reply to post by TMG333
Try not to get discouraged! I know it's really hard not to sometimes!
I don't know how often my husband has been to the ER over the years! They have never been able to find anything! Even after doing every test they
could think of! They should have named a wing of the hospital after us for all the money we've paid them over the years!!!
The worst time was right as Japan's big one was happening. He came into the room & said he thought maybe he should go to the hospital. Right then on
TV they broke in with a news flash about Japan! I told him maybe we should wait a little while & see what happens. In about a half hour he felt a
little better.
Of course, I would never have done that if he hadn't already been given a clean bill of health, & we had heard about the possible earthquake
connection & been watching them for awhile!!!
I wouldn't be surprised if there was a label on his chart that said, 'Hypochondriac'!!! He thought so often that he must be having a heart
Having said that.... everyone.... if you feel something that you have NEVER felt before....or much worse than usual.....please don't assume it's
just an earthquake!!! Get checked! Rule out everything else first!!!
As far as other people are concerned....they are either open to new things or they aren't. Our oldest daughter thinks dad has 'issues'! She
doesn't believe the whole thing, doesn't even want to hear about eq's or anything else going on in the world that doesn't directly affect her!
Hopefully she becomes more aware as she gets older!
Usually it's people that are opened to all kinds of new ideas, that are the most receptive to 'feelings'!!!
Even if there are none of those around where you are......we are here for you whenever you need us!!!! We all understand!!!
My husband's coworkers told him today that he looked awful. Asked him what was wrong. He's been told that other times before big eq's, so he
thought that's what it probably was. Of course, he doesn't tell anyone that. But it turns out our daughter & grandkids were in a car accident today
at the time they told him that! They are fine...the car...not so much!!!
He's done that before. Felt when family members were seriously ill, even though they live 12,000 miles away.
Felt like he was having a heart attack at the exact time my brother was killed in a car accident.
Had a seizure at the exact time of my brother-in-law's death from cancer.
We've learned to look at the time when he feels one of these feelings to validate it later!
It's a very scary feeling sometimes when you're not sure what's coming. He hasn't learned how to tell everything apart yet. I think he doesn't
like thinking about it.
Mike's right....corn helps. I find myself craving popcorn before a 7. Sometimes a 6, but not as often. Don't microwave it though. Get some of the
good old fashioned kind that you have to make yourself on the stove! It keeps more of it's nutrients that way, & you work off some of the 'antsy'
feelings shaking that pot back & forth!!!
I tried melatonin last night for the first time. It seems like it worked pretty well. Of course the fact that I've only had 4 or 5 hours sleep every
night for almost a week could have done it too! I'm going to keep using it & see. My husband has used it for years because of working nights before.
The bottle says to take it 20 minutes before you go to bed. Dr Oz says 3 to 4 hours before. You'll have to see what works best for you. Chamomile tea
works pretty well too.
Make sure you are breathing deeply enough. Stress makes your muscles tighten up & you'll tend to breathe more shallowly, which makes everything
worse. Stress, headaches, pain in general!
Well, that's my novel for the night! Hang in there!!! We're always here!!!