posted on May, 15 2008 @ 02:31 AM
I've had a good solid debate tonight with a good friend of mine who is agnostic. I believe thats the correct term, meaning a person who believes in a
higher power, just perhaps maybe not the God of the Bible. If thats not the correct term, the definition of what he is, is correct lol. Please correct
me if you can.
Anyway, we debated whether or not Christianity (or any religion for that matter) was something created to control society or the masses much like the
Colosseum was for the Roman people. Ironic coincidence with that analogy was that Christians were persecuted in the Colosseum. So you have people who
are being controlled by religion controlling the masses who aren't. Found that funny in a very morbid sac religious type of way lol.
I, personally, don't think so because it's not forced upon society. It's a choice. I know some people will say that their parents forced them to go
to church. That may be true but nobody is truly forced to accept Christ even though that did happen in history and is a scar on the face of
Christianity. I believe, deep down in a person's soul is where the choice comes from. Whether it be by fear of death or torture...a person may say
one thing to avoid that but the deep belief is another which is why it still is a choice.
That's the end of the serious discussion. Here's my not so serious retort.
I think stoplights control the masses. You cannot drive through one without possibly getting a ticket or causing someone to honk their horn! It's an
outrage! I mean if I could understand if there are rules in place for my own safety but whatever, I can look both ways. I don't need a light to tell
me when to go...I mean look at these things...
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[edit on 15/5/2008 by Mirthful Me]