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 04:14 PM
I don't have anything substantive to say, except, WOW! Keep up the good words.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

bfft.....does the term 'ragtag fighters' carry back, in any way, to Vietnam and Cambodia in the 60s?

Yes, jungle 'warfare' was different.....'guerilla warfare' is a better term...

Not arguing your point, just wondering if you could expand on it, with the Vietnam experience as well, if it's pertinent.


posted on May, 16 2008 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Here is the key difference:

In vietnam, the fighters had the upper hand as they were established and able to develop a considerable infrastructure. They had an entire underground complex spanning a majority of the key strategic points of their nation. They lured us into bottleneck situations, and then popped out of the ground to exact heavy casualities. yes, they were ragtag, but they were also allowed some level of organization by having the 'homefield advantage."

In Iraq, there was no "homefield advantage", unless they terrorised locals into acquiescence (which is what happened in short order). Am i to believe that within a week they moved people into place, set up supply lines, and created the planning needed to carry out the very successful attacks early in the insurgency?

There is not much of an analogue between Iraq and Vietnam. There is one between Vietnam and the Afghan/Russian war, but that has nothing to do with this situation.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

What's funny is one of my good friends recommended that same film the same day. I watched it this morning and yes it is an excellent film very informative. I felt so bad seeing those poll workers disillusioned right on film, very powerful. Just in case anyone missed Weed's recommendation, it was Hacking Democracy. You can buy the dvd at the website too which is especially cool seeing how this is living history. And since information like this shouldn't be confined to monopoly-funny-money game and restrained to one's expendable income...yay youtube!

Link Here

Thanks again for the lead

[edit on 16-5-2008 by Shakesbeer]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 05:10 PM
I like Keith!!! Hell he made me scare everyone in this house by standing up and cheering while clapping! What an awsome true rant.... To bad the people who have less IQ than a squirrel can't see how evil this president is. I just pray i see justice before i die, whether he is sentenced for war crimes or just dies of a horrible disease. Either one is fine with me.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Ikema

Yes, Ikema. Sad, isn't it?

We saw how Florida was interferred with, when it came to the 2000 election.

In 2004, in Ohio, these usurpers went hi-tech....using the electronic voting machines (from a company based in Texas....surprised?) to swing that state, illegally.

There is a documentary, been around for some years, called 'Hacking Democracy'. See it, and you will never trust an electronic voting machine again.

Second time in this thread that I've seen Texas associated with Diebold and the elections.

So this is your way of logical thinking?

"The machines were manufactured by a company in Texas. Bush lives in Texas. Therefore there is a direct link between the machines, Bush, and the election".

Is that it, more or less? Please clarify, because it is difficult for me to wrap my mind around that.

So factor this into your conspiracy:

The Plant Manager at the Texas Diebold plant ( Diebold is headquartered in Ohio, btw ) is a registered DEMOCRAT.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by jsobecky

No kidding. I am from Texas, and wonder about the little jabs being thrown down this way with the Diebold comments, as well.

I would like to hear just what the insinuation is.

Further, i would like to know how come people who don't agree with Bush being a criminal, or a liar, or any of these other things, why are they "stupid" or "have brains the size of squirrels". I can guarantee you that this, too, is not true.

This mentality is going to ruin our nation. A bunch of sarcastic, cynical fools who think that our nation should be run from one of two extreme's.

I am not so sure the venomous hate i see spewed here would be any better than Bush has been (and that is freaking sad).

Where is that Skyfloating thread, now....something about those of us who don't fit the bipartisan mold....

I will say one thing: i am happy for the fanatics (read lunatics) for one reason: it is starting to show those with a level head in this nation that the current political system doesn't work, and doesn't give us any choice.

[edit on 16-5-2008 by bigfatfurrytexan]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Texan.....perhaps i have been mistaken, regarding the Diebold Electronic voting machines....based on the documentary that I saw, they had shown to be easily corrupted (hacked) in order to sway any election desired.

My impression was (and still is, unless you show otherwise) that Diebold is a Texas Corporation....with ties to the Right Wing, and thus suspect in the idea of being neutral in the course of the various elections of late.

Please feel free to disabuse me, and others, of this notion.

Thank you

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Slightly off-topic, but did anyone see Gov. Mike Huckabee (former GOP Presidential candidate) stick both feet into his mouth during a speech at the NRA convention in Lousville, KY?

He responded to a noise, off stage, by 'joking' ...."That was Barack Obama, he just tripped off a chair...he was getting ready to speak, and....somebody aimed a gun at him...and....he dove for the floor...."

This was a quote from that nut, Mike 'I don't believe in evolution' Huckabee.

Later, Huckabee issued a statement:

"I made an off-hand remark that was no way intended to offend or disparage Sen. Obama. I apologize that my comments were offensive. That was never my intention."


Sounds like someone still wants to get aboard the mc'crazy double talk express!!!

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 09:57 PM
Too bad Keith has blown the golf out of proportion. Seems like if Bush hasn't played since 2003, then he has indeed given it up. So he came to the realization a little while after. Keith and as I write this, Rachel Maddow, have belittled themselves by giving this so much attention.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Yep. Huckabee is a total religious zealot nut job.

His comments rank right up there with that other red-neck senator that said of Obama:

"We don't need that boy's finger anywhere near the red button."

Yee-haw! Buncha "good ole boys".

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by disgustedbyhumanity

disgusted....well, you may be right....too late, but at least it's finally being noticed....and it took the 'shrub-in-chief' himself to bring it to one could comment on it, unless he brought it up first!!

Wasn't that the point???

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
...and it took the 'shrub-in-chief' himself to bring it to one could comment on it, unless he brought it up first!!

Wasn't that the point???

