reply to post by justsaying
OK, something weird is going on. That 3.4 in WV is no longer on the USGS, but yet it shows up all over the SE helicorders. Interesting conversation
going on over at
Quake Watch, pg 52-53. It's just a burp, but it wasn't a local
thing, 'cause it shows up at Kings Mt and other SC helicorders, Kentucky's helicorders, VA, even as a small squiggle in GA, all at the same UTC
So, if it's not local, ie explosion, storm, helicopter, etc, 1) what would affect the whole SE? 2) why would USGS wipe it off?
Other weirdness: My poor kitty has been yowling for the last 4 hours: she's fixed so she's not in heat; fresh litter, h20, food; she's only done
this when she can't find her brother - which is sitting right beside her. But wait, my right ear just popped but good, just like it did a few hours
before the 4.0 in NMSZ, and now she's quiet. Perhaps the pressure differential was messing with her little ear drums?
Weather here is slightly breezy, partly sunn/cloudy, but there is a front crossing the NC mt right now with rain. Could this affect things?
Another oddity is this in
Tifton GA which is also showing up on SC
helicorders as small blips, so again, not a local phenom. Are these micro quakes? Rock slips?
Oh, and my ear just popped again!? Weather Front?
Anyone else noticing oddities?