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Vatican: It's OK for Catholics to Believe in Aliens

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posted on May, 14 2008 @ 06:39 AM
The Catholic administration is a modern metaphor of the irrational thought processes that have dominated popular culture since the dark ages. Actually since forever. I think this shows the positive strides humanity is making in dispelling ignorant beliefs and coming into acceptance of an explainable Universe.

The shroud of mystery surrounding our place in the cosmos is slowly being lifted from our eyes, and the possibilities and explanations we can see more clearly now have undoubtedly had a most profound impact on people everywhere, but especially to those who's views were most blind to these things.

Is the Vatican in on something? Are they disseminating some higher and secret truth to us minions under their control? I doubt it, I think they are coming to realise that they are and have been subject to the immensity of the physical, and otherwise, laws of the universe which are unfolding before us.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 07:48 AM
We all know Fox is a bought and paid for News Network. Everything is timed and if they are allowing the Vatican to put this out there is a reason for it.

I have to write this again because it has to be written again.

The Grey's are not all bad.

One day you may have the priviledge to know without a doubt that the extremely tall Grey's known as the Elders are your Creator's.

Abduction for OVA and SPERM has been done since the beginning the Universe is a """mixture""" of many species.

I have written till I was blue in the face about species not needing what we need to survive. In the article you can see where they finally admitted that other species may not need oxygen to survive.

I know what I am talking about.

edit to add: Right after Fox did the segment about the Pope and Aliens they made a point to say the UK is releaseing some of there X-Files.

[edit on 14-5-2008 by observe50]

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 08:18 AM
Here it is on Yahoo front page with a picture of the Pope!

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 08:24 AM
'Aliens Are My Brother'.

Well, as a Catholic, and a believer of the possibility of alien existence this news doesn't affect me personally.

But then again, I said I was a Catholic, I never said I was a good one.

True, just as we once thought the sun revolved around the earth...the earth was flat...and all the other theories that have been proven wrong - we (humans not necessarily CatLicks) have to continue to evolve in our thinking.

And being proven wrong isn't an issue for me - I think of it as being enlightened. I welcome enlightenment.

If at the end of my life I find that there is no God - and that I wasted hours of my life going to mass and volunteering with Catholic church organizations (eg. the local homeless shelter) it doesn't really matter. I did what I thought was good and right and positive in this life - and if there isn't any judgment at the end of it all I'm not worried and really won't feel I wasted my time.
That's not why I go to mass - its not why I live my life the way I do.

I used to have alien dreams for years - they ended as I got older (and in my dreams my eggs were too old to harvest). I told a buddy (priest) about it years ago and he thought it was completely plausible that they weren't just dreams thus he may have been ahead of his time...or just not a very "good Catholic" like me. ;-)

I also believe its very healthy for the Vatican to be under constant scrutiny - shouldn't every large organization's activities be monitored closely?

Just my 2 cents...and that's CDN 2 cents so possibly 1.5 cents US.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 08:27 AM
Posted this question in the other thread on this:

If Catholics believe there are aliens, do they believe God created these aliens too?

And if these aliens ever did contact us, and said they didn't believe they were created by God but had some other belief, would Catholics say the aliens were wrong?

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by mybigunit
Wow this coming from a religion that said the sun revolved around the earth...its about time they wake up and smell the roses.

You're kidding right? There's silly amounts of evidence and logic that suggests the Vatican knew very well that the Earth revolved around the Sun since forever. Don't ask for it because it's everywhere. Whether you choose to look at it, is you and me supplying one or two of thousands of pieces of evidence can't make you look.
What you are talking about, is what they wanted the public to know and they enforced that reality on them. The physical, logic and historical paths shed light on what they are doing. Not even close to debateable.

Slowly the truth comes out, but at the right moment it's released and then a part of 'official' history. What a joke. Same things are happening today, not just through them, but really the same thing.

Control has to be treated as manipulation, not an unfortunate circumstance they have to work around.

[edit on 14-5-2008 by 1nelove]

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Alethia
Posted this question in the other thread on this:

If Catholics believe there are aliens, do they believe God created these aliens too?

