I'm agnostic and have a few religious threads under my belt.
I have difficulty having faith, I believe in science because I can see, hear, smell, and touch it. Most religions I know of attempt to write there
own version of science and even history, based on faith or belief other than fact or observation, to the point of building museums and such that claim
to be history or science fact.
I have no problem with people that wish to believe or to have faith in a religion. But for Real, can ya leave me out of it?
When these groups of people attempt to limit science such as stim cell research, or what is taught in public school, based on there religious beliefs,
that is when it starts to bother me. I personally don't have problems with creation taught in public schools, but when they go after evolution, the
theory that is supported by 95% of the scientific community that is when I get upset.
Also many of our laws are based on their religious beliefs, this one group can dictate censorship for all. I'm against laws against nudity,
prostitution, a certain weed, gambling, basically I'm against most laws regarding vice, or what these religious groups have labeled vice, if you
don't approve, don't participate, but that’s not good enough for them they have and continue to attempt to legislate there religious beliefs.
I'm also against religion being political, because I don't want to live in a religious state or by religious laws. Personally every church in
America that gets political should lose there tax exempt status.
I'm not meaning to derail this thread, but I agree this was a good post, but far too rare of a thing in the real world and here on ATS:
reply to post by worldwatcher
And As for keeping things civil? This is a discussion forum, debates happen here and the way I see it if you abide by the T&C, lets roll.
I agree with the posters that say that there religious or spirituality should be a personal experience, but in reality I live in a country were
supreme court justices are chosen based on there moral view of lets say abortion, and Not on there view of the Constitution.
Excuse me if I don’t walk hand in hand with those that wish to dictate how I live threw the legal system.
Debate not only needs to happen but is healthy for us all too happen.