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An Experiment in Alternative Methods of Earthquake Prediction

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posted on May, 29 2008 @ 11:06 AM
Interesting you metioned about the Right ear, feeling pain, I had just had a tooth extracted about 2 weeks ago the pain was gone about 5 days after, but For the past 3 days i have been having this pain on my upper right jaw, which seems to stem into my ear lobe. . . If i were to put it into words, Its feels like a pressure build up, then a cool feeling like flowing water, then it Spikes for a few seconds then is released. . . I had been thinking nothing of it since i did just have a tooth pulled, However those comments spark my interest. . . I am also from North west PA. I just noticed the comments about the snakes, Me and my father were out splitting fire wood yesterday, and we happened to run across a baby gardener snake as we were doing so, I poked it along so that he would be safe from harms way, due to us throwing the wood

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[edit on 29-5-2008 by Hakii]

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 12:13 PM
Hakii, make sure you're not getting an infection or dry socket first... just to be safe.

Okay, today, based on Charlotte King's precursor research and my own physical aches... Sierras, still possibly Mexico, Wasatch and S. America. Of course, mostly concerned about right here in Reno. The snake sightings on a cold rainy day like yesterday still concern me. Hopefully the snakes came out of the ground because of all the tremors we had Tuesday overnight into Wednesday. Let's hope.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 12:35 PM
Well there has certainly been a lot of seismic activity around the world in the past few days, and the latest was just a few hours ago in Iceland -- a magnitude 6.1 about 50km (30 miles) west of the capital Reykjavik, at 15:45 UTC.

Data may be sourced at:

You may also wish to check the Icelandic data for the past 48 hours, from the physics dept of the Icelandic Meteorological Office, because it has an amazing glitch in the data either side of the 6.1 quake. Namely, it shows a magnitude 11.4 (yes, an eleven point four!!) 38 seconds before this quake, and then an 8.5 is shown 12 seconds later, followed by a 9.4 around 43 seconds after that...

This shows that seismic data is not always reliable…but one has to wonder why those huge mag “quakes” are still being shown there. If that amazing data disappears then fortunately I have screen shots. But I'd be glad if someone else would visit that site and also take a copy. I have ne-verrr seen an 11.4 listed anywhere. It's just incredible that it slipped through...

Now while this country is seismically fairly active, quakes of this size (ie in the 6-plus range) are in fact quite rare. The last time there were any in this range was apparently in June 2000, when there two quakes about 4 days apart. The first on 17/6 was around a 6.4, the following one on 21/6 was of about the same magnitude. One has to go back to Jan 13, 1976 to find the previous one of mag 6.0 or greater, when there was a 6.2.


A historical list of Icelandic quakes of mag 4.0 or greater since 1706 and up to 1990 can be found here on the Iceland met bureau site:

So, this quake is a bit of a coincidence, isn’t it? And what about that weird series of glitches? I'm not concerned that seismographs can go a bit haywire, but I am amazed that this data is posted on an official site...

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:09 PM
Fox just reported on that quake. I watch Fox so I can keep up on all the lies, lol.

Good job JustMike, I printed a copy. I would say big boo-boo!

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by observe50

Yes, it's either a major boo-boo or the seismic equipment picked up something very weird that just didn't compute in some way through the data transfer system...That "11.4" is well away from the others, including the real (6.1 mag) quake. It's about 5.7 degrees west from it, in the sea, about 1/3 of the way to Greenland.

I find that very strange. What would make their equipment pick up on a non-existent quake -- one of a greater magnitude than anything ever recorded? These things have to use the data from several seismograph stations to pinpoint a location; one machine on its own can't do it as far as I understand... So what caused this? I am wondering if it was some kind of very intense geomagnetic anomaly...I have no scientific basis for saying this but that's my feeling...

Any ideas, anyone? We are all interested in feelings, both physical and intuitive, so what do you feel about this?

[edit on 29-5-2008 by JustMike]

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by JustMike
reply to post by observe50

I am wondering if it was some kind of very intense geomagnetic anomaly...I have no scientific basis for saying this but that's my feeling...

Any ideas, anyone? We are all interested in feelings, both physical and intuitive, so what do you feel about this?