And if these aliens ever did contact us, and said they didn't believe they were created by God but had some other belief, would Catholics say the aliens were wrong?

Obviously, I can only speak for myself and as I've stated I'm not a "good" Catholic, but my answer to you is as follows:

1. I don't know if God created aliens - or if aliens created God for that matter.

2. Nothing would enlighten me more than a theological discussion with aliens. And I would never say the aliens are wrong. Just as when I've had discussions with my friends from other religious backgrounds I completely enjoy learning about their doctrine etc. and I get a lot out of it. Does it make me question my own beliefs? No. Do I think they are wrong? No.

Call me the bad Catholic fence sitter...I just believe in "Live and Let Live".

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 09:02 AM
Just my thought on this. Nothing more. You guys remember that movie Contact with Jodie Foster? And no...I'm not say the writer knew any thing and was using the movie as a propaganda tool. But the movie does give a very watered down look at how peoples belief system would be affected if news of some sort of tangable life was out there. Now seeing that the vatican is the last word to some of the bible thumpers this could be very well a pre-emptive strike to get people the people who would almost become militant at the thought of another life form that wasn't clearly explained in christian belief and biblical text. Cause we all know that if dis-closure came today there would be a select few who would go off the deep end and come out guns ablazing at anyone who accepted this information.

So I don't know why,what they are up to. But, I feel that this is some pretty interesting happenings. Now you can chalk it up how ever you like but I see this as clearly a coded message to millions of christian believers that this world as we know it is about to become a very confusing world and it is best that no-one go off the deep end and keep and open mind of "acceptance" if you will of things that you might not understand at first. Or is it ..Don't judge??? Never the less as odd as it seems this is a pretty strong statement from a institute that holds millions of people with faith so it's a pretty damn big statement.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 09:04 AM
What kind of elite mind actually believes the Vatican are a bunch of lost puppies.

First off, don't talk about the spiritual realm if you don't understand it. The weight of all the greatest minds, philosopher's and the billions of believers throughout time will flatten you in a second. It's only mystical if you believe in the physical imaged (the inverse) form of it.

Second, the Vatican has a sickening amount of resources. Have paraded around the world for hundreds and hundreds of years, taking over all of the land. Whether your mind makes it's own false reality or not, they are dominant.

Do you really believe they are this lost? I think this thought needs to be directed within you if you believe that.
They are ahead of the public, they always have been. This is the source of their power - knowledge. Not some physical act..image thinking again...that allowed them to take over, over and over again. Knowledge. This precedes the acts and allows them to succeed in the intended ways.

They control, and feed the public it's opinion, yet people buy into the movie like it was Philadelphia all over again.
'Those bible thumpers, always believing in silly things.'

It's enforced belief for a reason, not because they 'believe' and are scared of things proving them wrong.
ARE YOU KIDDING?? This is a subconsciously burnt idea, it's the only way that such incredible association can be made to a power like this.

Look into the evidence, they knew very well about the astronomical and astrological concepts of this universe the whole time.
Why do you think they killed off every single religion that was close to nature and astronomy? That's their power, and only theirs if they want to maintain it.

The Bible was secretly put together in a final form (much of it was in public circulation before this). The Bible was pumped out. The Bible was then taken out of the public hands. The Bible then started to be changed. Now the Catholic Bible has like thousands of changes and many inverse ones at that.
All done by the Roman Catholic Church. Gee...I think it might be a tool of some sort? Maybe?
It's called a Talisman. The spirituality associated with that (and the obelisk as another obvious example), will shed light on what they believe.

[edit on 14-5-2008 by 1nelove]

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by MareNostra

Originally posted by Alethia
Posted this question in the other thread on this:

If Catholics believe there are aliens, do they believe God created these aliens too?

And if these aliens ever did contact us, and said they didn't believe they were created by God but had some other belief, would Catholics say the aliens were wrong?

Obviously, I can only speak for myself and as I've stated I'm not a "good" Catholic, but my answer to you is as follows:

1. I don't know if God created aliens - or if aliens created God for that matter.

2. Nothing would enlighten me more than a theological discussion with aliens. And I would never say the aliens are wrong. Just as when I've had discussions with my friends from other religious backgrounds I completely enjoy learning about their doctrine etc. and I get a lot out of it. Does it make me question my own beliefs? No. Do I think they are wrong? No.

