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The ATSer~ Global Terror Information Fusion Center

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posted on May, 13 2008 @ 07:22 PM
The intention of this thread is for an ATS collaborative effort.
Some thing simular to this, was started in RATS. How ever, because of either lack of access or another reason it didn't get much notice. I hoped a more open forum would be more active.

Found some rather useful links (many I have in a fav folder), for people looking to track incidents and activity in the world. Since the government and federal plus state authorties are creating their own info "fusion centers", I though it would be beneficial for those of us interested in such things, to at least have a start.

What follows are a some sites that can be used to reference or as a data system. Please feel free to add further material of a related nature, along with any contributing comments and or opinions.

Keeping an eye on these things can help develop patterns, or even potential trails. By no means is this a complete resource and intentionally so, I left it open for others to add to it. What is offered below is my modest contribution for a start, in what I hope to be an on going, ATS Project.

Reccomend Hybrid visual option
Global Display: Terror & Suspicious Events is database of open source information about the Al Qaeda terrorist network

Click the "Worldwide Incidents Tracking System"
National Counterterrorism Center's database of terrorist incidents

This site had a really detailed map of all terror events, including attacks in Mid East. They recently redid the site, and i havn't found the map again.
Want to post it how ever because it is a very useful resource.
Countering Terrorism With Knowledge

UofM Docs- Terror

More of a how to links

How do investigators know whether they are on to something big?
Once we have their direct links, the next step is to find their indirect ties -- the 'connections of their connections'.
Network Analysis

Terrorist Activity

GWoT Strategic Studies

Dossier .uk

[edit to correct spelling]

[edit on 13-5-2008 by ADVISOR]

[edit updated 2.0 edition]

[edit on 1-8-2008 by ADVISOR]

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 07:33 PM
Very interesting links. I only skimmed at the moment, but they're bookmarked.

A star and a flag, as I expect to learn mant things on this thread.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 07:39 PM
Much appreciated, their is more to be taught, by one another if this thread can stay active. for my fullest intention is to see it regularly updated with data and reports for all members to utilize. There is no reason for any of us to not have a resource available where we can have knowledge of terror suspects and groups at our disposal.

This is what can be perhaps my first attempt at an open member Research/Data Base Project. Where any one can contribute with out having to under go the thorough reading of a scholar.

Looking forward to seeing more input from other ATSers.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 08:49 PM
The links that worked had some good information on them. I book marked them and will reference them from time to time. If I make a connection or something similar I will post it.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 08:53 PM
If you could explain, "the links that worked", because they all worked when I posted them, and after I checked them again. Only thing that might cause a link to not work, is possable bandwidth exeeding, I'm not sure of the linked sites limit.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 10:10 PM
This is nothing short of genius!!!!

South Carolina just this year, opened our Fusion Center and it is a fantastic source of information, intelligence gathering and support..

This effort here on ATS has great potential..

If there is anything I can do to assist, please let me know.


posted on May, 14 2008 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by ADVISOR

Gwot did not pull anything up, and the dossier pulled up a blank page.
If they worked for you then like you said it is probably a band with problem.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 05:22 PM

Well, I suppose, the first thing that came to mind was if you could, and don't mind, is to be the acting liason for your states FC and the one here at ATS. We could have members providing a wider area of information coverage that way. It would lessen the work load on those who are willing to be a part of this concept.

I plan on doing at least a weekly update/report on what global material I can find. In doing so, we will be able to see the full spectrum of terrorist operations.


I checked the links you mentioned problem, and they worked fine. Going to recheck them, another thing it might be is your cookies or temp files. Try purging them and see if it fixes the problem. I've had that be a cause for pages not loading.

OK, checked them again, and all the links worked for me. If the above suggestion doesn't work, it may be your security settings. Other than that, I have no idea. Um, hey what OS are you useing, and what internet browser too?

I use windows on Vista.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 08:12 PM

to be the acting liason for your states FC and the one here at ATS.

I would be glad to...

Some questions..

1. Would you be looking for a weekly update from me as well?
2. Would you want those updates posted here in this thread?

I have sent you a U2U


posted on May, 17 2008 @ 12:08 PM
To answer the first question, which is most convenient for you, I understand that updates don't always come on a regular schedule. Only reason plan on weekly, is because of my covering the global sphere of info ops.

Number 2, yes, this thread will be the official ATS FC contact point. Hopefully, others will find interest and see that a public source is beneficial.

Thanks Semper, I have read many of your contributions around ATS, and have no doubt your participation here will be of great advantage to the community as a whole.

In case of my absence which will happen due to training and deployment, if no one else is available, I would prefer that you Semper, if not a hinderance, become the executive manager of this thread and it's direction. I don't know if others will be as capable, but none have shown interest enough to contribute thus far. If you can't that is fine, so long as some one sees the value of this threads material.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 12:13 PM
Now, being more to the point, here are more links that I hope may prove useful in the near future.

FTF's primary objectives are to:

identify active terrorist groups and their membership
solicit, collect and share information and intelligence
provide analytical support
enhance the capacity of member countries to address the threats of terrorism and organised crime.

