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How do investigators know whether they are on to something big?
Once we have their direct links, the next step is to find their indirect ties -- the 'connections of their connections'.
Network Analysis
to be the acting liason for your states FC and the one here at ATS.
FTF's primary objectives are to:
identify active terrorist groups and their membership
solicit, collect and share information and intelligence
provide analytical support
enhance the capacity of member countries to address the threats of terrorism and organised crime.
Fusion Task Force
Strategic Forecasting
Terrorism Intelligence Report
Cartel War
A Summary of State or Regional Intelligence Fusion Centers
The following list outlines states that have some variation of a fusion center. The definition of a fusion center utilized for this document
is a collaborative effort of two or more agencies that provide resources, expertise, and/or information to the center with the goal of
maximizing the ability to detect, prevent, apprehend, and respond to criminal and terrorist activity.
"the spread of [terrorist] Internet sites that provide religious justification for attacks and increasingly aggressive and violent anti-Western rhetoric ... all suggest growth of a radical and violent segment among the West's Muslim populations."
Terrorist organizations are using the Internet as a powerful tool to spread their message and ideology throughout the world. "Virtual Jihad," the term that describes use of the Internet to spread Islamic extremist beliefs and to coordinate future attacks, is quickly spreading in reach and influence throughout the Western world.
The National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC), through the Department of Homeland Security, provides the president with advice on the security of America's critical infrastructure and key resources, 85% of which are owned by the private sector.
The report will address the concerns raised by rapidly growing technological capabilities, rising globalization of workforces and an increasing reliance on the private sector for the protection of the nation's critical infrastructure.
It is anticipated that the report will discuss the need for the private sector to acknowledge these threats and risks and to take proactive steps to mitigate them.
Extremist sites on the Internet provide ample provocation and the tools to attack from the inside, making employers and co-workers particularly vulnerable.
The failure to adopt adequate safeguards that will detect and prevent the insider threat could be catastrophic--the loss of life, damage to the nation's economy and the demise of a corporation.
The Home Office will create a database to store the details of every phone call made, every email sent and every web page visited by British citizens in the previous year under plans currently under discussion, it has emerged.
Telecoms firms and internet service providers (ISPs) have already been approached by the Home Office, which would be given customer records if the plans were realised.
The security services and police would then be able to access records for any individual over the previous 12 months by gaining permission through the courts.
The plans are being considered for inclusion in the draft Communications Bill to be published later this year. They are at an early stage and have yet to be passed to ministers.
A Home Office spokesman said the move was needed to reflect changes in communication that would "increasingly undermine our current capabilities to obtain communications data and use it to protect the public".
Recruitment is also not isolated to the Middle East or South Asia. In fact, it is a global phenomenon that operates even where local intelligence forces are hostile to jihadists — such as Europe and North America, where arrests of terror facilitators and financiers have occurred.
Sada al-Jihad (Echo of Jihad), published by the Global Islamic Media Front,
May 22, 2008
More than one out of every three positions in an elite FBI division that tracks al Qaeda terrorists is vacant, according to an internal bureau document. Efforts are under way at the FBI to canvass for "volunteers" to fill what the agency said is a "critical" need in its counterterrorism efforts.
A senior bureau official said yesterday that because of significant staffing shortages and a lack of experienced managers, the FBI cannot properly defend the United States against "another catastrophic and direct attack by Middle Eastern terrorists."
"The failure of the FBI to build a cadre of experts in Middle Eastern terrorism — as promised immediately after the 9/11 attacks — has resulted in critical personnel shortages and lapses in competence within the most important FBI positions concerning Middle Eastern terrorist threats," Mr. Youssef said.
FBI seeks 'volunteers' for al Qaeda unit
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