I agree that it was some kind of anomoly.. (manmade?)
I feel that something is not right with all the quakes going on, at least the big ones... I think the earth is active on its own, and other forces are at work now, either currant, or just residule effects from past actions.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 03:23 PM
I also feel like something isn't right with all these quakes. It's not normal. Ive been watching earthquakes (getting emails from the usgs with every quake) for years and I've never seen anything 1. like the swarm in oregon, 2. like the swarm's in reno and wells and 3. like this big one in iceland where they had the 11.4 and an 85 (was it maybe 9.5?) around that 6.1. Maybe that one was a test of something. If they got a huge reading around the actual earthquake maybe it was an explosion of some sort? thats how I would read those anomolies. But I'm not an expert, just playing one on tv. ;-)


PS> had some vertigo and my stomach is so upset that I couldn't eat lunch. No other specific body issues.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 03:25 PM
I'm on my way out I will get back here later after I put some thought into this!

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Telafree

I agree that it all this activity seems out of the ordinary...

About those huge-numbered "quakes" in and near Iceland, I think if any sort of physical, seismic-movement or powerful explosion had generated that sort of energy then the follow-on effects would be massive... If it were an explosion it would need to be very, very large indeed... At the physical level -- meaning something that could be felt and that generated normal seismic "waves" -- neither the 11.4 nor the 8.5 and 9.4 that followed it within about 90 seconds actually "happened" in the conventional sense. If they had, it would be all over the news by now. You can't hush up news of quakes of that size for long, if at all.

However, it seems that the machines doing the data collection picked up something, but it wasn't anything normal. I mean, has anyone ever before seen seismic data from a legitimate, well-run, official site that shows a magnitude 11 - plus? I never have and in fact I've never even heard of an "error" of such...magnitude.

Well whatever caused it, I think we all now have this mysterious event to further justify the feelings we've experienced for several days that something is just not right in the world...literally.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 05:06 PM
Wow, I've been out all day and just now had a chance to catch up. I did see the first square above Iceland this morning on the world EQ map. It's very strange, this info about the 11.5 and 8.5. I wonder what Charlotte would make of it? She had some new and unusual symptoms yesterday.

I don't know much about seismic equipment, but I agree that it must have picked up something... but what? Another seismic mystery.

Can you imagine an 11.5?

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 06:18 PM

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by kattraxx

More than likely just a seismograph on the fritz or something like that. If they had a 11.4 anywhere everyone on earth would feel it. Well unless your not on land.

I am posting this as a reminder of something of a prediction I thought of.

Magnitude 7.9 EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA May 12, 2008
Magnitude 6.7 GUAM REGION May 09, 2008
Magnitude 6.8 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN May 07, 2008

This the past history of the resent big quakes right after the big quake in China and the ones that led up to it. Now that we have had another decent size 6.0 quake in Alaska on the same ring of fire the 20th on Rat Island are we going to watch the wave travel to China again and land there in 10 days with another large quake?

That would be tomorrow folks.
Oh Kat do you know when Charlotte's interview will air?

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by Sky watcher

Hopefully it was just a seismograph on the's just odd that the 11.4 is shown immediately before the actual 6.1 quake (which was recorded accurately) and the 8.5 and 9.4 are shown immediately after it. If any of these huge (and non-real) quakes were shown in isolation then I'd go very strongly with the idea that it was just a glitch, but having an accurate reading of a real event between them makes me wonder. And you are dead right that if there is ever an 11.4 quake we will feel it all around the world...The "tsunami" quake in 2004 (a mag 9.2 -- 9.3) was so powerful that the whole planet "shook" about 1cm...and an 11.4 would be well over 100 times more powerful than that quake was... The possible effects are just too awful to think about....

Anyway about theories of waves and rebound/shock effects. I agree that this concept makes a lot of sense and have stated my own comments/theory about this a bit earlier in the thread. A contributing factor would be the relative instability of the region that takes a rebound hit from a travelling energy wave...While the region in China is still suffering aftershocks (which is quite normal after a major event like it had), I'm not sure if there is still enough pent-up energy there to be released in another big quake in the same region. But any theory with wave effects has to allow for a certain amount of leeway as to where they will arrive and at what intensity, so I for one am open on the possibilities here.