But he didn't bring it up first, weedwhacker. THAT'S the point. Mike Allen asked the question: "Mr. President, you haven't been golfing in recent years. Is that related to Iraq?"

A silly question for such a serious topic, perhaps, but Bush gave a serious answer. People are quibbling over some the details in his response, but to lambast him for giving up golf during wartime seems a bit silly.

Again I ask: Would you have him NOT give up golf? Would you have him not answer the question? I realize he's consumed with Bush-hatred, but for Olbermann to use Bush's not playing golf anymore as a pretext for a blood-boiling, indignant, foaming-at-the-mouth rant is, in my opinion, cartoonish. Olby's becoming a caricature of himself.

(Edit to add a few missing words whose absence may have interupted the flow.

[edit on 17-5-2008 by Tuning Spork]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by Tuning Spork

Tuning....I see your point.

I will counter with --- the fact that Bush lied, in his interview, about the Golfing issue. He CLAIMED that as of his learning of the de Mello death, in August, 2003, he had given up golf.....THEN he was photographed for at least two months later, as late as October 2003....playing GOLF!!! Not once, not twice....THREE times!!!! Since August, 2003!!!!

So, Spork....(who I count on as a friend, so far...)

Either the 'President' is a liar.....or is so befuddled, he can't remember what he's been told to say...or, he is a brilliant manipulator who makes you, me, and the bedpost look like idiots....and he is laughing all the way to the bank, so he and Cheney can roll around in their ill-gotten money (I was going to write 'dough', but for the benefit of out international audience I typed 'money')......(see...."dough" is idiomatic, and mostly obscure, was vernacular in the 1920s, in America....but I digress)....

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Texan.....perhaps i have been mistaken, regarding the Diebold Electronic voting machines....based on the documentary that I saw, they had shown to be easily corrupted (hacked) in order to sway any election desired.

My impression was (and still is, unless you show otherwise) that Diebold is a Texas Corporation....with ties to the Right Wing, and thus suspect in the idea of being neutral in the course of the various elections of late.

Please feel free to disabuse me, and others, of this notion.

Thank you

I believe Tuning Spork pointed out that Diebold is headquartered in Ohio, but that is irrelevant for what i am concerned with.

My point with that was more of a "don't you say nuthin' bad about Texas" point of view.
Just because those machines were manufactured in Texas does not make a difference. What makes a difference, from your claims, is that they were hacked by people who were less than honest.

The Bush family is mostly respected in Texas. Not for the lame duck presidency's, but because they were/are presidents. The office demands respect, regardless of which cad wa in there. I feel the same about Clinton, and think what the GOP did to him was shameful. it was a private, personal matter having very little to do with his elected position.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Tuning Spork

Tuning....I see your point.

I will counter with --- the fact that Bush lied, in his interview, about the Golfing issue. He CLAIMED that as of his learning of the de Mello death, in August, 2003, he had given up golf.....THEN he was photographed for at least two months later, as late as October 2003....playing GOLF!!! Not once, not twice....THREE times!!!! Since August, 2003!!!!

So, Spork....(who I count on as a friend, so far...)

Either the 'President' is a liar.....or is so befuddled, he can't remember what he's been told to say...or, he is a brilliant manipulator who makes you, me, and the bedpost look like idiots....and he is laughing all the way to the bank, so he and Cheney can roll around in their ill-gotten money (I was going to write 'dough', but for the benefit of out international audience I typed 'money')......(see...."dough" is idiomatic, and mostly obscure, was vernacular in the 1920s, in America....but I digress)....

of course the president is a liar. he is a politician, and we choose to have our politicians that way by supporting only the ones who play these little games.

need we forget about hillary dodging sniper fire? they all lie. and when they don't lie, it is because they completely ignore the question and provide non answers.

but that is of little consequence. he gave up golf, and he wants to attach that to iraq somehow. who gives a crap? Coming from a non bush supporter (which, in essence, i am), i think that there is more to worry about than this whole golf thing, and olbermans grandstand is, as spork said, cartoonish.

i just hope that more news men don't start this grandstanding. you want better news? break up the lovefest that pols and journalists have with each other. newsmen don't get interviews if they report the real negatives (at least, unless they can't get support from other parties). as well, they allow this whole "off the record" crap to sully their journalism. in the middle of a disclosure, someone has better thoughts and says "that was off the record", and journalists actually honor this so that they can keep the contact open. Is this contact really that open if they can ex post facto declare something "off the record"?

quit befriending the people you are watching, mainstream media. dig in and investigate. if they won't let you interview, sue and throw a very public fit. that will make things change. olberman grandstanding just makes people talk about him more on the internet (like we are doing now).

[edit on 17-5-2008 by bigfatfurrytexan]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

For the lazy people here, I will provide a link on Diebold. Remember, google is your friend:

Diebold, Incorporated is a global leader in providing integrated self-service delivery and security systems and services. Diebold employs more than 17,000 associates with representation in nearly 90 countries worldwide and is headquartered in Canton, Ohio, USA.

As far as "ties to the Right Wing", well first you need to prove that there are ties to the Right Wing. Otherwise, you're asking people to prove a negative, which can't be done.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by jsobecky

Thanks, Becky.

I remember reading that Diebold was a left-leaning company, so I was suspicious of their dedication to objectivity. Then I read somewhere that Diebold was a right-leaning company, which made me suspicious of their objectivity as well as the media's.

Cool. We're all suspicious of Diebold and the media. Kum Bai Yah!

I, for one, liked the old-fashioned paper trail, and a machine whose lever I can toggle and, thus, register my vote for all to see, and am'n't too keen of giving it up.

That's the way we always did it and I don't remember anyone complaining...

[edit on 17-5-2008 by Tuning Spork]

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