Call me the bad Catholic fence sitter...I just believe in "Live and Let Live".

I think it's cool you think and act and believe in live and let live. I guess the point I want to understand though is doesn't this contradict the standard Catholic doctorine on creationism. I mean God created the universe, so if he created the universe, he had to have created everything in it, and therefore the Vatican is saying you can believe in aliens, but according to the Catholic faith on the history of the universe, they had to have been created by God.

Alternatively, as you suggest, maybe aliens created God. But if they did, then God is not the all powerful being Catholic doctorine states, aliens are because they created God, they're the true power.

But what if these aliens don't believe that? I mean they are way more advanced than us, so theorectically they should have a deeper understanding of the history of the universe and it's creation.

Furthermore, if the aliens did believe they were created by God, again how does that fit with our ideas. Apparently humans are all Gods children and were created in Gods image. So what are aliens then if their not human and don't look like us and are therefore not created in Gods image? Are they just an animal?

Could this be considered the start of a plan by the Vatican to admit it's thoughts on the creation of the universe need to be updated and changed?

I can't see why the Vatican would make this statement, to me it opens up many more questions about the reality of a God in the first place, questions which according to their documented stance on creationsim they can not have an answer for.

[edit on 14-5-2008 by Alethia]

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by carslake
The worlds gone crazy!

The Pope believes in Aliens.

The world has been hold in the dark.

The Pope knows about the alien link with humans.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 09:42 AM
Fox is now showing pictures drawn by Police Officers of UFO's. UK X-Files/

Scroll down to scitech

[edit on 14-5-2008 by observe50]

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by blowfishdl
Well that's good. Someday they will admit to evolution as well.

Why would they since evolution is still just a THEORY.

Yes, it is a theory,but not JUST a theory, but ONE backed up with a tremendous load of tangible facts.
I will not bulk this post with details on this but a start would be looking at this simple WIKIpage.

Interesting enough you can read in this thread that earlier this week The Vatican announced that part of the human history lies in evolution from apelike creatures. They maintain however that God gave this creature a separate soul or mind.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love
I'd say this is bad news for all humanity because I trust the Vatican about as far as I could throw St. Peter's Basillica. If you're afraid of a grand deception regarding aliens and their true origins, this is proof that it's going to be spun for mass consumption and mass deception.

This would lead me to believe that what is being passed off as aliens from outer space may very well be demonic/extra-dimensional in nature. Watch yourself!


[edit on 13-5-2008 by Dr Love]

Demons passed off as ET's. That is grand. I thought it was the other way round.
But still...."demon" is in our history a typology of something bad, linked with a evil underground empire. It served the Vatican well, this image.

Could it be that "good" and "evil" are just the images and feelings of what serves us well and what not? Images that are used and misused by and in histroy? I am a pragmatist in this and tend to think that morality in general stems from what serves us, supports growth, against what brings us down. Are consciousness is cought in this digotomy (good/bad-up/down-plus/minus). Nature in general is predatory. Beings feed on each other to keep moving. It may be the same in the rest of the universe. That is not bad in itself. Many hope of course the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

[edit on 14-5-2008 by Pjotr]

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 11:08 AM
So if and when Aliens come to earth, they would have to either accept Jesus and Catholic Church doctrines in order to be "good" and if they don't then they would be "demons and bad"???

I find it interesting that all this "E.T. stuff" is on mainstream media right now... isn't true that supposedly in times of natural disasters there are more "sightings"....?

perhaps it's simply unavoidable now to hide any longer especially in light of all the current natural disasters occuring on earth, maybe the aliens are all coming to watch our demise?

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Pjotr

I have a better question: WHAT is evolution.

That is something that is not backed up by anything but people's minds. Darwinian evolution, at it's core, does not have much scientific backing.

General evolution has a lot of truth in it, but your suggestion is it's something that it's not, so I'm doubting your grasp of what it is.