Now, regarding predictions, I'd like to refer back to something I said a few pages back in the thread on May 28:

Originally posted by JustMike
Locations... If a major seismic event is upcoming soon I feel most concerned for three regions -- and sorry but I can't state my feelings more specifically than "concerned". Japan, especially the southern regions, like Kobe or Takamatsu -- that area mainly...But perhaps off the coast a little ways south. Then over the ocean to Oregon, off the coast from Eugene but bigger than usual 4.5 range that they are known to have there. Then down to California. You asked about the Bay area of Frisco? Well I don't get any specific warning bells ringing and if I did I'd surely tell you. I also have friends there -- including one who used to live with us here in Prague, in fact... No, I'm thinking further south. LA maybe, but perhaps even way down towards San Diego. Yes, Mexico is also possible but mainly in the north-western section of that country. This is because the Gulf of Cal has a fault line running right up the middle. Or should I say, that's why the gulf is there...

Note the region I mentioned first (as it was of greatest concern). Well, there was a magnitude 5.6 quake in the sea south of Japan's Izu Islands about 50 minutes ago (today, Friday May 30), at 07:25:43 UTC. This is a little further south than I expected, as I was concerned about an upcoming quake even closer to the main southern islands, but all the same it is well within the geographical region I stated. Granted, a mag 5.6 is not exactly "major" so I'm not quite correct in my prediction on that basis, but it is still significant and could be a precursor to other, more powerful seismic events.

Edit: Sorry I forgot to post the link to the USGS page that gives details of this quake...I am not concentrating really well at the moment...


[edit on 30-5-2008 by JustMike]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 07:57 AM
Dry socket or infection was my first thoughts as well however the clot is still there and well.Just wanted to point out a couple of odd things i noticed yesterday. Myself and a friend were traveling through our local woods area, and we saw a total of 5 snakes, one that was HUGE about 5 feet long, just chillin on the path. The my dogs started acting really crazy towards each other, Biting, and fighting and rolling on each other. But the most odd thing i found deals with our rabbits we have outside. Last night around 1AM, i went out to grab a quick smoke, and my rabbits were flipping out in the cage, Kicking the walls knocking over food and water bowls, literally acting insane, Jumping from one end of the cage to the other hitting there heads on the cage walls, just to get up and do it all over again. . . This is very NOT normal activity for them

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Hakii

The info you've posted about animals' behaviour that you have observed is certainly interesting. If you are able without any risk to yourself, would you mind revealing approximately where in the world you are? i couldn't find any mention of your location in your posts on this thread.

And how are your own animals behaving today?

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by Hakii

My two dogs got into it yesterday afternoon over a couple bones-- and in four years, that's only happened once, and that was just before the 4.9 here. I had to break them up; they didn't hurt each other, but it sounded like they were.

As JustMike asked, what region of the world/state are you in? My understanding is that snakes will come out of the ground within approximately 120 km of an impending EQ. Of course, it is Spring now in a lot of regions, however, when the two snake sightings here in Reno occurred the other day, it was cool and raining that day and had been for the past ten days.

I'm very interested to know where you are. Have your rabbits behaved like that before?

And by the way, I'm glad you don't have either an infection or dry socket as both are agony! And yes, according to Charlotte King's precursor research, inexplicable pain in or around teeth is an EQ precursor.

Speaking of that, I believe I'm getting Oregon again. Damntheptb, can you confirm Oregon precursors?

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by Sky watcher

Your u2u came thru blank.

I believe it's postponed for two weeks. I don't know why... isn't that nexxusmagazine prediction for a 9.5 mag EQ in China for around mid-June?

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 10:02 AM
I'm having some blurry vision and headaches in that right eye region again, so I'd have to say I agree with you kattraxx


[edit on 5/30/2008 by Telafree]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 10:13 AM

MAN O MAN the geysers in CA are very active..... note the 4.1

I have to mention something i dreamed about last night, and it is the 2nd dream with the same scenerio..
I dreamed that a medium size EQ hit mogul reno area, 3.5 to 4.5 , and the rumbling kept going constant for days.... not major movement, but it just never let up... I remember seeing the tv and the newswoman said we had a medium size EQ hit 20 minutes ago, and the shaking has not stopped, and scientists are scrambling to find out why.
The 2nd dream i had last night was a day or so later, because i was reading the local paper, and the headline on the front page was
I dont remember much of anything happening outside, but i remember a lot of panic widespread, and people trying to leave to a non shaking area..

I have never had "visions", but I also rarely remember dreams, and never have multiple dreams over a period of time with the same content.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 10:18 AM

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