Fusion Task Force

Strategic Forecasting
Terrorism Intelligence Report
Cartel War

[edit on 17-5-2008 by ADVISOR]

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by ADVISOR

I have pured cookies, I will be trying the links again.
I am using windows xp.
I will also try to focus on my state, Texas, but will also see if I can make connections elsewhere.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by ADVISOR

I will be more than glad to help in anyway I can. My deployment days are over, so you can count on me...

I will have some information for the thread shortly.


posted on May, 17 2008 @ 09:10 PM
I suppose a good place to start is a list of the various state Fusion Centers.

You will find contact addresses and phone numbers.

A Summary of State or Regional Intelligence Fusion Centers

The following list outlines states that have some variation of a fusion center. The definition of a fusion center utilized for this document
is a collaborative effort of two or more agencies that provide resources, expertise, and/or information to the center with the goal of
maximizing the ability to detect, prevent, apprehend, and respond to criminal and terrorist activity.

The list is long, so I will only post a link to the site that lists them.



posted on May, 20 2008 @ 09:20 PM
Great link, should be a useful resource for a needed point of contact or POC. After looking over some of the other posts I've made the following one should have been included. Makes sence considering the topic.

USA Domestic Terror Network

Not sure if the issue of images not showing is hapening to every one, or just me, but they worked when posted, and I'm still trying to resolve the issue.]

[edit on 20-5-2008 by ADVISOR]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 10:31 PM

Virtual Jihad!

This article particularly interested me in the potential scope of Federal intervention into the "net" as a whole.

Pertinent sections follow.

"the spread of [terrorist] Internet sites that provide religious justification for attacks and increasingly aggressive and violent anti-Western rhetoric ... all suggest growth of a radical and violent segment among the West's Muslim populations."

Terrorist organizations are using the Internet as a powerful tool to spread their message and ideology throughout the world. "Virtual Jihad," the term that describes use of the Internet to spread Islamic extremist beliefs and to coordinate future attacks, is quickly spreading in reach and influence throughout the Western world.

The National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC), through the Department of Homeland Security, provides the president with advice on the security of America's critical infrastructure and key resources, 85% of which are owned by the private sector.

The report will address the concerns raised by rapidly growing technological capabilities, rising globalization of workforces and an increasing reliance on the private sector for the protection of the nation's critical infrastructure.

It is anticipated that the report will discuss the need for the private sector to acknowledge these threats and risks and to take proactive steps to mitigate them.

Extremist sites on the Internet provide ample provocation and the tools to attack from the inside, making employers and co-workers particularly vulnerable.

The failure to adopt adequate safeguards that will detect and prevent the insider threat could be catastrophic--the loss of life, damage to the nation's economy and the demise of a corporation.

This is a current Homeland Security Alert!!!


posted on May, 21 2008 @ 10:37 PM

Phone Call, Email and Web Page Data Base planned in Great Briton.

The Home Office will create a database to store the details of every phone call made, every email sent and every web page visited by British citizens in the previous year under plans currently under discussion, it has emerged.

Telecoms firms and internet service providers (ISPs) have already been approached by the Home Office, which would be given customer records if the plans were realised.

The security services and police would then be able to access records for any individual over the previous 12 months by gaining permission through the courts.

The plans are being considered for inclusion in the draft Communications Bill to be published later this year. They are at an early stage and have yet to be passed to ministers.

A Home Office spokesman said the move was needed to reflect changes in communication that would "increasingly undermine our current capabilities to obtain communications data and use it to protect the public".

Telegra ph



posted on May, 22 2008 @ 11:59 AM
Got this yesterday, it is in relation with the "virtual jihad" mentioned above. Is about Al Qaeda and their recruting efforts, there is a doc that was found which explain the recruting procedures and more.

Recruitment is also not isolated to the Middle East or South Asia. In fact, it is a global phenomenon that operates even where local intelligence forces are hostile to jihadists — such as Europe and North America, where arrests of terror facilitators and financiers have occurred.
Sada al-Jihad (Echo of Jihad), published by the Global Islamic Media Front,

[edit on 22-5-2008 by ADVISOR]

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 03:27 PM
There has been an atempt to smugle exsplosives into a nuke plant in sweeden.
here is the thread

it is also listed here

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 07:50 PM
The FBI seems to be slacking or lacking in their counter terror cabability.
Linked below is the source which I found the info, it can also be found at "The Washington Times", but I didn't bother searching for it. The link provided won't be accessable with out DoD registration.

May 22, 2008
More than one out of every three positions in an elite FBI division that tracks al Qaeda terrorists is vacant, according to an internal bureau document. Efforts are under way at the FBI to canvass for "volunteers" to fill what the agency said is a "critical" need in its counterterrorism efforts.

A senior bureau official said yesterday that because of significant staffing shortages and a lack of experienced managers, the FBI cannot properly defend the United States against "another catastrophic and direct attack by Middle Eastern terrorists."
"The failure of the FBI to build a cadre of experts in Middle Eastern terrorism — as promised immediately after the 9/11 attacks — has resulted in critical personnel shortages and lapses in competence within the most important FBI positions concerning Middle Eastern terrorist threats," Mr. Youssef said.

FBI seeks 'volunteers' for al Qaeda unit
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