Biological evolution was simply left in a dark spot of understanding for a long time, and all the higher scientific minds knew this. Darwin's explanation (and if you know anything about this man, he was just a politician for the Philosophical Society's Athiest movement started by his Grandfather - just like the ideas where) doesn't hold ground in science.
Epigenetics is further proof of evolution WITHIN a species. All of these scientific facts can be twisted, because truth can always jump between two interpretations, just like the entirity of this reality is between a postive and negative charge. Darwin's explanation of species to species was something that made sense based on observed facts that we should be able to easily tell he twisted. A highly religious man when we look back (of course, an Egyptian like one), was pushing the Athiest movement while his family watched division in their comfortable riches? Obvious.

The Darwinan concept of species growth is speculative at best. It wasn't accepted by science at the time, and only after it was pushed for nearly a century through the obvious means, has it been common belief. Then after years of fighting, epigenetics finally breaks through as a practice (Too late though because most minds have been owned, and they don't even know what it is). Yet, there are thousands of scientists who officially denounce it. There are thousands who promote it and there are probably more that believe the whole argument is a stupid loop that is all bull# on both sides.
In an actual debate (I don't know if you've witnessed top debate teams argue this common debate for example), Creationist sides almost always win. And yes, you better believe logic is strengthened by science (obviously). So if anything, it looks like the opposite is true but really the debate is trying to argue two different forms of organized religions.

Do you know what the oldest story in the world is? It existed in every ancient civilized part of this planet.
It's that a superior race of being came here and genetically altered the existing lifeforms. The main goal was to create a slave race, which was us.
Now I understand that this is hard to believe because it goes against the enormous amount of experienced images seeped into the subconscious; but it's still what was believed by cultures that on some levels were more mathematically superior than us.

There's also outstanding proof (logic + literacy(of images or text)) which points to the fact that the story of creation in the Bible, and many more, are offsprings of these previous beliefs.

It's extremely naive to actually believe the Vatican believes in what they make us think they do/what they give us. I say make us think, because they often say what they believe, but what people think determines the interpretation of that.

So put that together (and yes it's an extremely simplified version of accounts) and the announcement of 'God created man out of apes' is nothing new, and the idea is just something they want to be official word at this point in time. Pretty significant.

Couple that with 'It's ok to believe in Aliens'.


Well sure, a more physical/illusionary minded person will not accept this, but the concept of Evolution vs. Creationism is irrelevant to all of this from that level. What created that accepted division within an illusionary state (I call a movie) is relavent, but clearly was not what you're talking about.

[edit on 14-5-2008 by 1nelove]

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Paulite

good news...humans need to know the truth..we are ready(or enough of us are imo)

just tell us and it's all good...amnesty for the's understandable why it was handled that way,but it's time to steer us in the right direction imo.

or at least let the people who want to know the truth find it at some special website or something..(you can pretty much find everything you want to know on the net as is,just takes time and lots of searching and whatnot)

very interesting.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 12:03 PM
I believe in an end times, the precursor to which will be a final "turning away" from God. I believe the grand deception has been a plan of the snake, beast, devil, lucifer or whatever you want to call it, since the beginning of mankind. I believe that the Vatican is just another tool of the beast. They've always known about the true nature of man and the fight for man's soul. They've covered it up, not out of righteousness, but out of malevolence in order to keep man a slave. That is in itself inherently evil.


posted on May, 14 2008 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Alethia
If Catholics believe there are aliens, do they believe God created these aliens too?

Yes. God created everything. EVERYTHING. Aliens are part of everything.

if these aliens ever did contact us, and said they didn't believe they were created by God but had some other belief, would Catholics say the aliens were wrong?

Of course. Just like the protestants, the buddhists, the wiccans, the shintos, the muslims, the amish, etc etc etc. ALL organized religions believe that they are the ones with the whole truth and everyone else only has bits and pieces ... or none at all.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 12:13 PM
I have little to no doubt that they know that Aliens are around. Infact, I would not be surprised if they where best buddies with the pope. I mean look at it, all the popes have no hair, they are all small fellas and they are grey, oh christ, the pope is an Alien.

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